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Live GR: Bringing in the New Year (Wednesday the 30th of December, 7:30pm AEST)

Hey there legends! It's almost the end of 2020 so we've decided on a topic to fit that! I hope you're all doing okay, and it's okay if you aren't- I hope you can reach out and talk to someone (and of course, we're here for you if you need!)


So this coming Wednesday the 30th of December at 7:30pm AEST, we'll be chatting about our reflections of the past year and hopes for the future. We'll be chatting about our experiences of 2020 and how we plan on approaching the new year. 


Of course we'll all have unique (and shared) experiences for this year and I hope we can come together to support each other and reflect on what's happened


As always, make sure you check out the community guidelines and reach out to some support if at all you need it. These topics can bring up feelings of distress and that's completely normal so please don't hesitate to seek support if you think that would be helpful


I hope we'll see you there! Looking forward to it! 😄





Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 27-12-2020 01:19 PM
Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 30-12-2020 07:43 PM
@WheresMySquishy The fireworks sound awesome! I hope they won't be cancelled 😞

@featuringme Yeah, I'm tempted to feel more hopeful about 2021 but also I'm worried nothing will change

We all seem to be saying there is a certain increase in motivation at the beginning of a new year! I wonder why! Change is exciting? Hm
Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 30-12-2020 07:38 PM
For me, new years doesn't feel so significant this year. Usually I might be on holidays seeing family or something. But it's usually not THAT significant for me anyway. It's cool to watch some fireworks on tv or message my friend HAPPY NEW YEAR at exactly 12:00am lol but other than that. I tend to want to set new plans at the beginning of the new year (like resolutions) but they never last Smiley LOL
featuringmePosted 30-12-2020 07:45 PM

@Lost_Space_Explorer5 Haha I'm no good at making new years resolutions either Smiley LOL I act more spontaneous and don't like following plans, so trying to stick to resolutions is v challenging. I don't think people should feel compelled to make resolutions just because it's something society does. We develop and grow in our own unique ways, so new years resolutions shouldn't be the only way to do so.

WheresMySquishyPosted 30-12-2020 07:42 PM

@featuringme  Haha, a lot of people I know (myself included) can't wait for this year to be over. Bring on 2021! Smiley LOL

@Lost_Space_Explorer5  I'm not that excited for this year's celebrations either. I've sometimes made plans for the year, but life tends to throw them at the window. These days, I just go with the flow.

WheresMySquishyPosted 30-12-2020 07:45 PM

Here's our next question:

What are some good things that happened for you in 2020, or what’s something you are proud of achieving? What were some challenges for you or people you care about?


featuringmePosted 30-12-2020 08:04 PM

@WheresMySquishy @Lost_Space_Explorer5 @celestialdreamer @A_Friend all should be rly proud of yourselves for overcoming your personal challenges! Sharing your struggles is such a brave thing to do, I think a lot of other people who read through this chat will be grateful for sharing your stories Smiley Very Happy

celestialdreamerPosted 30-12-2020 08:08 PM

For our next question...


What are some things in 2021 you’re looking forward to or wanting to achieve? Is there something you’re not looking forward to or worried about? How might you apply any lessons you learnt in 2020 to approach these hopes and fears?
Jimmy Fallon Truth GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
featuringmePosted 30-12-2020 08:32 PM
What are some things in 2021 you’re looking forward to or wanting to achieve? Is there something you’re not looking forward to or worried about? How might you apply any lessons you learnt in 2020 to approach these hopes and fears?
I'm looking forward to the possibility that life will return to normal. I'm hopeful that COVID vaccines will be released and will work, but I'm also cautious that this may not happen. I'm also excited to continue my job, because it's one I enjoy quite a lot! The uncertainty of things to come in the new year is something I don't like thinking about. With so many things happening in 2020, I feel like my uncertainty about the future has grown a lot. However, I've also learnt a lot of self-care and mental health tips this year. I'll use them to help me approach my hopes and fears.
WheresMySquishyPosted 30-12-2020 08:19 PM

