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It's like Twitter...but on Reach Out! Basically post status updates. No more than 140 characters if you're following the rules, but most of us will probably end up breaking that rule any way! 😛
I'm feeling kind of guilty at the moment. It might not look that way, but I'm procrastinating. 😛 I have an assignment due in three days that I should finish tonight so I can email my grandmother so she can check it over. Oh well. 😛
I have until the 31st to finalise my decision on whether or not I go into the early childhood and primary or just stick with primary. Both sides have their pros and cons. I guess. I hate decisions.
Big decisions can definitely be stressful, but it's good you've got some time make it. I know it sounds a bit lame and cliche, but I find physically writing a list of pros and cons helps. I also sometimes rate each pro and con, so I can see which ones are bigger or will have more of an impact on me if I do decide to go in that direction.
I personally think you'd be awesome at either early childhood or primary! So.... double degree!
There is an unknown species of spider in my wardrobe and it is not a daddy long legs and is freaking me out because all I saw was a big brown butt, I mean abdomen :P. If only I had unbreakable skin then the bite wouldn't be an issue and I would still pobably avoid it. Darn darnity darn darn. First ants, now a spider has my room become creepy crawly central? Now every little itch or weird feeling is somewhat freaking me out. Dammit Australia, why must you be so deadly?
I'm sorry for everything I've been posting on the forums lately. I've been out of hand.
I'm gonna take a quick break (I'll be back after Easter)
Thanks so much for all the awesome support you guys have been giving me. I love you guys.
I spent the evening at my local skatepark, and met a few new people. It was weird hanging out there again. The sun was coming down and we had music playing from a car and it was such a chill vibe, didn't even feel real, felt like something in a movie.
Cue slow motion silhouettes with caps backwards high-fiving in front of an orange sunset...
Or is that a bit 80s?
Sooo many layers to the sounds! Pretty damn relaxing though.
Just need one for my PC I think so I can play sound out of my heaps awesome speakers.
That or do something about my alarm volume. Because basically i fell asleep with my phone connected up to the sound sytem, then my alarm went off in the morning SUPER loud and woke up not just me but my flatmates, oops.
Do you have the upgraded version with the extra sounds?