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originally posted on 24-08-2015 9:18 PM

@Ben-RO J.K. Rowling was rejected heaps of times before a publisher took on Harry Potter! 

sometimes it rains, sometimes it shines, this is how flowers grow
Uber contributor

originally posted on 24-08-2015 9:22 PM

Steve Jobs. That guy got fired and hired quite a bit, he seemed to always come back stronger though. 


@tsnyder i really hope Kanye got paid to do that, because I'm pretty sure he gave Taylor's career a big boost. At least for me it was the first time i had heard of her! 

Star contributor

originally posted on 24-08-2015 9:18 PM

6. Can you think of any famous people who failed spectacularly at something?


The first thing that comes to mind is Kanye West telling Taylor Swift "Imma let you finish, but Beyonce had one of the best videos of all time...."


man that was bad haha

Super frequent scribe

originally posted on 24-08-2015 9:20 PM

"The first thing that comes to mind is Kanye West telling Taylor Swift "Imma let you finish, but Beyonce had one of the best videos of all time....""

YES but kanye never learns - he has done it again hasn't he??

Super frequent scribe

originally posted on 24-08-2015 9:24 PM

oh and oprah was fired from her first tv presenting job because they said she wasn't right for TV... LOL that fail was on the TV execs not oprah!

originally posted on 24-08-2015 9:23 PM

@chandelier yeah I have a real issue when the media put the spotlight on people that are obviously struggling, like they did with Lindsay Lohan! It just makes it worse

and yes he has! haha! I have a feeling though that he actually benefits from these 'incidents' - it keeps his name going over in pop culture. 


Holy cow, DONALD TRUMP! Is this guy for real?

Star contributor

originally posted on 24-08-2015 9:25 PM

okay so next q:


  1. How can you help a friend who is feeling like they failed learn from their 'failure'?
Super frequent scribe

originally posted on 24-08-2015 9:32 PM

@tsnyder wrote:

okay so next q:


  1. How can you help a friend who is feeling like they failed learn from their 'failure'?

it's hard to see friends when they are down but i think all the things we ahve said tonight are good for our friends... in fact it's probably easier to support friends that support ourselves some times...



- just listen... & be there

- do nice things together...

- dont minimise the frustration

- remind them that their human and it's human to fail - we are not perfect.

Encourage them to look to the positive side & oipportunities to grow

Remind them that the only real failure is to give up too soon.

Star contributor

originally posted on 24-08-2015 9:27 PM

7. How can you help a friend who is feeling like they failed learn from their 'failure'?


For me, this can be a really touchy issue.  I have some friends who (in my opinion) make some fairly serious and dangerous decisions quite often.  If you try and broach the topic with them, they get very defensive and irrational, so it can be really hard to maintain a sensible and productive talk with them about it.  Any tips?

originally posted on 24-08-2015 9:33 PM

7. How can you help a friend who is feeling like they failed learn from their 'failure'?


  • Tell them that everyone makes mistakes
  • Help them look on the positive side of the situation
  • Try to resolve the issue if able to.  eg. say sorry
  • Help them leave it behind
  • Make it a bit more personal and maybe ask them to do it for you


  • Reassure them that Tony Abbott is much more of a failure than them! Smiley Tongue
Uber contributor

originally posted on 24-08-2015 9:30 PM

@tsnyder I agree with that and I think I need some tips too...
//You can stay afraid, or slit the throat of fear and be brave//
Star contributor

originally posted on 24-08-2015 9:30 PM

@tsnyder maybe letting them know that you love the and that you are scared and don't want to see them get hurt could help, i know this could be pretty hard to say but i may just be what they need to hear.
sometimes it rains, sometimes it shines, this is how flowers grow
Star contributor

originally posted on 24-08-2015 9:32 PM

I hear you @jvkn, but that stuff doesn't work. I swear I've tried a lot of different approaches and it's pretty pointless. I feel like I've just got to let them make their own mistakes.


How do you feel about this @j95?

Uber contributor

originally posted on 24-08-2015 9:36 PM

@tsnyder I wish I could let them make their own mistakes but I'm too much of a control freak and when I do go to talk to them they get defensive and question why I care so much. It's a difficult conversation to have, especially being 20ish year old makes it's "not cool" to have these important conversations.
//You can stay afraid, or slit the throat of fear and be brave//
Star contributor

originally posted on 24-08-2015 9:39 PM

@j95 I actually could not vibe with you any more than I currently am. 


it can be very inconvenient for people to hear when they might have a problem, but sometimes it's important to remember to focus on what we can control.  As @jvkn said, as their friend sometimes you have to let them make their own decisions, but also be there when they need you. 

Uber contributor

originally posted on 24-08-2015 9:41 PM

Trueeee @tsnyder @jvkn
//You can stay afraid, or slit the throat of fear and be brave//
Star contributor

originally posted on 24-08-2015 9:44 PM

Okay everyone, you've all made some awesome contributions tonight! Final question:


Can you think of one thing you can do this week to have a go and take a risk, instead of playing it safe and perhaps achieving less?

Star contributor

originally posted on 24-08-2015 9:48 PM

Continue my driving lessons! I only just got back on the road after a pretty crappy/traumatic first lesson with my dad. I have my second lesson with an instructor so i'm looking forward to that 🙂

@Ben-RO I can imagine moving to a new city is pretty tough! put yourself out there! you have so much to gain and so little to lose 😛
sometimes it rains, sometimes it shines, this is how flowers grow
Uber contributor

originally posted on 24-08-2015 9:52 PM

@jvkn yeah learning to drive was a pretty terrible experience for me too, I think I faked most of the required hours lol... 😕
//You can stay afraid, or slit the throat of fear and be brave//
Star contributor

originally posted on 24-08-2015 9:33 PM

@tsnyder that's true, i guess as a friend, let them make their own mistakes, all you can do is wait to catch them when they fall
sometimes it rains, sometimes it shines, this is how flowers grow
Star contributor

originally posted on 24-08-2015 9:34 PM

bloody oath @jvkn, that's the truth

Star contributor

originally posted on 24-08-2015 9:36 PM

Okay everyone, last 2 questions! Firstly:

  1. allowing ourselves to fail can help us build resilience, and learn from our mistakes instead of being doomed to repeat them... can you think of one thing you can do this week to have a go and take a risk, instead of playing it safe and perhaps achieving less?
Uber contributor

originally posted on 24-08-2015 9:44 PM

  1. Can you think of one thing you can do this week to have a go and take a risk, instead of playing it safe and perhaps achieving less?

Tricky question! Something that is always challenging for me is talking to new people and new group of people, having moved to a brand new city this week I feel a bit like a snail hiding in his shell and peaking out slowly in case something nuts is going on outside. Need to remember that I generally enjoy the unusual and unexpected the most and get out there 🙂  

Super frequent scribe

originally posted on 24-08-2015 9:46 PM

Hmmm one thing I might try is some driving practice... I'm feeling very much like avoiding the risk of it all and playing it safe would be to give it up altogether....

originally posted on 24-08-2015 9:48 PM

Okay so in the true spirit of mistakes and failures, I actually posted the wrong question!


The REAL final question (which is actually more of a request) is:

9.. Post a quote about success/failures.