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N1ghtW1ngPosted 25-01-2019 12:27 PM
Get ready!!
Did I go overboard? Absolutely not. HERE ARE MY PUPPERS!
Sunflower18Posted 13-01-2019 04:55 PM
He's recently discovered the wonders of a pillow. So he'll actively seek out a pillow (or something that looks soft) to rest his head on before he goes to sleep
lokifishPosted 13-01-2019 03:50 PM
@Bananatime04 I wouldn't count him out of the war so soon. He looks like a cheeky bugger who'll bounce back soon with a million photos 😛
Bananatime04Posted 13-01-2019 03:47 PM
Guys we all just need to look at this close up of Eddie and give him a minute. He is sad that he lost the war
litgymPosted 13-01-2019 03:39 PM
hahahah oh well, it was a major exam in year 7, THANKS MAGGIE @lokifish @annabethxchase
lokifishPosted 13-01-2019 03:22 PM
@Bananatime04 @annabethxchase OH MY GOD SO MUCH CUTENESS!!! 😍😍
(Also photos are fine as long as you can't identify anybody in them, so you're all good :))
(Also photos are fine as long as you can't identify anybody in them, so you're all good :))
lokifishPosted 13-01-2019 03:26 PM
Here's Millie sleeping in my room while I was in the process of moving out of my parent's place... she claimed the room pretty quickly hahahahah
Then this was after I left and she was super depressed for like a month 😓😂
Bananatime04Posted 13-01-2019 02:34 PM
No way! I’m getting my mums photos because she has better ones