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Hey @Izzy26 


Sounds like you're really down with worries about money and health at the moment. When you say you're having trouble with food, do you mean that you are having trouble paying for food? Or do you mean you cant eat properly because of your wisdom teeth? Would you be able to tell us a but more about that. This all must be very overwhelming. When you say you haven't progressed much in life, what goals or things were you hoping to to have achieved? Have you tried to talk to your bf about how you're feeling? Its normal feeling low and annoyed at times throughout our lives, so know that you are not alone.


There is a great article here on managing when we are feeling down to check out. Often it is also really helpful to talk with someone about what's happening for us, whether its someone we trust or a professional support like Kids Helpline or Headspace - both services are completely free. Kids Helpline are available 24/7 on ph 1800 551 800. Headspace online via eheadspace.


We are here with you 🧡

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