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my last best friend from my friend group is moving to another state and i'm needing support

...thus leaving me at school with zero close friends next year. i'm going into year 12 then, and others' friend groups have most likely been well established right now, so this feels like the worst possible time in my school career to try to make friends. there's a group of girls in my grade who seem similar to me and kind who i've looked at and thought 'i wish i was friends with them', but i'm not sure if i should branch out or try to be content with being alone, since i'll be constantly bombarded with school work anyway.

i just feel really sad and stressed about this even though it's completely out of my control, but this really triggered tough feelings coming from fear of abandonment since i was in this exact situation back in year 8. i'm just looking back to when i had a friendship group of 4 and how much i took that for granted 😞 i hate the feeling of being left alone, and i'm starting to overthink about what could go wrong and worst case scenarios like: 'what if the girls i ask to sit with decline?'.

has anyone else been in a similar situation? 

priyaaaaPosted 26-11-2020 10:48 PM
priyaaaaPosted 30-01-2021 03:57 PM

@celestialdreamer i know! the person's 18th i went to is my one friend who i said i don't really connect with anymore but i'm glad i went because of the boy lol! it was good yet surreal because i get little to no male attention, but unfortunately he lives 3 hours away and doesn't have any social media (his sister does but my follow request is still pending). he left the party abruptly and i felt unnecessarily sad after because there's a slim chance i'll see him again, maybe for my friend's 21st?

i really appreciate that you're genuinely interested in how it went 🥺it felt like an entire week went by in those 2 days (thursday and friday) and i was physically exhausted coming home because i barely moved during the holidays but school is pretty good so far! as expected, i still had that awkward feeling while sitting alone but i sat with a group of people who i was already acquaintances and they're alright. lots of icebreakers in classes which were pretty fun, and i socialised a little bit with the people who were sitting next to me. the workload is lower than i expected but at times i felt scared of how hard and stressful this year might be!

again, thank you so much for expressing this much interest like wow it feels like we're friends



celestialdreamerPosted 06-02-2021 02:48 PM
@priyaaaa that sucks that he lives so far away, but at least you got to hang out at the party! Did his sister accept your request yet? I hope you get to see him for the 21st, when is the party? YAY I'm so glad your first few days went well, how did last week go? I know, when you go from holidays to school, it's like you've forgotten how to do an 8 hour school day plus anything before and after school and then do homework, it's crazy, being at uni now I don't know how I did so much at school. It's sounds like you handled the social aspect of school really well, chatting to some people, participating in the icebreakers, sitting with yourself too, that's good that your classes did icebreakers so then you can get to know people better. I know it does, so happy I've been able to go on this journey with you. Also I saw in the last post the classes you're taking, they look so interesting, can I ask what the difference is between English and English language? Also I totally understand the feeling of anticipating the stress that may come with lots of work etc. I feel like I'm anticipating it for uni this year and it's not fun, but I'm trying to change my mindset and just take it as it comes and tell myself I'll be strong enough to handle it and if I can't then ask for help.
priyaaaaPosted 07-02-2021 08:10 PM

@celestialdreamer no, she hasn't 😕 i hope i do too, but that's in another 3 years 😔my last week went well, i'm still sitting with that group i'm ~okay~ with and there's this girl in one of my classes that i sit with and we get along pretty well! 

i'm happy to be on this journey with you too! the difference between english and english language is that english is repeating the skills you've been doing all throughout high school (creative writing, language analysis, comparative essays, oral presentations) whereas english language is studying how we use words and the anatomy of language if that makes sense. it's almost a scientific subject, which is probably why a lot of science kids take the subject because there's not much essay writing + novel reading. 

i like how you're challenging your mindset around uni stress. you will overcome any stress you come across, and i'm rooting for you!

celestialdreamerPosted 12-02-2021 12:38 PM
@priyaaaa oh nooo that's so far away!! that's so great that you and that girl get along well! I hope the group's dynamic is going well and that you feel like they're okay/right for you. That sounds amazing I love English I wish my school had both those subjects we only had the first English not the English language one, but I would have loved to take that. Thank you so much for that support, it means a lot!
priyaaaaPosted 23-02-2021 08:36 PM

@celestialdreamer yeah it is! just to give a little update: last friday a girl in my class (who happened to be part of the group of girls i like) was partnered with me so we talked and got along, and as we were walking out she asked me if i had anyone to sit with and i said no so she offered for me to sit with her and her friends so of course i did! it was really scary and i expressed that to her but it's now my third day sitting with them and i feel quite welcomed, i find it's pretty entertaining to just listen to what they're talking about and not asserting myself in the conversation too much and i'm okay with that. but it's crazy to think how easy and sudden it was. i'm so happy to say this Smiley Very Happy

celestialdreamerPosted 01-03-2021 08:21 AM
@priyaaaa OMG YAYAY THAT'S SO EXCITING!!! You go girl! So happy you two got along so well and you were able to sit with her group. I hope that went well for you the rest of the week. I think it's good that you were honest with her so she knows that you're a little bit nervous and can help you out so you feel a bit more at ease. So so happy for you! Smiley Very Happy Smiley Very Happy
priyaaaaPosted 04-03-2021 10:06 PM

