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Super frequent scribe

Hi @Izzy26


I'm so sorry to hear about your situation today. It sounds like you are going through a lot and it must be a lot to take on. I think it's important to note that you have reached out to us today and this is very brave of you!

If you are comfortable opening up, could you tell us a little bit more about what's been happening? It sounds like you are going through a lot and it would be great to be able to support you during this time. 
You mentioned that you are finding it difficult to find things that excite you, are you able to try and find one thing this week that is exciti mg or that you are looking forward to? Try to even look for small things because these all count!

@TOM-RO included some great resources including headspace which can provide different types of support which are great. 

We are always here to support you 🧡

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