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ADHD : Ask a professional

Hi everyone! 😊


We have noticed a lot more people in the community chatting about ADHD recently, and wanted to give you all the opportunity to ask a professional any questions you had on the subject. 🙌 With so much information about being neurodivergent circulating on TikTok and Instagram at the moment, it's fantastic to see more and more people are getting support, but it can get a bit confusing too! Whether you've been diagnosed for a while, have just started your diagnosis journey, or want to know more so you can support the people in your life with ADHD - Psychologist Rashida is here to share her knowledge!


Guess Question Mark GIF by Coins And Connections


We will be creating a video with her soon where we will ask the questions you submit, along with your username. 

So if you've got a question about what ADHD is, how it effects women/girls, what challenges ADHD brings for people in CALD communities, or anything else on the topic - submit your questions in the comments 💛

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