@celestialdreamer AHHH thank u sm! yeah it's still going really well and i'm getting closer with a few of them individually, earlier this week a lot of them wanted to skip school at lunch and go to one of their houses which i feel bad for missing out on but i was scared i would get in trouble. and yeah it was really good that she understood that i was scared, and i've noticed one of them sparks up a conversation when they notice i haven't talked in a while or i'm zoning out which is really sweet!

celestialdreamerPosted 23-04-2021 07:06 PM
hi @priyaaaa I'm sorry I didn't respond for a while, I just needed a little bit of a time out. I'm so happy to hear you were getting closer with them, but also that you stuck with your values and did what felt right to you. It takes a lot of courage to go against what everyone else is doing, especially when you are trying to make new friends, but also it's great they understood your decision! How are you going with them now that a bit of time has passed? How are you going in general? Have you been speaking to your best friend who moved?
priyaaaaPosted 05-05-2021 10:07 PM

hey @celestialdreamer thanks for getting back to me! everything's really good, i have a huge circle of friends and i couldn't wish for anything better. i've been pretty good in general but at times i have trouble responding to people asking how i am because sometimes i don't even know what to think of the state of my mental health. i've had a couple of short conversations with one of the friends who've moved.

my two closest friends in my new circle have started dating. i don't know how to feel about it, i can't help but to feel the tiniest bit of jealousy because they're younger than me, and that reinforces my feelings of feeling like i'm 'behind' everyone else so there's that. how are you doing?

celestialdreamerPosted 10-05-2021 04:55 PM

hey @priyaaaa wow that makes me so happy to hear you have a good group of friends! Thinking about where you were when you started this thread to now, I feel so happy things worked out for the best and are going well for you! I get what you mean, sometimes when things are busy or have mostly been going well, I forget to check in on my mental health, but mostly for me I take it as a good sign. I like to journal to reconnect to those thoughts/feelings, is that something that might help you? Would you like to talk about your mental health on here?


I think it's normal to feel a little weird about your 2 closest friends starting to date. I personally haven't been in the situation, but I think it's important to remember everyone reaches different 'relationship milestones' at different times,  so I don't think you are behind everyone else, you just do what you're comfortable with and if you create the opportunity/the opportunity arises and you are feeling good then yolo and go for it, but I hope you don't feel pressured because of your age to do something you aren't ready for ❤️ I'm going pretty good, busy with uni right now, but actually feeling the best I have in a while which feels nice 🤗

priyaaaaPosted 02-08-2021 10:54 PM

hi! really sorry for the late reply, i have to manually check threads now because the handy notifications aren't there anymore 😔i really appreciate you interacting with me along the way and it's really made my experience here worthwhile. 

i get what you mean about being too busy to check in on your own mental health, sometimes i find myself not even knowing how to check in on my own mental health. i know that recently it's been worse than usual because of the stresses of schoolwork and my *suspected* ADHD, but sometimes i find it hard to actually articulate what's going on.

since i started this thread the hard feelings about it have passed, but in general sometimes i still can't help but to feel 'behind!' and like it's something about me that's the reason i've reached no romantic milestones whatsoever, and these thoughts have naturally come up especially since turning 18 recently. fortunately i don't feel any pressure but i do have the occasional thought that my life could be so much more interesting with romantic attention. 

i'm glad you're doing well and hope you're still feeling that way!

Philippa-ROPosted 03-08-2021 01:53 PM

@priyaaaa it can be hard to check in on our mental health sometimes, especially when things are stressful or busy. I'm not sure if this helps, but we have a quick quiz on the website that can help you narrow down how you're doing. Or in case you like apps, there are some great ones listed here, and some of them include mental health check-ins.

I'm so glad the hard feelings have passed about your friends dating, but I'm sorry you're still feeling 'behind' sometimes. As celestialdreamer said, everyone does reach milestones at different times, and meeting people you click with can involve quite a bit of chance and luck too. I don't know about you, but from my experience I definitely think it's better to wait for the right time and a person who really clicks well for you.
People vary a lot in terms of when they start dating and it's all normal, although I definitely empathise that it can be frustrating and disappointing.
Is there anything you find helps with those feelings?
In case you're interested, this is a nice article about embracing being single -  in the sense of nurturing and being kind to yourself. 
How are things going with your new circle of friends? I really hope it's still going well. 

priyaaaaPosted 03-08-2021 11:47 PM

hi, thank you for referring me to these resources!

yes, i definitely believe in the end it's worth being patient but i sometimes my ego brain gets caught up in why it's taking so long etc. i guess what i've done is acknowledge those feelings i first had were normal then tried to just not think about it and it naturally went away - even though brushing them off like that will likely result in the same feelings coming back up again. 

thanks for asking, still going really well and i'm really happy with the way everything's been working out!

