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Experiencing Loneliness and Seeking Connection

Sad Sponge Bob GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants


Loneliness is a common feeling that we all experience at some point in our lives. Sometimes it can be a temporary feeling and other times it can be a long term challenge. Whether you’ve just experienced a break up, drifted away from friends, or are struggling to connect with others, loneliness can deeply affect both our hearts and minds, making mental health struggles feel even more overwhelming. 


As humans we seek connection and sometimes connecting with others can be really tough. It can be difficult to find a community or group that you feel comfortable in and where your social needs are being reciprocated. Things can feel really lonely with or without a connection. Loneliness is not linear - there is no one size fits all. 


However, there can be ways to navigate loneliness! @Bel_RO  will be sharing their experiences with seeking connection and how they’ve navigated loneliness. 

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