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Prepping for the New Year using Vision Boards



Thinking about the future is an important part of goal setting, but it can also be a bit daunting or anxiety-inducing, especially when you aren't sure what you want out of life. With New Years coming up, you might be feeling pressured to set goals for the upcoming year. If so, know it’s totally normal and okay to be unsure or stressed about the future. Vision boards can help relieve some anxiety and stress if you’re having trouble planning, plus making them can be a really fun activity to do solo or with some mates! 


A vision board is a visual representation of the goals you have that help inspire and motivate you for the future. Using something as your base, like paper, cardboard, a notebook, or even a digital tool like Canva or Miro, you fill the board with photos, notes, and ideas that represent your goals and dreams. Don't be afraid to get creative with craft items, paints, magazines, or anything else you feel is right for your board. Whether you want to travel abroad, pursue a career you've always wanted, or start a relationship, putting your goals out there will help you stay motivated to reach them. If you're unsure what to include on your vision board, you could start by creating a chart of what makes you happy and what you'd like to do more of next year. Then ask yourself what you can do to achieve those things and you have your vision board goals! The most important thing to keep in mind is that you shouldn’t compare your board with other peoples, since each person’s future is different, their vision boards will all look different too!


Learn more about how to create your vision board




We would love to know if you have created a vision board before? If so, how did it help you reach your goals and organise your time? 

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