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MacGyver meals

After getting way too off topic in another thread i'm making a thread to talk about all the amazing tricks you know for preparing a meal with limited ingredients or things you normally wouldn't cook dinner with.


Here's my recipe for:




Step 1:


Go to the local shop and buy some handmade dumplings. You're Macgyver now so you have to use your environment... and paperclips to your advantage.


Step 2:


Put the dumplings in the microwave in some boiling water... bonus points if you boiled the water with jetfuel or something else really cool. I was out of jet fuel so i used a Kettle. Cook on high for 8 minutes. 


Step 3:


Drain the dumplings from the water with an elaborate and unecessary system of spatulas. Fry in a sandwich toaster for a couple of minutes or untill nice and crispy.


Step 4:

Fashion a crappy fork out of a paperclip. You have real forks... but you're MacGyver... so paperclips.



I will update this with pics after i do this again.




Plx share your macgyver cooking skills.






Ben-ROPosted 28-02-2017 06:24 PM


safari93Posted 04-03-2017 03:37 PM

@j95 okay so it's technically a """"granola"""" but the one I took to work is called Five AM Organic and I would get the coconut and cocoa flavour. It's pretty pricey for cereal though, so try not to eat it too fast. Otherwise I usually like Sultana Bran or Nutrigrain

j95Posted 04-03-2017 03:40 PM
i've seen that, and i thought one day i'll get it when im ready to spend that much on cereal i probably won't eat haha maybe i will now @safari93 i just bought this new cereal and i have it with my so good vanilla soy milk and its so yum
lokifishPosted 04-03-2017 05:03 PM

All this talk of cereal made me go and get another bowl of Weetbix... Not complaining 😛

N1ghtW1ngPosted 05-03-2017 09:51 AM
@j95 dry cereal is the best. When I'm feeling particularly lazy, I just pour some into a bowl and eat them. Who needs to butter toast when you can just pour cereal? 😛

I used to love fruit loops as a kid. The siblings and I would always fight over who would have the last bowl, because then you'd get all the sugar at the bottom 😛 (so healthy :D)
safari93Posted 04-03-2017 03:16 PM

I definitely MacGyver quite a few of my dinners, although I feel like I'm sort of at an advantage flavour-wise since my mum literally gave me a box of spices to use as a parting gift when I moved out. You can improve even the most bizarre meal with enough chili.


@j95 I used to take this coconut and chocolate muesli to work as a (sort of) healthy snack, although sometimes I'd take milk from the work fridge and eat it like regular cereal if there wasn't much work happening. I am an advocate of dry cereal consumption

j95Posted 04-03-2017 03:21 PM
I'll have to try it out sometime!! @safari93 whats your favourite cereal
j95Posted 01-03-2017 02:19 PM
This really isn't a Magyver cooking skill but it's something.
My mates and I went camping a few weeks ago and someone forgot the cutlery (not me....) so we ate our dinner with the spare tent pegs 😛
lokifishPosted 01-03-2017 04:31 PM

Totally not the point of this thread, but everytime I hear MacGyver I think of Patty and Selma from The Simpsons 😛


giphy (69).gif

Ben-ROPosted 01-03-2017 06:29 PM



That's pretty MacGyver!


Here's my MacGyver meal for tonight, sandwich toaster roast potatoes.

j95Posted 01-03-2017 06:32 PM
yeah either way i would of upset someone... if i took all of our forks, knives and spoons from our house my housemates would not of been happy but my friends definitely were not happy when we opened up the box of food making things and realized somebody forgot eating utensils - but i think we did well @Ben-RO
Ben-ROPosted 01-03-2017 06:36 PM

Next time swap the eating utensils at the house for tent pegs @j95 Robot LOL Man Indifferent

j95Posted 01-03-2017 06:38 PM
Will do... actually i might take one of each for myself, hide the rest and replace them with tent pegs sometime when I'm not away, to be annoying and for a lol @Ben-RO
roseisnotaplantPosted 01-03-2017 09:48 PM

I need to start carrying around paperclips @Ben-RO ðŸ˜›

DruidChildPosted 04-03-2017 10:04 AM

I scored free cocoa pops from the free breakfast table yesterday, filled up a container with them (dry) and ate them with the container lid for lunch the next day, does that count?? Smiley Tongue

lokifishPosted 04-03-2017 11:21 AM

@DruidChild I normally eat dry cereal with my fingers 😛 maybe I should try using a container lid instead - much more skill involved in that 😄

j95Posted 04-03-2017 11:38 AM
My housemate made spag bol with the meat that comes in a can (not the really bad one!!) like the beef one that's with all the pasta sauce. It wasn't too bad but I only had a taste.
DruidChildPosted 04-03-2017 11:41 AM

@lokifish hmm, hands would probably be easier since that way I don't need a container lid Smiley Tongue


@j95 dry cereal is delicious, especially cocoa pops and cornflakes, you should definitely try it!! 🙂

j95Posted 04-03-2017 11:37 AM
Umm you both eat dry cereal @DruidChild @lokifish am I missing out on something special???
letitgoPosted 05-03-2017 12:25 PM

Oooooh I enjoy dry cereal as well @lokifish @DruidChild although for me it has to be cornflakes or sometimes Nutri-Grain.


Also, from the sounds of it I'll have to start replacing my forks with tent pegs and paperclips!

lokifishPosted 05-03-2017 07:19 PM




N1ghtW1ngPosted 05-03-2017 09:43 PM
Nooo but forks are really good! They can be used as a knife so you only need the one utensil! 😄

And yes to dry cereal! :D:D
lokifishPosted 06-03-2017 09:30 AM

@N1ghtW1ng on the few occasions where all the spoons have been in the dishwasher, I have been known to eat cereal with a fork... hahaha that's my MacGyver food tip 😛

lokifishPosted 04-03-2017 11:46 AM

@j95 yeah dry cereal is amazing 😄 I normally only have nutri grain or Sultana bran dry though

roseisnotaplantPosted 28-02-2017 09:09 PM

Huh, so you weren't kidding about your MacGyver cooking skills @Ben-RO ðŸ˜› I'm going to have to start eating with paperclips - forks are far too obvious an eating utensil.


(Additionally, who is MacGyver? Is this one of those pop culture references that goes straight over my head?)

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