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Journal, Diary and Planner Lovers!
Hi everyone,
I have seen a lot of people on the forums take up journaling recently. I really wanted to have a space on the forums where we can share pictures and ideas for our journals, diaries and planners. 🙂 Apologies if a thread like this has already been made somewhere.
I'll be sharing the pages that don't have anything identifying me or people I know. It's also okay to show spreads and pages that you haven't written in yet. 🙂
Happy journaling and/or planning!
Does anyone else use their journal to write down mental health tips or is it just me?
I have helpful acronyms, dot-point strategies, mental health journaling prompts, and things like that.
Yes, I write down my self-care plan, procrastination tips, little motivation quotes, and possible solutions for my issues. There's lots of mental health bullet journaling groups on facebook where people only write about mental health stuff as well!
@WheresMySquishy @November13 that seems like a great idea to write down mental health tips in your journal!
Lately I have started a '100 Days of Journalling Prompts' challenge which I'm really enjoying. Sometimes I find it difficult to pick up my journal and start (even though I know how much it clears my head) so I am loving holding myself accountable to journalling everyday even if its only a paragraph, and I like having a particular topic to write about so that I am not just writing aimlessly (though that can be helpful at times too!)
That's so cool @marlee! I have a 'A Sentence a Day' journal but I haven't looked at it or used it in years. There are also journals you can get that have 365 numbered pages so you can write a prompt or entry for each day of the year.
I don't think I could commit to doing a prompt a day. I tried doing something like that a few months ago but it was hard for me to think of prompts and I missed a few days. I usually like writing out lists like my favourite creatures, what I would like to have in my dream home, my strengths, what makes me smile, etc. I also have an app called tinythoughts that gives me daily prompts.
@WheresMySquishy Oh that sounds so cool! I think I have seen something like that at kikki-k, where you can write a sentence a day for a few years so that you can look back at how your answers change over the years! I agree, every day can be a struggle, I'm trying to just go with the flow with my 100 days and if it ends up taking me 150 to get through all the prompts thats okay! Lists are a really good idea as well, that would be really nice to read back through all of those positive things and is probably easier to navigate compared to long journal entries.
@marlee I love kikki.k! I get a lot of my products from there because I find that the quality is better than some other shops and they have products that other shops don't have. I was really sad when they went into administration but I've heard that they've been acquired by another planner company now.
I really hope you can get through your challenge! 🙂 It will be amazing to look back on it in a few years.
Hi all! Does anyone have multiple planners for different purposes? For example, a home planner, a study planner, a personal planner, a family planner, a project planner, a chronic illness planner, etc.
I ordered a lovely ring-bound planner that was on clearance the other day, but I'm already using two others. Any ideas about what I could use this new one for? 🙂
@WheresMySquishy I most definitely relate to this! I have so many notebooks/journals for different purposes – a daily journal I write in, a to-do list notebook, a random thoughts notebook it goes on and on! If this planner has a page for everyday you could do a 10 minutes of non-stop writing every morning, get all your thoughts out on a page and start your day fresh I love doing this it makes me feel as though I've cleaned the room in my mind and can be open to the day, I think it's called morning pages or you could plan fun activities to do when you're on holidays and research different activities to do where you live things you haven't tried before and new places to explore!
@celestialdreamer I've heard of morning pages too! I've never tried it myself though. Here is a resource explaining how to do them if anyone is interested. Has anyone heard of any other journaling techniques?
I also like the idea of having a random thoughts notebook! I tried to start a page in one of my notebooks just for random thoughts and questions. Planning different activities is a good idea too!
Has anyone ever composed vows to themselves in their journal? I tried doing this in a notebook today.
It could be a good idea for a future Weekly Wellbeing. 🙂
Does anyone else enjoy making their own journalling templates?
I have been trying to use spreadsheets and custom journalling apps to make logs that I can just enter information in every day.
Here are some templates I have made so far:
- Life Satisfaction/Review - ratings of areas of my life, and noting which areas need more attention, less attention, areas that are okay right now and things I can delegate or stop doing.
- A mood tracker
- A medical test tracker
- An appointment log
- An online shopping tracker
- A self-care log - 'What Did I do For Self-Care?', the type of self-care, how it made me feel, whether I would do it again and a rating of it.
