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5 random things about you!

It's time for 5 random things! Man Very Happy

Let's try and make it as random as possible.


1. Peppermint icecream is the best! I wish I could eat peppermint icecream for breakfast lunch and dinner

2. While my hair is boring-brown now, over the years my hair has been blonde, black, red, purple, blue, green, yellow, orange, pink.

3. I love walruses!!!!!

4. Being at the beach makes me the happiest

5. I love fantasy books (and movies) Tolkien and Ursula Le Guin are my favs


Sophie-ROPosted 19-07-2012 05:36 PM

Comments (41 pages)

DubuyaPosted 29-05-2013 11:04 AM

5 thingss ~~ 

1. I can speak Korean ~ 안녕하세요 ^^
2. I am allergic to cats but they are one of my favourite animals
3. I have a certificate II in Auslan (Australian Sign Language)
4. My favourite colour is Green
5. I go and stay on a farm twice a year and it's my second favourite place in the world. 

DorisPosted 13-06-2013 03:44 AM


DorisPosted 13-06-2013 03:44 AM

Dubuya - welcome to the forums. Is that your name in Korean? I loved to learn sign language. I've seen people communicate in sign language. They get very animated in their converstion yet they are the quietest in the room 🙂



Doni99Posted 13-06-2013 01:16 PM

@Doris ~ LOL! hahah dude they sometimes wear a scarp! And they wear short skirts and a jumper and says "I am sooooooo cold" and i like "Ner duh! What heads!"

LOL like ur scarp theory! ;d

DorisPosted 20-06-2013 05:06 AM
1) 4th year Science student
2) NOT a morning person.
3) I have 6 pets (1 dog and 5 guineas) and 6 fish (which don't belong to me personally)
4) Trying out for my green Ps later today (I should really get to bed 😧 )
5) RO, fb, emails are addictive, but they are only addictive when I have something due soon, namely exams.
Doni99Posted 05-06-2013 09:08 PM
Wow, you noona! 😄 Jokes! Dats the only thing i know in Korean! 🙂
robotowlPosted 06-06-2013 12:55 PM

1. I live in Perth, but I'm from Sydney.

2. I speak Arabic but have no arabs in my family and am generally too shy to speak it to people.

3. I have a foster dog called Jamie.

4. I am a Personal Assistant

5. I have a heatpack in the shape of a Crocodile and his name is Dale.

N1ghtW1ngPosted 29-05-2013 03:44 PM

@Dubuya cats are pretty awesome and so is being able to speak another language(including sign language). Are there different sign languages for different countries/languages? And staying on a farm, even just twice a year, sounds like fun. 


Here are some five random things about me.

1- I wear glasses (and have contacts)

2- I'm very forgetful

3- I have a habit of finding groups of things (eg. seven dwarves) and figure out which one is which of my friends

4- I love knowing both sides of an arguement... argument... one of those.

5- I think out loud, as in when I'm thinking of something I'll speak it and end up having a conversation with myself.


I am very random 😛


Doni99Posted 05-06-2013 09:05 PM
1.Ate the Mcdonlds Hunger Deal! Oh man I was waiting for it to come back! Two burgers, one cheese and one double beef patty, a cup of Fanta, sundae with chocolate sauce and medium fries! Oh so good food!
2.Heard the song “Baby” by Justin Bieber in Target today. I almost felt like dancing ~ jokes!
3.I got a mushroom rubber – dude it’s so awesome, it has a sharpener inside too!
4.Went shopping… It’s close to winter and everyone is wearing shorts and singlets. Dude wat is wrong wit these people? Did they burn their behinds?!
5.I brought a pink bag for school but there was a Spongebob bag (I am totally obsessed with SB) but it’s too expensive and mom didn’t let me buy it! L
ShadowPosted 05-06-2013 04:29 PM
1. I also think out loud
2. Given the choice between savoury or sweet, I'll go for savoury
3. I love exersise(Used to HATE exersise as a kid)
4. I love purple
5. Everyday sounds are music to my ears
Tyler Grey
Tyler GreyPosted 21-05-2013 09:40 PM

1. Whenever I'm thinking of something I tend to move my fingers like I'm typing

2. I rarely get sick and when I do it lasts long

3. I;m addicted to Doctor Who

4. I want to know who Mona Lisa is...

5. I hate strawberry ice cream, it tastes ughhh...

Sophie-ROPosted 22-05-2013 03:57 PM

Hi Tyler Grey! That is such a good point - the Mona Lisa painting is probably the best known, most visited and overall most famous work of art in the entire world... but who was she???? I just did a little googling and apparently her name was Lisa Gherardini!! 🙂 Welcome to the forums - do you like the old Dr Who as well as the current series? 

