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5 random things about you!

It's time for 5 random things! Man Very Happy

Let's try and make it as random as possible.


1. Peppermint icecream is the best! I wish I could eat peppermint icecream for breakfast lunch and dinner

2. While my hair is boring-brown now, over the years my hair has been blonde, black, red, purple, blue, green, yellow, orange, pink.

3. I love walruses!!!!!

4. Being at the beach makes me the happiest

5. I love fantasy books (and movies) Tolkien and Ursula Le Guin are my favs


Sophie-ROPosted 19-07-2012 05:36 PM

Comments (41 pages)

BluezCluezPosted 16-08-2016 02:24 PM
1. I procrastinate
2. if i stare at you I'm not glaring I'm just deciding if I'm socially capable of starting a conversation.
3. im a clumsy giraffe
4. I adore animals
5. i love being creative
Craycray17Posted 25-07-2016 11:41 PM
Number 4 is One of the reasons I like you so much @N1ghtW1ng!

1. I am currently researching the office for the 10000th time
2. I like cacti
3. I miss my holiday so much, like want to go straight back
4. I enjoy puzzles
5. My childhood toy was a Simba lion from lion king, which I got in a show bag at the Melbourne show (they just don't make the show bags like they used to!)
Chessca_HPosted 28-07-2016 01:20 PM

1. One way I like t waste time on the internet is by going on my local cat haven's website and looking at all of the ridiculous names they come up with for the cats

Screen Shot 2015-11-25 at 10.06.22 pm.png

Screen Shot 2015-11-25 at 10.05.59 pm.png

(Two of my all time favourites)

2. I have a lifelong obsession with everything strawberry favoured/scented

3. One of my dogs is named after a character in To Kill A Mockingbird

4. I've travelled to the UK over 10 times in my life

5. When I was a kid I hated loud noise, which we first discovered the first time my mum tried to take me to a concert

Ben-ROPosted 28-07-2016 01:36 PM

@Chessca_H Beautiful Boop Boop! HAHAHAHAA that's great.

lokifishPosted 28-07-2016 04:01 PM

@Chessca_H HAHAHAHAHAHAHA BEAUTIFUL BOOP BOOP OMG, I can't stop laughing 😄

N1ghtW1ngPosted 25-07-2016 08:54 PM
That's a lot of purses @Craycray17! 😄

1. I am forever tired.
2. I am usually in a state of perpetual confusion 😛
3. I absolutely LOVE cartoons.
4. I embrace my weirdness and love it 😄
5. Dark red to yellow/white colour explosions are (one of) my favourites.
Craycray17Posted 25-07-2016 04:32 PM
@lokifish they are all different, like some evening, some little purses, some side bags, some card holders hehe. They all are very different, only way I can justify it. I won't be buying any more anytime soon!
lokifishPosted 25-07-2016 08:36 PM

Nice @Craycray17! Variety is the spice of life after all 😛

NarutoPosted 23-07-2016 02:18 PM
1. Im a straightforward person who says anything that is on my mind
2. I love cats their so beautiful my mum adopted this cat from cat haven her name used to be called India xD but when changed it to Indie. She loves to come in my room only and lay on my bed and acts like its her bed to sleep on.
3. I love watching Naruto and my favourite character off it is Gaara because the character of him reminds me of when i was a child and what my thinking style use to be like then. I love his sand powers lol hes awesome
4. I have two sisters and im the oldest i have this sister who is two years younger then me and she acts like the oldest while i feel like the younger sister. XD sometimes
5. I love anything that has chocalate in it im a chocaholic bro
lokifishPosted 23-07-2016 04:42 PM

@Craycray17 12 purses? Wow that's a lot 😛 Are they all really different colours/styles?


@Naruto chocoholics unite! *types this while eating M&Ms* 😛


Hmm I don't think I've posted here in years - let's see what I can come up with...


1. My favourite backpack has bright rainbow checkered squares on it

2. I've never seen a Harry Potter film in its entirety

3. I wash my hair every day

4. I love most veggies but can't stand lettuce, which means I get really pissed when something I order comes with "salad" and it's 90% lettuce

5. From my bedroom I can currently hear the local soccer match at the primary school

Craycray17Posted 21-07-2016 08:13 PM
1. I have finally admitted to being a shopaholic...
2. I have bought over 12 purses/bags on my holiday....
3. I love really nutty pistachio ice cream
4. I crack my knuckles
5. According to my German friends, I speak German with a Dutch accent although u know neither languages. I am Dutch though so that's super coincidental!
Bookworm_K236Posted 21-06-2016 06:54 PM
1) English is my favourite subject
2) I have fed a giraffe before
3) My favourite film is Titanic
4) I would like to live in the Netherlands
5) My favourite colour is purple
bananaPosted 21-06-2016 01:51 PM

