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5 random things about you!
It's time for 5 random things!
Let's try and make it as random as possible.
1. Peppermint icecream is the best! I wish I could eat peppermint icecream for breakfast lunch and dinner
2. While my hair is boring-brown now, over the years my hair has been blonde, black, red, purple, blue, green, yellow, orange, pink.
3. I love walruses!!!!!
4. Being at the beach makes me the happiest
5. I love fantasy books (and movies) Tolkien and Ursula Le Guin are my favs
5 thingss ~~
1. I can speak Korean ~ 안녕하세요 ^^
2. I am allergic to cats but they are one of my favourite animals
3. I have a certificate II in Auslan (Australian Sign Language)
4. My favourite colour is Green
5. I go and stay on a farm twice a year and it's my second favourite place in the world.
@robotowl - welcome to the forums. Foster dog owner? Is that like giving some poor animals some TLC before they get re-homed again? That's great work you are doing.
@csu-claire - welcome to the forums. Horse-lover! We used to have a 'My Little Pony' thread somewhere. Maybe we should bring it back. It got quite debated on which version of little pony is better.
@smlewis - welcome to the forums. Lol on the 'smart a@@'. I see you have found a strategy to help you cope in sometimes difficult situations. Keep it up, this include learning to accept the good bits (being naked 🙂 and the not-so-good bits because it all makes up who you are 🙂
@Micah - welcome to the forums. Hulla hooping is now a word! It was so hip back in primary school, people used to fight over it during lunch time- even the boys.
@ Dubuya - welcome to the forums. Is that your name in Korean? I loved to learn sign language. I've seen people communicate in sign language. They get very animated in their converstion yet they are the quietest in the room 🙂
@N1ghtW1ng - I wear glasses too and I wanna change to contacts but I think I will poke my eyes out 😄
@Shadow - Do you like Shapes as a savory food? I am obsessed with their 'sour-cream' flavour
@Doni99 - Did those people who wear shorts and singlets wear a scarf? Aparently wrapping your neck up keeps your whole (half-naked) body warm in the cold. Not sure about the logic there.
@Doris ~ LOL! hahah dude they sometimes wear a scarp! And they wear short skirts and a jumper and says "I am sooooooo cold" and i like "Ner duh! What heads!"
LOL like ur scarp theory! ;d
2) NOT a morning person.
3) I have 6 pets (1 dog and 5 guineas) and 6 fish (which don't belong to me personally)
4) Trying out for my green Ps later today (I should really get to bed 😧 )
5) RO, fb, emails are addictive, but they are only addictive when I have something due soon, namely exams.
1. I live in Perth, but I'm from Sydney.
2. I speak Arabic but have no arabs in my family and am generally too shy to speak it to people.
3. I have a foster dog called Jamie.
4. I am a Personal Assistant
5. I have a heatpack in the shape of a Crocodile and his name is Dale.
@Dubuya cats are pretty awesome and so is being able to speak another language(including sign language). Are there different sign languages for different countries/languages? And staying on a farm, even just twice a year, sounds like fun.
Here are some five random things about me.
1- I wear glasses (and have contacts)
2- I'm very forgetful
3- I have a habit of finding groups of things (eg. seven dwarves) and figure out which one is which of my friends
4- I love knowing both sides of an arguement... argument... one of those.
5- I think out loud, as in when I'm thinking of something I'll speak it and end up having a conversation with myself.
I am very random 😛
2. Given the choice between savoury or sweet, I'll go for savoury
3. I love exersise(Used to HATE exersise as a kid)
4. I love purple
5. Everyday sounds are music to my ears
1. Whenever I'm thinking of something I tend to move my fingers like I'm typing
2. I rarely get sick and when I do it lasts long
3. I;m addicted to Doctor Who
4. I want to know who Mona Lisa is...
5. I hate strawberry ice cream, it tastes ughhh...
Hi Tyler Grey! That is such a good point - the Mona Lisa painting is probably the best known, most visited and overall most famous work of art in the entire world... but who was she???? I just did a little googling and apparently her name was Lisa Gherardini!! 🙂 Welcome to the forums - do you like the old Dr Who as well as the current series?
Wow. I've always wanted to know who she was but just couldn't get the information. And my interest in who she was peaked when I started watching Da Vinci's Demons and I thought, "Hey! It could be her mother!" haha.
I remember watching the old Dr Who when I was a kid and I don't remember much of it but I started watching Dr Who when Billy Piper first started. So I guess that's the 8th Dr Who. Haven't had time to catch up with the old one.
1. I find it easier to concentrate when I have music playing, but can't stand chatter
2. I change my laptop background almost every week
3. I spend more time on these forums than anywhere else online! 😄
4. I'm a very colourful person - I love color 🙂
5. My teacher said I'm a very stuctured and orgered person, though I think I'm more go with the flow, I don't set regular plans on things
Ok. Here's my attempt at random...
1. I am a young person (20 years old) and a trainee Youth Worker.
2. I had a burrito for lunch.
3. I feed ducks as often as I can
4. I have seen the Harry Potter movies about a million times, and I often make my friends watch them with me... Even though they don't really like Harry Potter (how could you not?!)
5. My belly button often smells like cheese!!
1. If i could have any super/magical power it would be the ability to breathe underwater.
2. I love to read books - both fictional and non fictional. I love knowing that i can whip out strange and perculiar facts at the drop of a hat
3. I want to join the NAVY when i leave school for a year
4. I don't like strawberries.
These are all i could think of!
Welcome to ReachOut and thanks so much for diving in and making your first post here.
It looks like you have a bit of affinity for water / the ocean. What would you use your super power for? Super Navy Girl? 😄
Hey JD:smileyvery-happy:
i would use it to travel aroundthe world and dicover/explore lost ships and wrecks! I would also love t be able to swim for an infinite amount of tim in tropical reefs 🙂
So great to hear from all of you. I love how 5 random things really is random.
5 random things about Sophie... hmmmm...
1. When I was about 8 or 10 or so I cried so hard about Anne of Green Gables that it became known around my extended family how I went through a box of tissues in that movie...
2. I love the art by Alphonse Mucha
3. I absolutely LOVE going camping! camping + summer + beach = ultimate
4. Second ultimate: holiday completely planned around rollercoasters
5. I'm going to join the local library this weekend! How old school!
@Sophie: Your first point sounds exactly like my mum... It's sort of common knowledge within the family that whenever those movies are in the DVD player, you can expect to make a trip to the supermarket to stock up on tissues. 😛
And local libraries are awesome! Not so keen on rollercoasters though...