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Reach Out Changed... TOO MUCH!

I prefered it when the website was black. That is all.

endommagePosted 13-12-2012 09:53 PM


endommagePosted 14-02-2017 03:36 AM

Im still miffed about the bright website. I did really like black :'(

Ben-ROPosted 14-02-2017 11:58 AM

@endommage uhoh, we're about to change it all again too! It'll be more blue, is that slightly better?


I think there's ways to change the colours a website displays from your end...although i am not sure exactly how. Maybe you could make RO look the way you want it to look for you?

mischiefmanagedPosted 14-12-2012 10:56 PM

Interesting feedback. 🙂

The site was redeveloped with direct input from young people and the majority said that black was not an uplifting colour.

I really do think it's up to individual taste and I agree being able to customize the background would be pretty awesome, but I guess it's difficult because all the text would need to be changed with different coloured backgrounds too!

Personally, I prefer the white. 🙂

As others have said though, it's still the same site! And still has all the awesome information like before! It will just take a while to get used to, I guess. 🙂


Thanks for the feedback though!

AtmaPosted 14-12-2012 03:29 AM

Hey endommage,


How cool is it that the basics are still the same and therefore you can still voice your opinion on the changes?


What colour do people think should be for the next site upgrade?

ShadowPosted 14-12-2012 12:30 PM



I'm probaly biased as I love the colour, but I agree with endommage- I liked the black as my eyes didn't play up as much! 🙂  I have a rare eye problem with no known name, except for "Visual Snow". Green would be nice too... 🙂 However, like DC said, you can't please everyone...

AtmaPosted 14-12-2012 03:47 PM

ooooooh Shadow PURPLE! I think I'd love to see a purple site!


I'd also love red! Red is my favourite colour!


Maybe one day in the future we'll be able to personalise so you can see what ever colour you want on your individual homescreen!! I think that would be super cool!

BeePosted 14-12-2012 07:35 PM
I'm 50/50 with the black Vs white. The white makes the screen so much brighter so it can hurt my eyes when it's darker... but it is easy to read, compared to the black, I don't know... I can't remember... Though I've never had trouble reading the site's words... But then I've got my web broswer zoomed in to like 130% because of my poor eyesight...

I'd love to see a purple site too Shadow. I reackon that would soo cool 🙂

While reading all teh posts I was thinking exactly what Atma said, that it's be cool if we could peronslaise, that way everyone is happy 🙂
lokifishPosted 14-12-2012 05:58 PM

It seems as though it's pretty much 50/50 on this one - I'm siding with Tempus and DC as I like the white 🙂


I think being able to customize the colour of your homescreen would be pretty awesome though, then everyone can be happy 🙂


ruenhonxPosted 14-12-2012 12:18 AM
Im with you endommage 🙂
I like colour but I really did prefer black but I understand how white can be uplifting Tempus. I guess in a sense white is like the light at the end of the tunnel and that is what Reachout is 😄
TempusPosted 13-12-2012 11:05 PM
Nah, white is a more uplifting colour :). I'd actually prefer a blue but I'm biased towards blue 😛
dreamcatcherPosted 14-12-2012 12:12 AM

I agree with @Tempus. Blue is the best colour out n_n
but I guess you can't please everyone... I think it was a 'majority rules' thing 🙂

Also, I find it a lot less crowded/busy/easier to read now that it's white.... Maybe that's just me?

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