1) people say I am weird and f*d up

2) I lost 15 kgs in half a year because I realized that fat girls get treated so differently

3) I love smelling weird things

4) I love animals but whenever I get close I'm scared

5) I never really liked game of thrones but I still follow

Kaz-ROPosted 21-06-2016 08:31 PM

Oh man @banana, we really are all a little weird on here! In the best possible way. All the weirdness is why I love that my job is hanging out here all evening Cat LOL


I noticed you said you'd lost a lot of weight in the past year. Fatphobia and fatshaming are so real, you've hit the nail on the head there. It is not easy to be plus-size, and even harder as a woman, because we're told by literally everyone that the most important thing is to be skinny. I've felt a lot of that pressure myself and it's taken me, god, at least a decade to come to terms with it all.


I'm interested though in how you're feeling about yourself now? That is a huge amount of weight to lose very quickly - how is your physical health going? And how are you feeling mentally?


j95Posted 21-07-2016 07:57 PM
1. I really like vegemite sandwiches with grated cheese
2.I have a stuffed seal on my bed, only because one of my siblings gave it to me
3. i love grill'd, as you've probably all figured
4. i dont like caramel
5. i have an outstanding parking fine
N1ghtW1ngPosted 21-06-2016 05:46 PM
Hey @banana and welcome to Reach Out. 🙂

We're all a little bit weird on here, some more than others. It's something to be proud of because when other people call you weird, it's not a bad thing because it means you are unique. Do you have a favourite kind of animal?
See you around the forums! 🙂
N1ghtW1ngPosted 31-05-2016 10:30 AM
Wow @Clarence, that's a lot of siblings! Do you see them a lot?

1. I can be 'childish' at times. (I still call my parents mummy and daddy :P) Also, I put the '' because it's not a bad thing, even though it can be.
2. I like being in control.
3. I am unemployed.
4. I think too much, too often.
5. I've been getting hungry in the mornings.
ClarencePosted 31-05-2016 12:18 PM

hi @N1ghtW1ng

no i don't see them all only two

ClarencePosted 31-05-2016 09:25 AM


1. i self-harm

2. i love twenty one pilots

3. i sing

4. i have 11 half brothers and sisters

5. i am short

safari93Posted 29-05-2016 09:45 PM

Some more facts about me:


  1. I had straight hair as a toddler...until my grandma shaved my hair and it grew back curly
  2. I've never had a myspace account
  3. I used to have a postcard wall in my room until last year (I had to take it down to re-paint the walls and could not be bothered putting it back)
  4. If I eat too much of any peppermint-flavoured thing I seem to get a headache from it (even icecream!)
  5. My current phone is the one I've held on to the longest since my first phone (which I got when I was 16 and kept for 3 years)
DruidChildPosted 29-05-2016 07:12 PM

@j95 I feel like eating mash now! 


1. My favourite song right now is 'Blue' by Regina Spektor

2. I should be studying for an exam right now

3. One of the best things in the world (to me!) is the way sunshine falls through coloured glass

4. I am early to everything 

5. I have been catching buses since I was a kid and am still not entirely sure what the protocol is for greeting bus drivers (do you smile? Say hello? Say thank you???) 



j95Posted 29-05-2016 04:11 PM
I think I've shared every fact about me on here, there isn't many left but I'll give it a try.

1. I love watching shows like RBT and Highway Patrol
2. I think my least favourite colour is yellow, blah
3. Red Rooster mash and gravy is my fave
4. I love my thermal socks
5. I really feel like pasta for dinner
Craycray17Posted 29-05-2016 03:58 PM
@ma30n hey! Welcome to RO.

I laughed at your first one, and then realised I totally understand it! Here are my random facts

1. I am horrified of heights but love bunjy jumping when I go on holidays
2. I am going to swim and play with platypus next month as a bday pressie from my partner!!!
3. I am studying psychology
4. I worked today for 5 hours
5. I have been off RO for a while because I got super stressed from assignments but I'm BACK BABY
N1ghtW1ngPosted 28-05-2016 05:12 PM
Hey and welcome to RO @ma30n!
ma30nPosted 28-05-2016 04:38 PM

1. I'm a rock climber who is scared of hights

2. i love tea

3. im a dislexic who love to read

4. i hate steryotypes 

5. i listen to death metal and scremo 

Welcome back!

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