- Top five priorities for a day, week, month, year, or project and their status (not yet started, started, complete, migrated or cancelled), a ranking of their difficulty and time commitment and a reward for meeting them.
- A review/reflection where I talk about the good, okay and bad aspects of a day, week, month or project.
- A shopping list with categories
- A project/goal tracker
- A decision aid
- Meeting notes - the date and time of a meeting, attendees, meeting objectives, notes and action items.
- Webinar notes
- Restaurant review - the name of the restaurant, the address, the type of cuisine, whether they offer delivery or takeaway, favourite menu items, notes and a rating of how much I liked the restaurant.
I'd love to hear other ideas! 🙂
@WheresMySquishy wow these are great ides! I'm thinking to add a list of restaurants to try. I have a few lists on my phone but I haven't transferred them to my planner yet:
-what I want to do when this pandemic is over
-motivational quotes
-my previous addresses I have moved too many times and it's always a pain to fill in forms lol
-my sizes for different clothing shops
-gift ideas for myself and others. I'm that person that doesn't know what I want when asked
-fun things to do (instead of being on my phone all day)
I'm digging up this thread again because I want to show you guys what's probably my favourite part of my life right now
A few days ago I went for a walk with a work friend after we'd closed up for the day. Lately we've been working together on kinda like a casual project of getting me to open up to him, because we both know that I'm a very private person and I often hold things in too much. When we were saying goodbye, figuring out when we were working together next (a whole week away!) etc he told me to journal my feelings over the week and show it to him if I want to. I told him I loved the idea and I'd surely forget about it, but actually it stuck with me! So I picked up a little notebook on my way home and I've been writing and drawing in it every day. Here's the first couple of pages:
@squiggly Your handwriting and artwork is beautiful! 🙂
The notebook will surely be amazing to look back on over the years. That's one of my favourite aspects of keeping a journal.
Thank you @WheresMySquishy! I've been really trying to improve my handwriting lately so it makes me really happy that you think it's beautiful ❤️ And having it as something to look back on is definitely a big point in me writing this! I give this friend little doodles every day we work together and he recently told me he keeps all of them, and looks through them and smiles every now and then and my heart seriously exploded when he told me that
So I want to keep giving him more and more things that'll make him smile, it's a really nice feeling knowing I can do that.
I'd love to hear everyone's opinions on using stickers in planners and diaries. 🙂
Do you enjoy using stickers for decoration or for function?
Do you enjoy using a few stickers or a lot?
@WheresMySquishy I'm actually new to journaling, but it's something I really want into the habit of doing because I know it'll be a tremendous help to my mental health. But the posts here are blowing my mind! Everyone is so creative with how they journal and all the different ways to go about it. I'm definitely going to try and incorporate some of these ideas!
@WheresMySquishy I love this idea of writing out lists to random things! I think sometimes I think I can only journal when I'm upset or stressed about something but in reality I get a lotto joy journalling in general so why not translate it to other topics to try to organise my thoughts in a way! This is great, I can't wait to try!
I love those examples of things you write @WheresMySquishy , I want to write a few of those myself! And I totally relate to what you said about it being hard to sit down and journal even though you know it helps @marlee , I'm like that with a lot of things! I make sure to give myself a bit of gratitude each time I do something that's good for myself, for getting past that little mental barrier
I wanted to share this page that I made and put up for my housemates to also use, I'm pretty proud of how it looks
My handwriting's not the most consistent thing at the moment, I'm trying to change how I write! Has anyone else tried modifying their handwriting?
Wow that's a cool idea @marlee! Writing just a little everyday instead of expecting a full page is definitely a great help. Sometimes when I'm feeling extra lazy, I'll even do bullet points. Still helps get things off my mind without the extra efforts!

Today I am having a lazy day. How about you?
I am glad that you found it helpful @Bananatime04. You can always share what is on your mind with us too as we are here for you if you need to talk I am having a relaxing day too as it is quite chilly here ! Sometimes chilled and relaxing days are just what we need !

I have to go now, but thank you for showing me your alphabet! I’ll see if I’m any good at writing in yours, otherwise I’ll just see if I can write my own! 🙂