What are some things in 2021 you’re looking forward to or wanting to achieve? Is there something you’re not looking forward to or worried about? How might you apply any lessons you learnt in 2020 to approach these hopes and fears?
I'm looking forward to advancing further in my career. But on the other hand, I've been struggling with the long hours. I'm also worried about my grandma as she's been in hospital twice this year and she's approaching 90. This was how the end was for my great grandmother, so next year could be her last. It's hard when grandparents get older and more frail. As my sister is still unwell, she might not be able to attend any funerals if something happens to my grandparents, so we will have to arrange for someone to be with her. 😞 I've also interviewed with four universities for postgraduate places, but I haven't heard anything back from them. I've been told that no news is good news but I feel like I should have heard back at this point. Oh well, at least I have a job now. 🙂 I'm also hoping that my parathyroid hormone levels go back to normal and that I don't need to have surgery on my parathyroid glands. My parents kind of just thought the worst though.
Something I have learned this year is that I can be flexible if things don't go my way or if I don't succeed in something. I know I am qualified and capable. I can bring so much to other people. I have taken a 'whatever will be, will be' approach to life and been more accepting of whatever life throws at me. I think of how I've overcome over challenges in the past.

Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 30-12-2020 08:24 PM
Advancing in your career and getting into postgrad sound exciting @WheresMySquishy. I can imagine how anxiety provoking the waiting game would be. I'm sorry your sister is still unwell and there's the worry if someone dies she won't be able to attend 😞 I hope your levels return to normal too! Surgery sounds scary 😞

You're definitely so strong and capable of approaching whatever happens 🙂 That's an awesome lesson you've learnt
WheresMySquishyPosted 30-12-2020 08:32 PM

Is there anything you would like to change going into the new year? (This could be anything- big or small. It could be something related to self-care, your relationships, goals, your openness to experience, trying something new, etc.)
Some things are:
- Having a better sleep routine. 2020 really messed with my sleep. I used to sleep much better in previous years, but this year I found myself being nocturnal.
- I want to finish some video games I've been meaning to finish.
- I want to get out more and see and do more things after spending so much time at home this year. I also want to exercise more as the lockdowns and surgeries I had really drained my stamina.
- I have a list of things I'd like to try and I'd like to tick more of them off in the new year. 🙂
- I want to continue growing my confidence as I've started feeling more confident these last few weeks.

Oops, looks like I was a bit early with this question Smiley LOL

Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 30-12-2020 08:42 PM

Hehe that's okay @WheresMySquishy Those are some good goals anyway! Sleep, self-confidence, finishing things we start and getting back into life, those sound like goals I'd like to set for myself too 😛


Is there anything you would like to change going into the new year? (This could be anything- big or small. It could be something related to self-care, your relationships, goals, your openness to experience, trying something new, etc.)


I guess just trying to get back into things I used to enjoy and putting myself out there. Looking after myself and not giving up as well


Pusheen Happy New Year GIFs | Tenor

WheresMySquishyPosted 30-12-2020 08:37 PM

Next question:

Is there anything you would like to change going into the new year? (This could be anything- big or small. It could be something related to self-care, your relationships, goals, your openness to experience, trying something new, etc.)

I just saw this gif and had to laugh:



featuringmePosted 30-12-2020 08:43 PM

@WheresMySquishy That gif is *chefs kiss*... a perfect summary of 2020 Smiley LOL


Is there anything you would like to change going into the new year? (This could be anything- big or small. It could be something related to self-care, your relationships, goals, your openness to experience, trying something new, etc.)

I would like to try and work on my anxiety. Recently, I feel like I've been having more useful thoughts to help combat my anxiety, and I would love for that to occur more often! This one's a very casual goal, but I want to eat out at new restaurants. With COVID I'm not sure how achievable this will be, but I want to try foods from different cultures 😄

Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 30-12-2020 08:46 PM
Haha I love the chef's kiss @featuringme Smiley LOL

Oh working on anxiety is a good one! I need to start working on my ocd stuff with my psych, but I'm always too scared to talk about my thoughts
Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 30-12-2020 08:52 PM

It's time for the next question! 😄


More broadly, what are your hopes and fears for the wider world in 2021? Is there anything you can do to address these concerns and hopes? What is something that is reasonable and in your control that you could do?



