Philippa-ROPosted 04-08-2021 12:10 PM

@priyaaaa it sounds like you have a really great approach - acknowledging hard feelings and allowing them their space can be so helpful. 
It sounds a lot like mindfulness - have you tried mindfulness before?
I'm so glad things are going so well with your friends - that's wonderful news! 😄

Hannah-ROPosted 06-05-2021 02:45 PM

Hey @priyaaaa

So great to hear about your friend circle and things going generally really well at the moment ! ❤️ Talking to our friends and other people in our lives about mental health can be really tricky. It is totally up to you what you choose to share, when you've had short conversations with friends, how have you felt after?
I think those feelings of jealousy about your friends dating is super normal and understandable! Particularly in the beginning of the relationship when things are often quite intense for a new couple. But you certainly aren't behind, we're all different and go at our own pace with these things. Theres no rush ❤️ 

Hannah-ROPosted 05-03-2021 02:32 PM

That is lovely to hear that you're getting closer individually with the people in your new friendship group, its a big step that can really pay off and lead to lifelong friendships Heart


And good on you standing your ground about not skipping school, it can be hard when you're feeling pressured to do something you don't want to do and it's awesome you committed to what you thought was best. Go you!


Sophia-ROPosted 30-01-2021 10:16 PM
Aw, sounds like you had a good night @priyaaaa Smiley Happy It sucks that you aren't sure when you will see him again, hopefully you will get a chance to see him sooner than the 21st party! So great that you have been doing some icebreakers in class, that must make chatting with others a bit easier. What kind of classes will you be taking this year?
priyaaaaPosted 01-02-2021 10:48 PM

@Sophia-RO yeah i hope so! it does, and i'm taking english, english language, ancient history, health and human development and psychology. i really like them all so that gives me hope for this year

scared01Posted 26-01-2021 01:46 PM
hi @priyaaaa
just wondering how your going? how are you feeling about returning to school? im aware school goes back for most somewhere between thursday and monday
priyaaaaPosted 27-01-2021 11:35 AM

@scared01 i'm doing well thank you for asking. school starts tomorrow which i'm nervous/excited about

Sophia-ROPosted 09-01-2021 04:20 PM
Sounds like you have been pretty busy with some
interesting activities @priyaaaa. I find learning a language to be very tough at times, so I can understand your reasons for not wanting to learn Spanish anymore. Sorry to hear that you feel like you don’t know who you are. I think it can be quite common for people to not fully understand where they fit in until they are well into adulthood, so I don’t think you are alone there! You mentioned being worried about what to say if you might get asked about who you are. Sometimes it can be helpful to practice certain answers ahead of time, especially if you feel like you won’t know what to say on the spot. Do you think it would be helpful to brainstorm some potential answers to questions that you might be asked? Smiley Happy
priyaaaaPosted 12-01-2021 06:30 PM

@Sophia-RO thank you for reassuring me i'm not alone Heart and thank you, i feel like i would benefit from brainstorming some answers

Sophia-ROPosted 22-12-2020 03:20 PM
I think its good that you are accepting the situation and hoping for the best @priyaaaa. As you said, sometimes worrying about things can consume us and take up too much of our time. I hope that you are still able to enjoy the holidays and that you get a chance to relax. It sucks to hear that you have been losing interest in some hobbies/activities, do you think you might be interested in looking into trying out some other activities? You might find that you become interested in other hobbies/activities instead Smiley Happy

Sounds like things have been hard for you lately, it must be hard to feel like things are weird and that you aren't too sure about what is going on. Do you have anyone that you feel comfortable/close enough to talk to about how you have been feeling lately? Sorry that you are feeling public when posting on the forums, privacy and moderation needs are some of the reasons why we don't offer any private messaging through the forums. I hope that is understandable Heart
priyaaaaPosted 23-12-2020 11:24 PM

@Sophia-RO agreed (: and yeah i'll try to enjoy my last extended break as much as possible before i'm bombarded with the workload of year 12 and then worry about it when the time comes. and yeah i'll look into and re-evaluate my interests as i think they need tending to. 

in terms of how i'm going, i actually feel better since i posted that reply even though it was from the day before lol! and thankfully i have a couple of close online friends to turn to when i'm struggling. 

no worries about the private messaging thing!

Sophia-ROPosted 24-12-2020 04:00 PM
Trying to enjoy your holiday break sounds like a good idea @priyaaaa. Is there anything in particular that you have organised that you are looking forward to doing? Smiley Happy So great to hear that you are feeling better over the last few days. Sounds like having some close friends for support helped a lot, which is lovely!

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