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Never have I ever - Confession game

Okay, it's 3:30 AM and I wan't to make a confession so this is how I'm going to do it. Do you guys know that drinking game "never have I ever". Basically, if you have done a certain thing, then you have to drink once it's mentioned. For example "never have I ever cheated on my bf/gf" you would drink if you have. However, since we can't "drink" over the forum,nor do I encourage heavy drinking, comment if you've been there. If not, feel free to start a new confession and see how many people have done the same. I hope this made sense and I hope everyone can get something off their chest. I also want to see how crazy you guys are. I'll go first:



Stalked my ex boyfriend on facebook even after getting in a new relationship 


Glass_half_fullPosted 17-12-2015 04:08 AM

Comments (7 pages)

N1ghtW1ngPosted 23-05-2016 09:37 PM
That made me laugh @j95! Thanks. 🙂

Never have I ever caught something then thrown it up in the air and tried to catch it again for unknown reasons.

j95Posted 23-05-2016 09:55 PM
hehe stingy me @N1ghtW1ng its obviously nearing pay day!

Never have I ever disputed a parking ticket that I deserved.
j95Posted 12-06-2016 11:03 PM
Never have I ever lied my way out of a fine
redheadPosted 28-05-2016 11:24 AM
never have i ever slept on a park bench
MyvoPosted 01-02-2016 03:45 AM

Never have I ever been incredibly hungry late at night or early morning and decided to make myself some snacks

j95Posted 02-02-2016 05:40 PM
Never have I ever been the passive agressive housemate who leaves notes everywhere
N1ghtW1ngPosted 04-02-2016 11:52 AM
Never have I ever been so sore from exercise *cough*ju jitsu*cough* that I can hardly move.
Ben-ROPosted 01-02-2016 01:01 PM

More often than not @Myvo 

Never have i ever left a download going and killed my whole house's internet after asking my house mate not to do the exact same thing an hour earlier and then felt like a bit of a dickhead 😛 

Craycray17Posted 26-01-2016 11:24 AM
Never have I ever eaten ice-cream for breakfast
j95Posted 27-01-2016 10:26 PM
everyday @Craycray17

never have i talked about someone else and then realised they were in the room 😕
stonepixiePosted 21-01-2016 02:24 AM
Never have I ever snuck popcorn chicken into my local cinema.
MyvoPosted 20-01-2016 10:31 PM

Never have I ever been outraged by popcorn prices at my local cinema

MyvoPosted 23-01-2016 03:50 PM

Never have I ever watched a movie or documentary and have become riled up over it 

Craycray17Posted 18-01-2016 11:03 PM
(which means I have for anyone just getting the rules of the game) 😉
Craycray17Posted 18-01-2016 11:03 PM
Never have I ever cried during finding nemo
stonepixiePosted 14-01-2016 06:23 AM
Never have I ever had cereal for dinner.
MyvoPosted 16-01-2016 12:03 AM

Never have I ever accidentally stolen someone else's coffee during rush hour 

Rainbow Lane
Rainbow LanePosted 18-01-2016 06:56 PM
Never have I ever broken a bone in my body!

Trust me, there's been plenty of times where I don't know how I HAVN'T broken a bone.
N1ghtW1ngPosted 18-01-2016 08:49 PM
I came close to it once but I haven't either!
MyvoPosted 13-01-2016 09:21 PM

Never have I ever eaten breakfast for dinner (Mmm, all day breakfast at Maccas - brinner!) 

Ben-ROPosted 13-01-2016 02:46 PM

Never have i ever disclocated a rib while trying to race a car on my bicycle. 

stonepixiePosted 13-01-2016 12:45 AM
Never have I ever gotten a headache from smelling too many candles.
j95Posted 13-01-2016 09:35 AM
Never have I ever not been able to remember a big night the next day, more than once
stonepixiePosted 13-01-2016 12:05 AM
I was fortunate @j95. They were feeling pretty lenient that day and not to mention it was the first time I had ever been pulled over by the cops. Although it probably did help that my dad was in the passenger seat. As soon as I stopped the car, he was out putting the p plates on. Haha.

Never have I ever broken a bone by running in the house.

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