I may have gone overboard with the gifs

A_FriendPosted 30-12-2020 09:06 PM

@Lost_Space_Explorer5 I am too worried about what will happen with the world with covid still going strong in some places. I hoping the vaccine will help this and people continue to follow the rules.

Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 30-12-2020 09:03 PM
I guess I'm worried about what will happen with covid and our environment (with climate change). And inequality in the world. Idk there are so many things that need to be fixed. But I guess within my control is to follow the covid regulations, try my best to take care of the environment, and give back to disadvantaged people in the community in some way (I guess I'm kind of doing this with the op shop volunteering)
featuringmePosted 30-12-2020 09:02 PM

@Lost_Space_Explorer5 these gifs are great, definitely not going overboard with them Smiley LOL


More broadly, what are your hopes and fears for the wider world in 2021? Is there anything you can do to address these concerns and hopes? What is something that is reasonable and in your control that you could do?

This may be a v optimistic hope, but I want the world to become more peaceful in 2021. In 2020, I've learnt a lot about the injustices and oppression people are facing throughout the world. I hope that these can be effectively addressed, and that people will stop hurting others. I've been learning much of this from instagram, and sometimes it can be overwhelming. When this happens, I can take a break from insta and indulge in some self-care. To help people learn about the injustices others are facing, I can share the info. I've come across with others. I think sharing the knowledge I've seen can help foster tolerance and peace. I can't control their reactions to the info I share, and I can't control their attitude. But, at least trying to inform people about these issues will be useful.

WheresMySquishyPosted 30-12-2020 09:01 PM

More broadly, what are your hopes and fears for the wider world in 2021? Is there anything you can do to address these concerns and hopes? What is something that is reasonable and in your control that you could do?
My main fear is that things will be bad economy-wise, especially with the reduction in money coming from the government. Cases are also increasing again in New South Wales so it's hard to imagine when things will go back to how they were before.
I hope that they will find a vaccine and that there will be more of a focus on working from home and supports for carers in the future.
Something I did at the start of the lockdown was writing a list of things I can control and things that I can't control. Some of the things that are out of my control are worries about other people's choices, how long the restrictions will last, unexpected trauma or adversity. Some of the things I can control are my attitude, the choices I make, my self-talk, how I care for myself and how I use my strengths. I also made a 'worry decision tree' telling me what to do about and when to let go my worries.

Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 30-12-2020 09:06 PM
ooh what's a worry decision tree? I have to look this up! @WheresMySquishy 😄

It's good to be optimistic @featuringme, it leads us to believe things can change and we can make a stand against things
WheresMySquishyPosted 30-12-2020 09:08 PM

@Lost_Space_Explorer5   I found this one this year:


Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 30-12-2020 09:09 PM
They all end with the same last step Smiley LOL what is this sorcery!?

I guess worrying doesn't really solve anything
WheresMySquishyPosted 30-12-2020 09:18 PM

How will you look after yourself and people you care about in the coming year? (This could be what you will do, who you surround yourself with, how you manage challenges, etc)
Over on the journaling thread, I posted an oath to myself and I plan to live by it in the new year. 🙂
I will most likely take things one day at a time and use my existing supports and resources to help me get through tough times. I've compiled a notebook full of things I've learned this year and I will likely refer to it again in the future. I will also continue learning from other people. I have a lot to learn from the people I support and have already learned so much from them already.
I want to focus more on self-care and not juggle so many commitments. I also want to be more true to myself and my values going into the new year. I want to do things that I genuinely want to do, not because someone else is telling em to do them.

celestialdreamerPosted 30-12-2020 09:25 PM
@WheresMySquishy honestly preach this whole post, that is so inspirational to me, especially the oath to yourself and being true to who you are ❤️

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