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originally posted on 23-03-2021 9:17 PM

Thank you @Bre-RO! This was such an awesome idea and fun chat and it was cool to hear the replies of so many RO staff members 😄 Thanks for running and organising this chat 🙂

originally posted on 23-03-2021 9:16 PM

I've loved this chat tonight!
I'd like to thank all the staff members who contributed, as well as you for facilitating it @Bre-RO! 🙂

originally posted on 23-03-2021 9:17 PM

I've also loved reading your responses @hunginc  @Lost_Space_Explorer5  @Hozzles! 🙂

Star contributor

originally posted on 23-03-2021 9:02 PM

@Bre-RO YES! So true that there's never just one 'coming out' event. I don't think I've ever explicitly told someone 'I'm gay', I've just like used she/her pronouns when referring to potential partners, or expressing support of the community and hope they get the hint. Smiley LOL. I don't even think I've explicitly told my parents I'm gay, just that I used to date a girl hahah. I still panic using she/her pronouns for potential partners for people I don't know (even if they're LGBT themselves?) and I don't know if that feeling will ever go away... but I think that's more of a 'I don't know how they're going to react' thing.

originally posted on 23-03-2021 9:01 PM

Those are some great tips @Bre-RO! I really like your point about coming out many times in your life, and being proud of yourself no matter the response you receive.

originally posted on 23-03-2021 9:06 PM

Thank you @WheresMySquishy it's something that I found really hard to come to terms with...I felt so overwhelmed that I would have to keep coming out. People would often say they didn't pick that I am queer...which was annoying and hurtful sometimes. It made me feel like I had to wear a shirt saying "I am queer" or something haha but it got easier and now I say it with full confidence and pride, no matter who I am telling. 


And you are soooo on the money @Hozzles I was actually going to say that. You don't have to say "hey everyone I am gay". Saying I like this girl or I would like to date this person is how I went about it to begin with. It took a solid year of being in my first gay relationship to start even using the word gay. It all takes time and practice. Also haha love love that you share your pronouns to drop the hint. Another good way of working out if the other person is LGBTIQA+ is talking about previous dating experiences with girls...that helps to put it out there in a subtle way. 

originally posted on 23-03-2021 9:10 PM

@Bre-RO  I would feel hurt by that too. 😞
I think it can feel really overwhelming having to explain yourself to people over and over again. I often get sick of questions such as, 'Why aren't you in a relationship?' or 'Why don't you get crushes on people?'
I wish I had a shirt explaining the reason! Smiley LOL

originally posted on 23-03-2021 9:15 PM

@WheresMySquishy Exactly this. I've gotten this a lot as I get older. My response to those questions is, "I have a healthy relationship with food <insert smirk emoticon>"

originally posted on 23-03-2021 9:12 PM

That would be so frustrating @WheresMySquishy! 😞 It's not your job to have to educate people..

originally posted on 23-03-2021 8:45 PM

@Lost_Space_Explorer5  Haha, I totally feel that mentality sometimes. I think it's important to remember that sometimes it can be unintentional. Sometimes, we discuss certain things forgetting that there are straight people in the room or in our group who feel like we're on a totally different planet. Smiley LOL

originally posted on 23-03-2021 8:46 PM

@WheresMySquishy hahah so true. It's funny how sometimes LGBT+ people sometimes find each other, unknowingly. Like all of my friends were 'straight' in high school but now we're all LGBT+ except for one (as of now... just kidding, of course! Smiley LOL)

Uber contributor

originally posted on 23-03-2021 8:50 PM

@Hozzles @WheresMySquishy @hunginc @Lost_Space_Explorer5 I thought Sophia nailed this response 🙂 

originally posted on 23-03-2021 8:19 PM

Omg @Lost_Space_Explorer5 I heard that about Ivan Milat the other day and was dumbfounded! Thank goodness we have moved past times like that. 

originally posted on 23-03-2021 8:07 PM

100% @WheresMySquishy so many sacrifices and we forget that it wasn't THAT long ago. I am listening to a podcast called "if these walls could talk" and theres an episode on Mardi Gras and I learned new things about the first march and gosh..its just so hard to imagine that things were so bad back then 😞 

Star contributor

originally posted on 23-03-2021 8:03 PM

Completely agree Heart. It also makes me so emotional seeing all the love and support, and knowing younger generations may not have to face the same kind of backlash. I always get emotional seeing shirts like 'proud parent of a transgender daughter!' on them at Pride.

Uber contributor

originally posted on 23-03-2021 8:05 PM

I feel so overwhelmingly proud when I see everyone at Mardi Gras @Hozzles all the rainbow families and all the generations that came before us and fought so hard so we could have it easier Heart 

originally posted on 23-03-2021 7:56 PM

They're kind of so bad they're good @Hozzles. My favourite movie is Vampires assistant and that movie is sooooo bad. But I love it Smiley LOL Okay now I'm starting to make myself look like I'm obsessed with vampires... I'm not!

I love the sound of your friend's rainbow wristband!

originally posted on 23-03-2021 7:50 PM

Smiley LOLSmiley LOL hahahaa omg @Lost_Space_Explorer5 i loved that film but the acting gets me too 

originally posted on 23-03-2021 7:47 PM

@Lost_Space_Explorer5 they will come to you in time, I'm sure 🙂 

Uber contributor

originally posted on 23-03-2021 7:44 PM

Hahahahah @Hozzles I have had that exact thought so many times. 


Also, I am sure @Claire-RO will share a pic tomorrow!! Stay tuned 

originally posted on 23-03-2021 7:40 PM

I love how everyone reacted like 'AWW THE PUPPY'S NAME' HAHAH

originally posted on 23-03-2021 7:40 PM

I will also say - Jake is the cutest little baby puppy ever Heart 

Star contributor

originally posted on 23-03-2021 7:43 PM

@Bre-RO you can't say that and not send a picture! Smiley LOL

originally posted on 24-03-2021 2:16 PM

Hey all thanks for your kind words and your amazing insights in response to my answer, I loved the one about multiple truths can exist and connecting the past with the present. As promised here is Jakey, I dressed him up for Mardi Gras


originally posted on 25-03-2021 5:25 PM

Ahh Jakey is gorgeous Heart @Claire-RO!