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Tonight's My Last Night!

So I've been going back and forth about whether I should make a big deal of this, but in the end I really wanted to say a couple things, so here I am:


Tonight is my last shift moderating ReachOut. I'm moving on to a new job and unfortunately that means I don't get to be your mod anymore (I did ask, but my manager was That is not how this works Smiley Very Happy)


I wanted to just post a little note to say thank you for the past few months.


I've not only had an amazing time being your evening mod, I've actually learned so much, professionally and personally. The amount of wisdom and strength this community has leaves me awestruck every single day. As part of my job I have to monitor several different sites and communities, and it is no joke when I say that you guys are the highlight of my shift. You always make me laugh and always make me think. 


You have all built the most amazing community here, so thank you so much for welcoming me into it and letting me mess about here for a few months.


You guys are the best.



Kaz-ROPosted 12-08-2016 07:39 PM


khaleesi_18Posted 15-08-2016 09:07 PM

@Kaz-RO I only just saw this thread now! I just want to say a massive thank you for everything that you've done for RO - you've had such a positive impact on our little community. I've learned so much from reading your posts, which I'll take with me to improve as a Mod (and future metal health professional).


Good luck with your new role, and thanks again! Smiley Happy

safari93Posted 13-08-2016 11:15 AM

Good luck with your new job @Kaz-RO!! And thanks for everything you've done on the forums Smiley Happy

redheadPosted 13-08-2016 07:41 PM
@Kaz-RO 😞 awww gonna miss you. It's been great having you around and your help is always appreciated. Good luck with your new job 🐏
Ben-ROPosted 15-08-2016 11:03 AM

@Kaz-RO I am so sad that you're going while at the same time I am so grateful for the little bit of time that we got with you! You shared so much of yourself with us and the lessons you've learned. That knowledge is now in all our heads and because of that; so is a little bit of the great Kaz-RO. Gonna miss you HEAPS.

N1ghtW1ngPosted 12-08-2016 08:57 PM
Aww @Kaz-RO! It's been so awesome having you around and you have been such a wonderful person. Like @j95 said, helpful too (me included). I don't think I'll ever forget how awesome a person you are. Whereever you're going next will be do lucky to have you!
j95Posted 12-08-2016 08:31 PM
Oh no @Kaz-RO having you here has been awesome and so helpful to so many, including me soooo much. I hope you enjoy your new job and thanks for everything.
Kaz-ROPosted 12-08-2016 09:42 PM

Thanks guys @lokifish@N1ghtW1ng and @j95.


I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but I actually live with PTSD myself - in fact, at this point I'm very much 'recovered', and I live a great life with a full time job I love, great relationships, hobbies and study. A lot of the stuff I tell you about is stuff I've learned in my own recovery, or from friends and family members in their recovery. So basically I'm saying that I'm cheating when I tell you about stuff Smiley Wink


Getting to come here and work with you guys has been an awesome chance to spread my wings a little now that I'm in such a good place in my own life - you guys all know from being here how healing and amazing it can be to chat with others about this stuff! So I'm extra grateful to all of you for that.

DruidChildPosted 13-08-2016 10:33 AM

@Kaz-RO We'll miss you!! I'm so glad you got to work here for a while at least 🙂 Good luck with your new job! 

j95Posted 12-08-2016 10:05 PM
Wow, it's been great to hear things from a perspective of somebody who really gets it, even if I didn't really know that at the time. So thanks heaps! I have learnt a lot
lokifishPosted 12-08-2016 07:58 PM

Aw @Kaz-RO, it feels like you've only just got here and now you're leaving 😞 haha. I'm gonna miss seeing you around, but also wishing you all the best in your new role!

Welcome back!

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