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originally posted on 02-03-2015 9:52 PM

Well that brings us to the end of another thought provoking and fun GR session, thank you all for joining us and we hope to see you next week here at 8pm AEST. Smiley Happy


So tonight we have spoken about all things Mardi Gras and it has been fabulous. As someone who hasn’t been to Mardi Gras yet I must say I am now extremely pumped to go up to Sydney (hopefully next year) and check out all the fun!


Tonight we’ve shared what pride means to us: we have recognized that pride transcends the LGBTIQ community and that it is what we love about ourselves, our differences and or quirks. Heart


We have agreed that events like Mardi Gras is still relevant in raising the visibility of the LGBTIQ community and sending the message unitying people in the love of equality and acceptance. Heart


Thanks to all of you I feel super prepared. I’m keyed up on how to look after my friends and myself while I’m partying by having buddy systems, safe sex measures ready to go, keeping track of how many drinks I have. I also know that drugs are something that I may see or be near at Mardi Gras, but feel comfortable knowing that I won’t have to feel peer pressured into anything I don’t want to do! … I’ll be a safe and smart mardi gras partyer and will try not to get into any fights with people on the street who are saying hateful things. I’ve got to remember what we said about communication, respect or just plain ignoring them!


If anyone wants some further reading on LGBTQI topics or Mardi Gras check out the following links:

LGBTIQ support services

Mardi Huh?

Accepting Diversity

Party drugs


Emergency Help


If you are in Sydney or will be watching the parade on TV, keep a look out for the RO float, you won’t miss it, this year our float will be bigger, brighter, and louder than before. With a truck, music, flashing objects and hundreds of lights


Thanks again for the chat tonight guys! It was awesome Smiley Happy

sometimes it rains, sometimes it shines, this is how flowers grow
Star contributor

originally posted on 02-03-2015 9:55 PM

Thanks so much everyone. This chat was so useful and it's really great to be able to speak openly about LGBTQI stuff with other young people! Don't get to do that too often!


And thanks @jvkn 



Star contributor

originally posted on 02-03-2015 9:28 PM

Drugs can definitely play a big part in ruining partygoers nights at Mardi Gras,


Whether you identify LGBTIQA or just as an ally/friend/supporter, Mardi Gras is a great place to celebrate diversity and acceptance, but:


Sometimes family, friends and even people in the community may not be as open about celebrating pride… How can you positively communicate with others about your values, or resolve conflict, and make sure negative attitudes don’t get in the way of your celebration?

sometimes it rains, sometimes it shines, this is how flowers grow
Dreamer 95
Super frequent scribe

originally posted on 02-03-2015 9:35 PM

Sometimes people don't want to change their perspective and may try and ruin it but just don't think about it, sometimes others may be different and want to hear your opinion and may even change theirs and thats great because you can share their experiences, sometimes i just don' t listen to others and go and have the fun or what ever is involved.

originally posted on 02-03-2015 9:45 PM

@Dreamer 95  I rekon that people not really thinking about their actions is true. Sometimes you get caught up and dont think about the big picture.


What do you think about our next question? How will you celebrate your pride throughout the year once mardi gras is over?

Star contributor

originally posted on 02-03-2015 9:32 PM

Sometimes family, friends and even people in the community may not be as open about celebrating pride… How can you positively communicate with others about your values, or resolve conflict, and make sure negative attitudes don’t get in the way of your celebration?


I think this is a really good question. It's something we've already kind of covered tonight in relation to religion and just different opinions in general! I think it's important to make sure that you are respectful of other people's opinions. You may not agree.. and you don't have to agree!... but we don't need to let it ruin our night.


I think about mardi gras and imagine that people go there and protest and say pretty mean things about the LGBTQI community. There was even something just recently where people were at a pride march and someone was slamming bisexual people saying that's wrong...


I think it's just important not to get involved. You're not there to change one hateful person. You're there to show pride, and inspire others to feel pride too 🙂


originally posted on 02-03-2015 9:34 PM

I think with family it's pretty tough. If it was me i'd probably get some advice from RO on


when all else fails... agree to disagree!


originally posted on 02-03-2015 9:36 PM

Why is it big events go off the rails.


Take White Night for example.


So many ambos for drunken/drugged people.


