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Gender- Ask a Pro Live with Kai and Olivia July 25th 2019

Gender! Ask a Pro: Live with Kai and Olivia


This month we are very excited to announce our Ask a Pro Live Event (formerly Infobus!) on the topic of Gender!



What is an Ask a Pro Live Event and how do I get involved?

Every month we run a live chat where special guests will come online to talk about a topic of importance in our community. This month our topic is Gender. You can submit questions ahead of time by filling in the form here or below, and join us live to see our guest's answers!


When are we talking about Gender Live?

Our guests Kai and Olivia will be joining us on Thursday the 25th of July from 7pm-9pm (AEST)! 


Get to know Kai and Olivia


"Hi! I'm Kai, I'm 20, an artist, ReachOut SURFO speaker and local gender nerd. I'm Trans Non-Binary, use they/Them pronouns and I'm also studying gender studies at university, so I guess you can say gender is kind of my thing, I look forward to talking to all of you in our live chat!"



Olivia Donaghy (pronuns she/her) is a psychologist and Coordinator of the Queensland Children’s Gender Service. This team is based at the Queensland Children’s Hospital in Brissie but provides assessment, support and medical care across the state. Olivia is a cisgender Trans ally who has worked with trans and gender diverse young people for ten years, supporting them and their families on the journey.


If you would like to get a notification 30 mins before we start the live discussion, high five this post! See you there!


Jess1-ROPosted 15-07-2019 03:10 PM
KaiRoePosted 25-07-2019 07:54 PM

@WheresMySquishy these are some really good tips! 

KaiRoePosted 25-07-2019 07:49 PM

HeartKai's top tips for questioning your gender! Heart

  1. Don’t be afraid to experiment, experiment with labels, or no labels, until you find something that fits for you. 
  2. Put yourself around supporting people who accept you for who you are no matter what 
  3. Don’t feel pressured to come out until you’re ready and feel safe.
ecla34Posted 25-07-2019 07:55 PM

@KaiRoe @WheresMySquishy love those!! Heart So so important. You hear so often about people feeling so pressured to figure out their identity straight away and made to feel obligated to share it immediately, which is so wrong! It's your life, your journey, and your truth: not theirs Heart

KaiRoePosted 25-07-2019 07:45 PM

@Hozzles Little known secret, im more of a ferret person!

ecla34Posted 25-07-2019 07:37 PM

@KaiRoe so glad that there was an online space that helped you put a name to how you felt! Heart It sounds like a really powerful moment finding that there are people who feel the same as you and finding out there's such a spectrum! Heart

@Olivia_QLDchildrensHospital  it's so scary hearing about such a complete lack of support and healthcare for the trans community, even as recently as 15 years ago. Sometimes it feels like we've come a long way, but then again there's so far to go as well.. Would be interesting to compare the services available now as compared to the early 2000s. 

Tiny_leafPosted 25-07-2019 07:43 PM

@KaiRoe I only found out how to describe my gender because of tumblr as well.

I love the gif!!


@ecla34 @Olivia_QLDchildrensHospital I think that one of my local hospitals actually has a gender center type thing, but they only really help with physical transition from what I know.

I haven't been told that someone couldn't treat me, but I get misgendered all the time from my doctors; once as part of a report.

Jess1-ROPosted 25-07-2019 07:52 PM

Hi @Tiny_leaf I am so sorry to hear you are often being misgendered by your doctors, that must be so tough to experience Heart What I'm hearing is that the gender centre in your area focuses on physical transition, are there are supports you would be interested in too? If so, what would you like to see from gender centres?

We are happy to see if we can point you in the direction of some more support too Heart

Jess1-ROPosted 25-07-2019 07:55 PM

@KaiRoe your third tip "Don’t feel pressured to come out until you’re ready and feel safe" has been something that has come up in a few recent forums conversations Heart So important!

KaiRoePosted 25-07-2019 07:51 PM

@Tiny_leaf I'm so sorry you get misgendered by doctors! I can relate. some advice, well something I do, if you feel safe enough to do so, just assert your name and pronouns, make sure they know what they are and correct them if they don't use them!

Olivia_QLDchildrensHospitalPosted 25-07-2019 07:46 PM

@Tiny_leaf Im sorry you get misgendered by health professionals. If you have a friendly GP or school nurse/counsellor you could ask them about getting a referral to your local service to check them out. It is totally ok to directly ask your health professional to use your pronouns and mark their records with this

Tiny_leafPosted 25-07-2019 07:51 PM

@Olivia_QLDchildrensHospital that's actually after I've asked them to use my pronouns...

Some doctors can't get their head around "they" as a pronoun, and seem to see me as "basically a girl". The NDIS is also not great with this.

I might look into a referral at some point, though I'm getting closer to 18 now...

Olivia_QLDchildrensHospitalPosted 25-07-2019 07:41 PM

@ecla34  Yes it was really hard back then, eventually i found a half day a month Children's gender service that they could go to but the waiting time was 1 year! So glad we have small team now in Queensland to offer psychological support and medical treatments

KaiRoePosted 25-07-2019 07:42 PM

the work that Olivia @Olivia_QLDchildrensHospital is doing is so inspiring! wow!

Olivia_QLDchildrensHospitalPosted 25-07-2019 07:47 PM

@KaiRoe  Y'all deserve it 

WheresMySquishyPosted 25-07-2019 07:40 PM

I agree with you @ecla34. It disappointments me when I hear about someone not being able to get the support or help they need. Smiley Sad We can do a lot better. I'm glad that there are people like @Olivia_QLDchildrensHospital who are helping to make services more accessible. Heart

KaiRoePosted 25-07-2019 07:31 PM


Jess1-ROPosted 25-07-2019 07:41 PM
@KaiRoe such a powerful experience and one I am sure so many young people here can relate to Heart It sounds like turning to the internet to understand the diversity of gender was really important for you, and that the label of non-binary has been a huge part of your journey of self-love and self-acceptanceHeart
Jess1-ROPosted 25-07-2019 07:43 PM

@Olivia_QLDchildrensHospital I am so moved by your drive to make a difference! We need more service providers like you who are passionate to make a difference and motivated to support those in our community who can fall through the gaps of traditional mental health services. Such an inspiring journey!

WheresMySquishyPosted 25-07-2019 07:18 PM

I really hope you achieve your goals @KaiRoe! I think you'll be a great role model for other young people.

ecla34Posted 25-07-2019 07:18 PM

@KaiRoe both organisations sounds like they'd be really cool to work for, with all the amazing work that they do 🙂

WheresMySquishyPosted 25-07-2019 07:04 PM

It's so nice to meet fellow animal lovers @Olivia_QLDchildrensHospital and @KaiRoe! Smiley Happy I wish I had a pet right now.

KaiRoePosted 25-07-2019 07:02 PM

Kai (they/them) here, your local gender nerd, I’m trans Non-Binary and ready to answer your questions! Three fun things about me? WELL!

  1. I’m an artist
  2. I’m currently wearing odd socks, foxes and cacti 
  3. My cat is hanging out with me tonight, meowing at my music choices Cat Happy
ecla34Posted 25-07-2019 06:21 PM

Hi @KaiRoe and @Olivia_QLDchildrensHospital ! It's really nice to meet you! 😄 
Can't wait for the chat to start! Heart

@Ladybug @Hozzles and @recharging_introvert feel free to join in if you're still online in the next while! 🙂

HozzlesPosted 25-07-2019 06:37 PM

Hi @KaiRoe + @Olivia_QLDchildrensHospital! This is so exciting! Smiley Very Happy

Welcome back!

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