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originally posted on 14-09-2015 9:37 PM

i think i'm all three! @FootyFan26


(nice to see you back for the end of the chat Woman Happy)


originally posted on 14-09-2015 9:38 PM

I've been here the whole time @lanejane.

originally posted on 14-09-2015 9:41 PM

oh yay! @FootyFan26




originally posted on 14-09-2015 9:43 PM

alright superstars




8.    What’s one thing you saw or did this week that made you feel optimistic?



@FootyFan26 already mentioned about third MVP! woo hoo


originally posted on 14-09-2015 9:54 PM

Okay, tonight has been amazing and I want to thank each and every one of you for hanging out with @lanejane and I. We have had a blast and I hope you have too. Here is a summary from we we chatted about tonight! And remember if youre feeling down and want to contiue a chat, you can head onto the other forums to hang out or perhaps talk about tough times!!




  • The glass half full concept can not always be applied to every situation. Sometimes, the glass is literally half full of water and air. We have raised the point about sometimes things are just the way they are. Hope is another term that can be used along side optimism. Or perhaps optimism is our perceptions and attitude towards our individual thoughts. Balance and resiliency are also very important.

"And why do we sometimes have negative thoughts? Because we have expectations and the life doesn't always go with our expectations.” 

  • Being optimistic can be hard work, but it’s worth it. Sometimes its easier to be optimistic for other people, than for yourself. 
  • Benefits of optimism: happier, productive, mentally healthier, reduces workload, helpful in seeing the bright side, benefiting self esteem 

"- you can get more done with a positive mind - it motivates you because you think oh I can do this and look ahead. “


"Smile at the world and the world smiles back at you!


  • Not everything in life is always positive or happy! if it was... how would you even know what positive was. You need to good and the bad to find balance.
  • If you've been let down in the past when you have been optimistic it can sometimes be hard to get into a positive mind set again. Naturally, you feel let down! 
  • Everyone is different, everyone sees the world differently and everyone is at a different stage in their journey through life 
  • The word "pessimistic" has a really negative connotation on it.
  • If you're never pessimistic, how can you ever be optimistic? gotta have both for either to exist.
  • To pick yourself up when feeling pessimistic:  you come to reachout when you're feeling pessimistic too! That's positive. We can always find something good


“imagine if you went to get a coke from a vending machine and a lemonade came out every time. in the end you would not be very optimistic about using vending machines”


  • Don't stress if you're optimistic about something and it doesn't quite work out... sometimes stuff is just "bad luck" and it doesn't mean you're a bad person. We all get let down occasionally!
  • Remember you have friends and family that can help you out if it is getting hard to find the postives sometimes!!!

And finally... A summary of our amazing pictures and a couple of others I added in! Thanks guys, have an amazing night AND we will see you at the same time, next monday night!!


my opt.jpgmy opt 2.jpg


opt 2.jpg


opt 3.jpg


opt 4.jpg


my opt 4.gif

originally posted on 14-09-2015 9:57 PM







you guys have seriously been so active tonight and answered all our questions. it's awesome.


i've actually learnt heaps tonight and i'm glad that we are such an individual group of people. we all make a good team!


originally posted on 14-09-2015 9:59 PM

thanks @j95 @FootyFan26 @stonepixie and any of our other users still around at the very end of our chat 🙂


originally posted on 14-09-2015 9:59 PM

Hope you guys have a good night

originally posted on 14-09-2015 9:49 PM

What’s one thing you saw or did this week that made you feel optimistic?


@lanejane that was a couple of weeks ago.


Turnbull challenging Abbott.

originally posted on 14-09-2015 9:52 PM

@FootyFan26 he is now the actual PM.... like its on tv???!?!!


originally posted on 14-09-2015 9:48 PM

Hey guys, sorry I’m late to the party!


But I was catching up with a long lost friend from uni. 😄


We’ve all heard the phrase “a glass half full” before when talking about optimism, but that doesn’t cover all of what it can be. What does optimism mean to you?


