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GR - Back to School Special! 28th Jan

Hi everyone!

School is starting back up soon, which can be an exciting or stressful time for people! 

We will be chatting about many things, for example what you are excited for, what you might be anxious/stressed about. 

We also have some amazing resources on ReachOut on:

Back to School Stress

Having the Courage to Head Back to School

Things to Remember When Starting a New School

How to Get Stuff Done

Apps You Need When School Starts

So please join us on Monday 28th January at 7:30pm AEDT!


@Bee @lokifish @Esperanza67 @Jay-RO @N1ghtW1ng 

missepPosted 22-01-2019 02:04 PM
ecla34Posted 28-01-2019 09:12 PM
@litgym hahahah that was me too! i always accidentally broke the edges of the pages so they'd fall out Smiley LOL
ecla34Posted 28-01-2019 09:10 PM

@unwind oof i feel you, late nights don't bode well for early morning classes eek
Putting dividers between topics can be helpful for school 🙂 It's annoying they're making you use only binders and looseleaf, but they can be pretty useful! 😄
- you can rearrange the order of your notes and slot in stuff for classes you missed etc. without it being out of order

- if you forget your binder you can just borrow looseleaf and add it later, and it's still all together

- you can remove pages you need rather than lugging around the whole thing, and if someone needs to borrow class notes you can still have most of it with you
Hope that helps! Heart

ecla34Posted 28-01-2019 09:05 PM

How do you prepare for going back to school? What kind of back to school shopping or preparations do you do?

I heard somewhere that virgos love stationary, and i was clearly born in the right month haha Smiley LOL I don't really buy anything but a new notebook, but i love planning out how i'm going to take notes, what to colour code (before giving that up 2 weeks into the semester lol), making a new computer folder etc. The illusion of productivity is awesome and i love it 😄 
I just like to make sure i have myself oriented as to what i need to do for the semester. Knowing what my assignments will be and when, what readings i'll need to do, things like that. Just so there are no surprises haha 🙂 

Esperanza67Posted 28-01-2019 09:13 PM

How do you prepare for going back to school? What kind of back to school shopping or preparations do you do?


I love going stationary shopping. The feeling of buying new notebooks, pens, pencils, etc. always makes me feel excited and organised haha! 


But typical preparations involve me scheduling in my bullet journal any assessment due dates, lecture and tutorial times etc.

ecla34Posted 28-01-2019 09:15 PM

@Esperanza67i admire the heck out of you for being able to actually maintain a bullet journal lol
they're so awesome, but man do i never do what i plan lol

Esperanza67Posted 28-01-2019 09:41 PM
Aw thanks @ecla34 <3! I don't know how I manage it either 😛
Esperanza67Posted 28-01-2019 09:43 PM
What do you usually bring or buy for lunch?

Peanut butter sandwiches almost every time haha. They're just so easy to make and for some weird reason I never get sick of them 😛
ecla34Posted 28-01-2019 09:44 PM

Heart PEANUT BUTTER IS LIFE!!! Heart @Esperanza67

Esperanza67Posted 28-01-2019 09:54 PM
Now here's the serious question: which is best? Smooth or crunchy peanut butter?
ecla34Posted 28-01-2019 09:56 PM
crunchy no doubt 😛
unwindPosted 28-01-2019 10:16 PM

Great chat tonight, it was nice to have a discussion around school 😄 Heart

ecla34Posted 28-01-2019 09:53 PM

Okie doke guys! I'm going to head off for now 😄
I just wanted to thank you all for your participation tonight! Heart it's been a blast having a chat with you all and reading your answers 

@missep  @Esperanza67  @Ladybug @scared01 @unwind  @nyke  @litgym @DIVYA 

(SORRY if i've forgotten anyone, i love you too!! Heart )

Feel free everyone to keep chatting and responding to questions, i'm interested to see what everyone is up to getting back to school! Heart

Most of all, GOOD LUCK WITH THE NEW SCHOOL YEAR! You'll slay it! xx


ecla34Posted 28-01-2019 09:22 PM

and now...

the time we've all been waiting for....

the most intense and serious question of the evening!!!!!