Wish there was a way to stop it.

originally posted on 02-03-2015 9:40 PM

@AmberJayne you can't really solve it, Australia unfortunately has a drinking cultural problem, it starts young and continues from there. We need to mature as a nation and teach the younger folk now coming up now that you don't need to always drink alcohol to have a good time with your friends while growing up, we need to move away from our thinking that drinking to get drunk is cool, it's not.
Star contributor

originally posted on 02-03-2015 9:42 PM

very true @JB1611 


*nods head*

Star contributor

originally posted on 02-03-2015 9:39 PM


In an ideal world there would be a way to stop it. With so many people, policing can be quite difficult. Just wish people knew they don't have to resort to excessive amounts of alcohol/drugs to have a good time.
sometimes it rains, sometimes it shines, this is how flowers grow

originally posted on 02-03-2015 9:37 PM

@AmberJayne it's a shame because it does kind of ruin it for a lot of people... and it ends up in the media so it gets a bad image... but hey... i guess change starts with us and we can help those around us to party safe and do the right thing too.


originally posted on 02-03-2015 9:40 PM

Alrighty guys... We are onto our very last question!




Once Mardi Gras is over it can feel like a massive bummer having to wait a whole more 12 months for the next one. What are ways you can continue to celebrate your pride throughout the year?




originally posted on 02-03-2015 9:47 PM

You can organise meet ups and events with other people in your general area, if you are out going and what not, you could start planning your costume for next year and remember that you guys are celebrated every single day by the people who matter and not just at Mardi Gras.

My entire life can be described in one sentence: It didn't go as planned and that's okay. ツ
Star contributor

originally posted on 02-03-2015 9:49 PM

@JB1611 i love seeing gay couples on the street holding hands or kissing, it makes me feel happy that those to identify as lgbtiq can freely express their love for one another, just as straight couples do.
sometimes it rains, sometimes it shines, this is how flowers grow
Casual scribe

originally posted on 02-03-2015 9:53 PM

@jvkn I agree 🙂 I am so excited to see the day soon where we can marry the person we love here in Australia, I know it's coming. We will finish this gay rights movement in the best way we can. This nation will be more free and United as one once it passes. That's all I have to say.
Star contributor

originally posted on 02-03-2015 9:54 PM

@JB1611 well said! Completely agree with you, hope that day comes soon 🙂
sometimes it rains, sometimes it shines, this is how flowers grow
Casual scribe

originally posted on 02-03-2015 9:56 PM

It will! 🙂 and what a day it will be. Anyways night mate. 🙂 have a good one. And watch for us at Mardi Gras we'll be there this weekend 🙂
Star contributor

originally posted on 02-03-2015 9:58 PM

@JB1611 Goodnight mate! have fun at Mardi Gras! (heaps jealous) you're going to have the best time!

Stay safe and enjoy it!
sometimes it rains, sometimes it shines, this is how flowers grow

originally posted on 02-03-2015 9:48 PM

Some very nice advice from @JB1611 , @AmberJayne and @stonepixie :):)

Star contributor

originally posted on 02-03-2015 9:45 PM

Like @tsnyder mentioned before, having "yay me" moments.

Take some time off to celebrate yourself, your achievements and what makes you special, can be a great way to continue celebrating pride
sometimes it rains, sometimes it shines, this is how flowers grow
Star contributor

originally posted on 02-03-2015 9:47 PM

I'm going to celebrate my pride by recognising the actions of those who help support me and my family and friends! .... I think it's great that there was so many people involved tonight. Including all you awesome peeps who don't identify as LGBTQI but came along for the chat and to show your support.


originally posted on 02-03-2015 9:45 PM

@lanejane - Just be proud to be who you are, be it loving another boy in my case, with my boyfriend or in girls who are gay love your girlfriend and don't be afraid to show your pride in public, be comfortable holding the hand of your boyfriend or girlfriend and don't pay any attention to what society thinks you should do or how you should act, and I'll go further you see straight couples kissing all the time in public, so we shouldn't be afraid to kiss our significant other as well. I think we've come a long way as a nation and as a people to say yeah love is love, and we should all be treated the same, and have the same equal rights and soon enough hopefully we will have the freedom to marry here in Australia, it's only a matter of when not if anymore, and that's amazing 🙂 So that's my five cents...

originally posted on 02-03-2015 9:45 PM

Sorry, I didn't really feel comfortable answering that last question as I didn't want to give anyone advice on what I would do if that situation arose. Just because it would be coming from someone who wouldn't necessarily have to live with the consequences. Much love to you guys though!

My entire life can be described in one sentence: It didn't go as planned and that's okay. ツ