Uh, excuse me, but the glass is always full! I’m a bit of a realist, or at least I like to think I am. Optimism to be is basically looking at the bright side of everything. Instead of thinking ‘I just feel down the stairs’, you could thing ‘boy I got down those stairs quickly’!


Would you say that you’re an optimistic person? Why/why not?


Well I did just say that I’m a realist. I see things for what they are but I do try to live on the positive side of life.


What do you think would be some of the benefits of practicing optimism??


You can appear happier, won’t dwell on things, you get to yell ‘PLOT TWIST’ when things don’t go the way you expect them to.


Some people aren't really big fans of optimism, saying that its an unrealistic way of looking at life. What do you think about this idea? Why do you think that is?


I think those people haven’t heard of CBT. Seriously, CBT changed my life.


Sometimes it can be pretty difficult to be optimistic, whether it’s because of your own life or looking at the things going on in the world. What are some common things that might hurt our chances at being optimistic?


Living with depression and/or other mental illnesses, having a run of bad luck. Illness in the family.

The media only reporting bad things and blowing it way out of proportion. War. Natural disasters and all that other worldly stuff.


On a more positive note, what are some of the things you do to pick yourself up when you’re feeling pessimistic?


Catch up with a friend, watch a comedy, enjoy the sunshine, and go to the beach. Call home, just because.


What advice would you give to someone who wants to become more optimistic?


Write down your thoughts and then change the wording to something more positive. Go and complete MoodGYM.


What’s one thing you saw or did this week that made you feel optimistic?


It was definitely catching up with an old friend. But also, a little bit of public speaking, believe it or not.


My entire life can be described in one sentence: It didn't go as planned and that's okay. ツ

originally posted on 14-09-2015 9:50 PM

@stonepixie your appearance is plot twist!!!!! BUT AN AWESOME ONE.


never have i seen a more beautiful post hahaha


its so cool to see everything answered together. Cat Embarassed

Uber contributor

originally posted on 14-09-2015 9:48 PM

8. What’s one thing you saw or did this week that made you feel optimistic?

When my footy team won the preliminary final and we're into the grand final next week. I find out if I get into the side tomorrow. This was a pretty big positive cause we haven't ever got into a grand final with the current team, it's been a few years!!
//You can stay afraid, or slit the throat of fear and be brave//
Star contributor

originally posted on 14-09-2015 9:54 PM

congrats @j95 that is amazing!


i hope you make the team. if you don't you will have to dress up as a cheerleader! haha 😄

Uber contributor

originally posted on 14-09-2015 9:59 PM

@lanejane a cheerleader is my 'Silly Sunday' (like mad Monday but Sunday) outfit so I hope I don't have to pull it out early!
//You can stay afraid, or slit the throat of fear and be brave//

originally posted on 14-09-2015 9:46 PM

This is my positive for this week:



i mean for real dude. dont even let a wall stop you trying haha


originally posted on 14-09-2015 9:43 PM

I just haven't been posting 'cause I don't want to rip the shit out of someone.

For some reason I feel like doing that. So I think it's better for everyone that I mainly read.

originally posted on 14-09-2015 9:46 PM

@FootyFan26 that's some excellent self control you've got there. Have chatted to the person that might have been ticking you off about their posts. 

originally posted on 14-09-2015 9:48 PM

@Ben-RO no one was pissing me off with their posts.


Fuck.  Did you really.

originally posted on 14-09-2015 9:49 PM

Sorry mate, there was someone here that was outside guidelines. I talked to them about that. Not because of you... but i thought maybe they might have been hard to talk to too. @FootyFan26


Uber contributor

originally posted on 14-09-2015 9:42 PM

That picture @lanejane hahahaha it actually has made my night!!
//You can stay afraid, or slit the throat of fear and be brave//

originally posted on 14-09-2015 9:41 PM

YAY! @FootyFan26 welcome back!

originally posted on 14-09-2015 9:35 PM

HAHA definitely three types of people in this world!!!!!

originally posted on 14-09-2015 9:33 PM

@lanejane hahahaha this is me like 95% of the time! I am so guilty of it!!

originally posted on 14-09-2015 9:31 PM

CHEESE ❤️ ❤️ @j95 @lanejane