What do you usually bring or buy for lunch?



unwindPosted 28-01-2019 09:27 PM

What do you usually bring or buy for lunch?


All jokes aside, this is the worst question Smiley LOL. My mum must ask me a million times before school goes back what I want for school lunches, I never, never, know. For some reason, I hate school lunches, I don't know where this hatred came from Smiley LOL.


I usually bring like one of those granola bar things, a piece or two of fruit (although they aren't nice during the hot asf summer), and a sandwich, which also gets nice and warm during the summer months. I feel like I just eat crap, easy foods during school, often feeling hungry during classes -- someone give me some inspiration, please Smiley LOL

ecla34Posted 28-01-2019 09:35 PM

What do you usually bring or buy for lunch?
I am verrrrrry lazy when it comes to packing lunches. So i usually take a bunch of snacks to munch on in between classes like cherry tomatoes, muesli bars etc. Sometimes i make a sandwich or bring leftovers but i've had containers explode in my bag before and i'm not keen to repeat the experience! So yeah, lazy 😛 I should work on packing proper lunches haha

LadybugPosted 28-01-2019 09:34 PM

I totally agree. It's so hard to know what to eat. It makes it worse that I can't stand bread. Now I usually love buying this chicken and rice pack. It even comes with a salad and sauce. It's quite cheap for all of that but still it sucks spending money.

ecla34Posted 28-01-2019 09:36 PM

oooh sounds yum! @Ladybug

LadybugPosted 28-01-2019 09:19 PM

I used to love stationary shopping as a kid. and because I kept growing I usually got a nice new pair of shoes every year. But now I don't enjoy the preparations as much, i have stopped growing so no new shoes and I tend to just reuse stationary from the previous year if it hasn't run out.

LadybugPosted 28-01-2019 09:18 PM

I used to love stationary shopping as a kid. and because I kept growing I usually got a nice new pair of shoes every year. But now I don't enjoy the preparations as much, i have stopped growing so no new shoes and I tend to just reuse stationary from the previous year if it hasn't run out.

ecla34Posted 28-01-2019 08:03 PM

@litgym that's more than understandable, it sounds like it would have been a very confronting conversation 😞 I'm glad that this could be a positive change for you though rather than negative, still that sounds full on Heart Those sound like really good strategies for dealing with the situation if you do return Heart super proud of you Heart

ecla34Posted 28-01-2019 08:04 PM
also thank you! @scared01 ❤️
LadybugPosted 28-01-2019 08:13 PM


Yes, I have some anxiety about going back to school. I'm in university.. it should be my second year but I am still doing some first year subjects because last year it was way too hard for me to handle and it left me in a downwards spiral that resulted in me dropping out of a lot of subjects. I really hope I can handle it better this year. It really feels like everyone else is handling it better than me though and there is a lot of pressure to do well if I'm ever going to make it into the honours course. (only the top students get a offer) I already feel like I stuffed up because I accidentally slept in when it was timetabling time which left me with bad scheduling.

ecla34Posted 28-01-2019 08:22 PM

@Ladybug I'm sorry to hear last year was so rough for you and that you're feeling a lot of pressure now 😞  I know it can look like everyone else has themselves together, but you're definitely not alone in what you've been going through Heart Uni can be really overwhelming at times
You're definitely not alone in the timetabling scenario either! Last year i forgot registration completely until i was already at work and i missed out on doing a subject full stop that semester! 

Esperanza67Posted 28-01-2019 08:25 PM

Uni sign-ons each year are always stressful, isn't @Ladybug and @ecla34? I can't think of anyone who hasn't missed their sign-ons 😛


Hello @missep! It's good to hear from you!

nykePosted 28-01-2019 08:35 PM

I missed one of my last sign-ons @Esperanza67  last week, bleh. I had gone through all of the options in case that happened, so fortunately it didn't mess up my table too much!


Question 3 ~ Do you have a subject or subjects that you are good at or enjoy studying? 

I honestly don't know what to expect from uni subjects, but I was always keen on math / IT classes in highschool -- except during the first week (it's like a recap week). As the year came to close, I came to enjoy ancient history and sometimes science because time passed quickly. Smiley Very Happy

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