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Okay I don't know why my initial emoji turned into two but it's meant to be a person awkwardly standing there


My emoji now is



I did the reflection and here is some of it (I cut some parts out)


These are the songs I chose to reflect how I feel about myself (I couldn't limit it to one)


To my own damn self,

I’m grateful that you got through tough times by…

Still advocating for myself and seeking help even when something doesn’t work. Trying to manage my emotions in a less destructive way. Talking to people about things I find difficult. Taking it a day at a time.


Over the past two years, you learnt more about yourself. You learnt…

I can get a job and meet new people. I can live with pain. I am more confused about myself than ever but think I’m bi. That I'm not sure if I want to continue with psych or drop out and try to become a vet nurse


I’m excited for the future because…

Maybe I’ll find someone, maybe I’ll figure out what I want, maybe I’ll move out. Maybe I’ll figure out what’s ‘wrong’ with me so I no longer think there’s something ‘wrong’ with me (if that makes sense)


Yours truly,


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