Tyler Grey
Tyler GreyPosted 22-05-2013 09:43 PM

Wow. I've always wanted to know who she was but just couldn't get the information. And my interest in who she was peaked when I started watching Da Vinci's Demons and I thought, "Hey! It could be her mother!" haha.

I remember watching the old Dr Who when I was a kid and I don't remember much of it but I started watching Dr Who when Billy Piper first started. So I guess that's the 8th Dr Who. Haven't had time to catch up with the old one. Smiley Very Happy

BeePosted 22-05-2013 09:05 PM
5 random things about me? Hmmm

1. I find it easier to concentrate when I have music playing, but can't stand chatter
2. I change my laptop background almost every week
3. I spend more time on these forums than anywhere else online! 😄
4. I'm a very colourful person - I love color 🙂
5. My teacher said I'm a very stuctured and orgered person, though I think I'm more go with the flow, I don't set regular plans on things
NigioCPosted 22-05-2013 08:45 PM

ha, semeow. belly buttons are kinda gross.

semeowPosted 21-05-2013 06:59 PM

Ok. Here's my attempt at random...


1. I am a young person (20 years old) and a trainee Youth Worker.

2. I had a burrito for lunch.

3. I feed ducks as often as I can Smiley LOL

4. I have seen the Harry Potter movies about a million times, and I often make my friends watch them with me... Even though they don't really like Harry Potter (how could you not?!)

5. My belly button often smells like cheese!!


Cat Happy

-pikapika-Posted 25-07-2013 11:02 PM
@semeow I used to feed ducks all the time when I was little :3 and yay HP!!!
Sophie-ROPosted 22-05-2013 03:48 PM
oh, semeow - a Harry Potter fan?? You're going to fit in here juuuuust fine!! We are all abit HP obsessed around here!!!! 🙂
lAurenjAnePosted 14-05-2013 08:42 PM

1. If i could have any super/magical power it would be the ability to breathe underwater.

2. I love to read books - both fictional and non fictional. I love knowing that i can whip out strange and perculiar facts at the drop of a hat

3. I want to join the NAVY when i leave school for a year

4. I don't like strawberries.


These are all i could think of!

-pikapika-Posted 15-05-2013 10:04 PM
@lAurenjAne, it would be AMAZING to breathe underwater! And I can understand why you don't like strawberries, not many people don't I like them hehe, sometimes you can get bad ones 😕
Jay-DeePosted 14-05-2013 09:03 PM
Hi lAurenjAne,

Welcome to ReachOut and thanks so much for diving in and making your first post here.

It looks like you have a bit of affinity for water / the ocean. What would you use your super power for? Super Navy Girl? 😄

lAurenjAnePosted 14-05-2013 09:38 PM

Hey JD:smileyvery-happy:

i would use it to travel aroundthe world and dicover/explore lost ships and wrecks! I would also love t be able to swim for an infinite amount of tim in tropical reefs 🙂


Sophie-ROPosted 16-05-2013 05:31 PM

So great to hear from all of you. I love how 5 random things really is random.


5 random things about Sophie... hmmmm...


1. When I was about 8 or 10 or so I cried so hard about Anne of Green Gables that it became known around my extended family how  I went through a box of tissues in that movie...


2. I love the art by Alphonse Mucha


3. I absolutely LOVE going camping! camping + summer + beach = ultimate


4. Second ultimate: holiday completely planned around rollercoasters


5. I'm going to join the local library this weekend! How old school!

lokifishPosted 16-05-2013 07:49 PM

@Sophie: Your first point sounds exactly like my mum... It's sort of common knowledge within the family that whenever those movies are in the DVD player, you can expect to make a trip to the supermarket to stock up on tissues. 😛


And local libraries are awesome! Not so keen on rollercoasters though...

Sophie-ROPosted 22-05-2013 03:13 PM
haha yea loki actually i can still cry at the drop of a hat in movies!

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