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CassiePosted 19-07-2012 06:20 PM

Comments (339 pages)

ZekkPosted 10-03-2016 10:26 PM

Awesome to hear @j95, good luck with it Robot Very Happy

Bay52VUPosted 10-03-2016 09:07 PM


Slow cooker roast! 

Ben-ROPosted 11-03-2016 09:38 AM

Nice one @Bay52VU! How was it?

Bay52VUPosted 11-03-2016 07:44 PM

@Ben-RO it was awesome! Now I've got heaps of leftovers. Super easy to make although I didn't try to get fancy with any sauce/gravy things.

j95Posted 11-03-2016 10:04 PM
Never had a such a busy weekend!!
j95Posted 11-03-2016 02:42 PM
I didn't think I was that short until I realised I can fit into kids shorts from Kmart
N1ghtW1ngPosted 10-03-2016 11:22 AM
@Bay52VU I'll give it a look but I haven't noticed the option. This explains why I thought it was broken 😛
@khaleesi_18 I'm not sure what I can do. I've talked to people, but there's no, let's hang out, just friendly chatting. I'm hoping that one of the groups I joined starts up soon. I hate that the debating and public speaking are on mondays, the one day I'm not at uni. Because it's costly and long to get here, it's not worth much to come but maybe next semester I'll end up with a monday class and join then.

@Bee I hope your foot is okay! My foot has been giving me shits too, my mum suggested accupuncture, is that something you could do?

@j95 did it stop raining? That's pretty cool that you were (or would of) been able to work by yourself. 🙂

I'm sorry Australia, but I hate your summer weather. And early autumn weather.
BeePosted 10-03-2016 08:52 PM
@NqghtW1ng It should be. I think I may have triggered it with Hydrotherapy Tuesday monring because it hasn't been too bad today - but then I've been keeping up with regular pain relief like my gp suggested so I don't have to use this other one she prescribed because apparently it can play up with my antidepressant! (which I never knew before now!)
Considering I'm still in the recovery zone of this injury unless my physio and doc agree I wouldn't, but the thought of it gives me shivers to be honest!
For now I will stick to keeping it away from fans and air cons (as I've already identified that as a trigger since breaking my feet/ankles) and will do more regular Epsom salt soaks 🙂

@Sophie_RO YES I do need to! Thanks for reminding me! I think last night I just got into such a rut, and what is unknown for people reading those posts is I did start to feel a little better after having a chance to get it out! So obviously it shoes I need to spend MORE time on journaling than what I have been! *time to whip out a new journal and a new reminder on my phone*
AND you're right Soph! I have actually made some pretty big changes the last year! 374 days ago was the first time I opened up to a health professional about my mental health!!

Bee: Starting to get the hang of this job searching thing again. Looking over some of my cover letters from the last couple days, and they're ok. Well they're pretty good actually! 😄 I'm hoping I get one of these jobs and I can throw away the worry of having to be on my feet all day! Swapping from retail to administration.

(ps. sorry this post is HUUGE!)
ZekkPosted 10-03-2016 10:06 PM

It's great to hear you have made some great progress in the past year @Bee ðŸ™‚


What type of work in administration are you looking for? The prospect of getting a new job is always exciting (if not a bit laborious!).

BeePosted 14-03-2016 10:31 PM
@Zekk anything really. I think an office or admin job would be kinder on my foot than such a physically demanding job such as retail. I'm applying for anything and everything I can do. Otherwise will see how my foot holds up and might look at some career advice.

Bee: So apparently our headspace center was supposed to open today, yet there's been nothing about it anywhere!
j95Posted 10-03-2016 11:30 AM
@N1ghtW1ng been on and off for a while, even when it's not raining everything is still wet which can be annoying.
khaleesi_18Posted 09-03-2016 09:10 PM
@j95 sounds like a lovely, relaxing day! Grill'd is the best.
j95Posted 09-03-2016 09:39 PM
Just burnt my face when I was cooking my late dinner/lunch for tomorrow 😞
khaleesi_18Posted 09-03-2016 08:43 PM
@N1ghtW1ng I can definitely relate to the reversed trackpad problem! Can be very confusing when you're expecting it to scroll one way and it goes the other (so not picky at all)!

I think that's a totally normal feeling now that university is a bit more familiar. Give it time, it's still very much early days yet! What are some things that you could do to reduce feeling lonely?
j95Posted 09-03-2016 01:17 PM
@khaleesi_18 I've just been for a look around the shops, got Grill'd for lunch, just some hanging out on my own time.
khaleesi_18Posted 09-03-2016 11:44 AM

Catch up on ALL THE THINGS (posts Smiley Tongue):


@Bee sounds like you've recognised that the job might not be the right fit for you this time, and that's totally okay! I hear that you've given this a lot of thought, and it's awesome that this interview was better than others. Good luck with your job search!


@j95 trip to New Zealand sounds like a great alternative! That sucks about work today though - what can you do today as self care after last night?


@N1ghtW1ng that's really awesome! I love your point about 'faking it til you make it' - chances are, other people starting uni might be feeling nervous/worried about making friends and hoping that they are making a good impression also (even if it doesn't seem like it). Saying hi and starting that first conversation, like you said, is a great way to connect with others who may want to but feel too nervous to initiate conversations themselves (I hope that makes sense!)! I think I need to jump over to this new thread hehe. How's your second week going?

N1ghtW1ngPosted 09-03-2016 06:58 PM
Aside from the general problems, my laptop has a reversed trackpad! This is just me being picky though, but if anyone knows how to reverse it. I mean, google probably knows but I'd have to open google. 😛

Anyways @khaleesi_18 my second week is my second week. It's not going any way in particular, it's just going, if that makes sense. I am starting to feel lonely though, everyone seems to have at least one person that they can hang out with and I don't. Don't get me wrong, I've chatted to people, it seemed that it was going well, but I haven't actually made a friend and so, I feel lonely. But that should fix itself soon. . . I hope.
Bay52VUPosted 09-03-2016 07:26 PM

@N1ghtW1ng have you tried Control Panel -> Mouse -> Device Settings -> Settings... -> Scrolling -> Enable reverse scrolling direction ?


Not sure of your specific laptop or what OS you're running, but that's the first solution google told me with assumed information 😛

Ben-ROPosted 09-03-2016 10:56 AM

Apple pie is one of my absolute favouritest things ever! With ice cream it's even better, but then there's less room for apple pie, so it's a risky thing and you have to get the balance just right. @redhead


I think you not only pursued the positives yesterday but actively made positive things happen and I think that is pretty incredible, i don't know many people as strong as you.


I am sorry that there was such a rough patch with your friend towards the end. I am glad they are safe and while i understand why you might feel some responsibility for what happened, i think it's important to remember that you can only do so much, and you have to look after yourself first. We can get worn out by always giving ourselves. If you do that, you won't have anything left for yourself OR the other people you care for! I dunno if that helps, lemme know what you think?

j95Posted 09-03-2016 11:01 AM
Unfortnately there is only so much outdoor work you can do with a rain jacket on, home I go 😞
redheadPosted 08-03-2016 08:27 PM
Apple pie and icecream Om nom nom
redheadPosted 08-03-2016 02:57 PM
Class was actually ok today, all my worries did pan out
j95Posted 08-03-2016 02:38 PM
@Stealth_ninja sooooo cute!!!
j95Posted 08-03-2016 02:36 PM
That's mostly what I thought the difference was @Ben-RO so thanks!

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