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@WheresMySquishyFriends Love GIF by Molang

 ! Wow where do I start! I'm not really around as often as I used to be but I'm glad I got to catch this!

This might sound weird but I consider you to be my RO sibling, I think we joined around the same time, we became builders at the same time and I was sooo excited when we became mods at the same time!! I always looked up to your kindness and wisdom so I was so happy I got to meet you! You have done so much for these forums, for me personally they won't be the same without you. You're so supportive and hardworking, like others have said even through hard times you always made sure things were put in place. You deserve the best. Love what you said about never knowing the impact someone could make in your life. I am so excited to hear about what you get up to in the future. 🥰 

Happy holidays to you, too!

fun love GIF by Molang.Official

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