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5 random things about you!

It's time for 5 random things! Man Very Happy

Let's try and make it as random as possible.


1. Peppermint icecream is the best! I wish I could eat peppermint icecream for breakfast lunch and dinner

2. While my hair is boring-brown now, over the years my hair has been blonde, black, red, purple, blue, green, yellow, orange, pink.

3. I love walruses!!!!!

4. Being at the beach makes me the happiest

5. I love fantasy books (and movies) Tolkien and Ursula Le Guin are my favs


Sophie-ROPosted 19-07-2012 05:36 PM

Comments (41 pages)

Tink28Posted 19-10-2018 01:01 PM

Umm, ok....


1. I'm a big country music fan

2. I want a helix ear-piercing

3. I dance approximately 10 hours a week and my favourite styles are ballet (pointe) and jazz

4. In my life I have learned to play 7 instruments

5. My favourite superhero is Spider-Man



Anyone anything similar??

litgymPosted 19-10-2018 01:05 PM

im going to do this again haha !


1. i have 4 piercings (2 on each ear)

2. i want 3 more piercings (helix, third and nose)

3. i love jumpers too much

4. you’ll barely ever see my hair up unless it’s braids

5. i really like acrylics expect im brokeSmiley Tongue

annabethxchasePosted 19-10-2018 01:11 PM

Wow! I think those piercings are so cool @litgym - I'm to much of a wimp to get any more then ears though! Which braids to you like more - the french ones or the dutch?

litgymPosted 19-10-2018 01:14 PM

dutchhhh !!! ive been wearing braids 3 days now haha. omg piercings on the ear lobe do not hurt at all !!! but the cartilage apparently hurts you have yours firsts ? @annabethxchase

winbirdiPosted 22-10-2018 01:51 PM
You guys with piercings other than the earlobe are so awesome, I think I might be too scared to try for cartilage ones. One day maybe!

1. I love writing poetry
2. I love love Jurassic Park and Mulan
3. I'm a nut for history and ancient mythology (and folklore of all kinds really) but I've always been fond of Ancient Egyptian stuff in particular.
4. I've been trying to write a fantasy book for several years (but I'll get there eventually!)
5. Not convinced yet that I have synesthesia, but I do "taste" words sometimes, like reading an AMAZING book or poem just makes the tongue and mind so happy. Yesterday I was thinking about how stegosaurus is just like a nice steak
rainbowpotatoPosted 28-09-2018 02:38 PM

1. im bi 

2. i secrectly addicted cringy slam poetry 

3. im basically noctural 

4. my eyes turn green when i cry 

5. i passed out on a waterslide when was 10

annabethxchasePosted 29-09-2018 07:37 PM

1. I love Lasagna

2. I'm a geography nerd

3. Also a book nerd

4. Nerd in general

5. I have a chronic illness


6?!. I have anaphylaxis to nuts & seafood (I'm rebellingggg, @lokifish are you gonna Oprah ban me?Smiley LOLSmiley Tongue)

lokifishPosted 01-10-2018 03:00 PM

@annabethxchase GET OUT!!!



😛 😛 😛

Joop12Posted 03-10-2018 11:14 PM

1. I love music and i am a guitarist in one band and a drummer in another 

2. I love skateboarding 

3. I love books about kids in the middle of world war 2

4. My favourite movie is the original point break 

5.i makes good sponge cake

disney_fanPosted 18-09-2018 07:19 PM

5 Random Things About Me Smiley Happy


1. I love Harry Potter (Luna Lovegood is the best character)

2. I love penguins

3. I am a master procrastinator 

4. I have lived in 8 different houses 

5. This is my first post

Doni99Posted 21-09-2018 04:46 PM

Ohhh it is your first post! 😄 Welcome to R.O! Trust me, this is a great place! I have been a member for more than three years! A great bunch of people who are very nice and supportive! Warm welcomes to you @disney_fan 🙂

disney_fanPosted 21-09-2018 07:57 PM

Thank you for the warm welcome. I'm looking forward to being part of the community Smiley Happy

mrmusicPosted 23-09-2018 05:43 PM

Welcome to RO @disney_fan!! Look forward to seeing you around! 😄


Welcome back @Doni99 - your “awkward moments” thread gives some great laughs! 😄

Doni99Posted 24-09-2018 09:26 AM

Hey @mrmusic Thank you so much! It's nice to hear you know me by that tread -and that it makes you laugh - that tread technically reflects my life! 😛 hehehe 

mrmusicPosted 24-09-2018 04:34 PM

@Doni99 Oh me too, don’t worry... 😛

Doni99Posted 21-09-2018 04:45 PM

Wass up peeps! Glad to be back on RO after nearly 2 years! 😮


Random facts about me

  1. I like writing my own inspirational quotes
  2. I got a assessment due today 😕
  3. I study best by drawing mind maps
  4. I massage my mother's legs nearly everyday which helps her sleep comfortably at night 🙂
  5. I have black hair
ZealPosted 11-09-2018 09:15 PM

Hello, I'm new here! 


5 random things about me: 


1) I'm European (East Europe)


2) I love running my businesses, and mentoring people (Teaching others about business, in particular E-commerce)


3) I'm interested In practical work, in particular taking action! 


4) Enjoy boxing and swimming 


5) I listen to a lot of genres of music, eat everything (don't have any allergies) and I generally love life! 


I hope someone can connect on the same level, I will be more active!

N1ghtW1ngPosted 13-09-2018 11:03 AM
Hi there @Zeal and welcome to the forums!!
Do you have any favourite genres? Europe is such a beautiful place!! 😄
ZealPosted 13-09-2018 11:21 AM

Hey @N1ghtW1ng,


Thank you for the welcome, I appreciate that! 


In regards to my favorite genre, honestly, It would be hard to chose but I listen to Frank Sinatra - He is someone I follow closely and listen to often, as he has true meaning within his words in his songs. 


Europe is indeed a beautiful place! I like it in Australia though, its the unpredictable weather that gets me! Smiley Very Happy


Glad to be here! 

N1ghtW1ngPosted 13-09-2018 11:26 AM
The weather can be a bit nuts @Zeal! 😛 Do you have a favourite place in Australia? Such as the beaches or mountains or cities?
ZealPosted 13-09-2018 12:34 PM

That's true, to answer your question one of my favorite places would probably be parks/forests as they are quiet and relaxing. Smiley Happy


What about you? 

carlosleekwPosted 04-09-2018 08:23 PM

G'Day! New user here! Smiley Happy


1. I love Maccas' chicken nuggets

2. I can't drink much, if I drink too much, I will fall asleep

3. I'm a dog lover but I never get to own a dog, so I own guinea pigs instead

4. I'm not good at talking to girls lol

5. I'm not an Aussie(I'm from Hong Kong) but I will have a long adventure(work, study, travel) in the country soon, that's why I'm here, to make some Aussie friends

N1ghtW1ngPosted 10-09-2018 12:08 PM
Hello and welcome new users @PhyDaWolf and @carlosleekw!

The sims can be so much fun to decorate and design things! 😄

And I hope you enjoy you're time in Australia, if you can survive the hot weather 😛
carlosleekwPosted 10-09-2018 12:42 PM

I've survived hot, humid and stuffy weather in Hong Kong for 24 years.

Hot weather in Straya is nothing lol

Welcome back!

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