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Uber contributor

originally posted on 14-11-2016 9:36 PM


//You can stay afraid, or slit the throat of fear and be brave//
Super frequent scribe

originally posted on 14-11-2016 9:38 PM

That meme is me @j95 Smiley LOL

originally posted on 14-11-2016 9:44 PM

Is there such a thing as worrying about money too much? Is it okay to spend some money sometimes or do you have to pinch every penny!?



Hmm I agree with @loves netball that money can't buy happiness, pretty much the only thing that really buys happiness is learning to be happy and practicing it a lot... so I guess while i have just gone on about saving money and budgeting and things like that, it's mostly to take money out of the equation, so that I can do the few things I have found in life that give me meaning, purpose and help me practice the art of being happy.... 


Note: when i say "Happy" probably what i actually mean is "content" or at peace or something like that. Because I firmly believe that even the best life has sad moments and incredibly hard stuff in it too. If anything that's what gives us the perspective and skills we need to live a good life... or something like that 😛 

Uber contributor

originally posted on 14-11-2016 9:50 PM

Having things does not necessarily equal happiness
//You can stay afraid, or slit the throat of fear and be brave//
Star contributor

originally posted on 14-11-2016 9:53 PM

As the GR session comes to a bit of a close, is there anything you are going to change with your management of money?

Any take-home tips you might try?

Uber contributor

originally posted on 14-11-2016 9:55 PM



is there anything you are going to change with your management of money?

Any take-home tips you might try?


Hmmm good question


I am going to think about happiness and money and if there's a relationship between the two... and how to get money to break up with happiness because i don't think it's a healthy relationship. 


I also am thinking about the huge amount of stuff i have... and If i could be happy or even happier with less! 



Star contributor

originally posted on 14-11-2016 9:58 PM

Totally agree @Ben-RO! I think I will try and treat myself a little more and hopefully, over time and with practise, I will become a little less strict with the money I have.
Uber contributor

originally posted on 14-11-2016 9:57 PM

@j95 that's a very good point. And I am fortunate to know a few very rich people... none of them are happy. In fact... my housemate used to earn 250k a year on a slow year... they gave that career up to do farming and earn not even a 10th of that. Because they realised the money was actually making them sad! 

Uber contributor

originally posted on 14-11-2016 9:59 PM

wow 250k...
I'm happy with what I've got, yeah it can be a stretch at times but I don't think I could live happily if I earnt that much especially knowing that money is something a lot of people out there don't have enough to buy the basics with

//You can stay afraid, or slit the throat of fear and be brave//

originally posted on 14-11-2016 10:02 PM

Sorry peeps, I think I need to go do self care 

originally posted on 14-11-2016 10:04 PM

Great to have you for the chat! Your tips were awesome!
Star contributor

originally posted on 14-11-2016 10:06 PM

I guess that sums up the GR for this week! Thank you everyone for your awesome responses and ideas!
Off to chill and watch a (bit of a) movie before bed!
Uber contributor

originally posted on 14-11-2016 10:09 PM

Oh no I missed it!! Interesting topic 🙂 

Uber contributor

originally posted on 14-11-2016 10:09 PM

Thanks everyone for a great chat!!
//You can stay afraid, or slit the throat of fear and be brave//

originally posted on 14-11-2016 10:03 PM

@loves netball good on you for recognising self care time and making a boundary to do that. That's reaaaaallly awesome! 


Also you made it to the end! 

Uber contributor

originally posted on 14-11-2016 10:05 PM

Welll it's 10 folks! Time to wrap up the "live" part of this chat. Feel free to jump in and add your thoughts a bit later if you'd like to. Or make a new thread and start your own conversation 🙂 


Thanks to everyone for helping out tonight! 



Uber contributor

originally posted on 14-11-2016 9:52 PM

@j95 I reckon it can help a little. Like you said with more dank memes than i knew existed on the topic Treat yo self! 


I also think having money can give some security and a sense of safety. I know i get nervous if i have nothing in the bank account because I get worried I wont be able to throw money at any problem that crops up 😛 

Super frequent scribe

originally posted on 14-11-2016 9:50 PM

Hey guys, I really enjoyed the GR tonight! I'm off to get ready for work tomorrow and head to bed Smiley Happy 


Have a good night guys! @Ben-RO @j95 @Alison5 @loves netball

originally posted on 14-11-2016 9:52 PM

G'night @nc_reachout13
Star contributor

originally posted on 14-11-2016 9:35 PM

And our next question:


Is there such a thing as worrying about money too much? Is it okay to spend some money sometimes or do you have to pinch every penny!?


I definitely want to hear what everyone thinks about this. I think I worry too much, but find it difficult to break the habit.

Uber contributor

originally posted on 14-11-2016 9:39 PM

Is there such a thing as worrying about money too much? Is it okay to spend some money sometimes or do you have to pinch every penny!?


You have to live a little! What fun is squirriling away every dollar? Yeah of course save up, and have money for an emergency but don't limit yourself too much. We all need to have fun, treat ourselves and spend a little bit our money on things we like, if thats something you can afford to do, even if its $4 on a coffee once a week its something nice for yourself. You deserve it!

//You can stay afraid, or slit the throat of fear and be brave//
Super frequent scribe

originally posted on 14-11-2016 9:41 PM

I think it's definitely good to save if you have a goal and everything, but I also put a bit away to enjoy myself and have what I want too 

originally posted on 14-11-2016 9:35 PM

@Alison5 there's just all this external pressure to have money and support ourselves too early. Not to mention emphasis on getting centrelink. But that might be my poor health coming through

originally posted on 14-11-2016 9:22 PM

Goodnight @N1ghtW1ng

originally posted on 14-11-2016 9:21 PM

I really hate how much emphasis there is on to have a lot of money to get anywhere in life