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CassiePosted 19-07-2012 06:20 PM

Comments (339 pages)

j95Posted 02-09-2015 09:00 PM
thanks @stonepixie i appreciate it 🙂
RichardmanPosted 01-09-2015 11:55 PM
Richardman: Speaking of hair, I found a long strand of hair in a loaf of bread I bought yesterday.
At the moment I am watching CSI Miami, but I should really get to bed as I have to leave for a CFA Incident Management in 7 hours
LionessPosted 02-09-2015 12:22 AM
Lioness: I have a day off tomorrow and I keep thinking that I've forgotten something! Do I really have a sleep in? I can't wait!
j95Posted 02-09-2015 06:28 AM
@redhead @stonepixie for once in my life I thought mum actually cared, but obviously I was over thinking it, silly me for bothering.
j95Posted 02-09-2015 06:30 AM
For the first time in a long time I just slept all night
redheadPosted 01-09-2015 11:26 PM
@j95 we are here for you. Family sucks sometimes.

Redhead: after talking to mental health it was agreed that I would stay at a mates tonight and see my casemanager in the morning. I'm glad I didn't have to get admitted.
On a happy note I'm looking forward to getting my hair done tomorrow
stonepixiePosted 01-09-2015 11:38 PM
@j95 you made the effort to see her and I guess that is what counts. You can't pick your family, but you sure can pick your friends. sending a hug your way. *hug*

Ooo, what are you getting done, @redhead?

stonepixie: Looking at organising some self care for myself after class on Thursday. We start our mental health unit and my class likes to debate lots of things. And if last week is anything to go by, I definitely need to have a plan in place.
redheadPosted 01-09-2015 03:12 PM
Redhead: so much on my mind atm. I can't think straight. I thought therapy was meant to help with this but it just made it worse.
redheadPosted 01-09-2015 08:31 AM
@j95 we will be here for you if you need it afterwards
j95Posted 01-09-2015 08:24 AM
Seeing mum this afternoon., wish me luck ://
j95Posted 01-09-2015 04:35 AM
@N1ghtW1ng so not fun! Ok well that noise keeps coming back after disappearing for a little bit so I'm just going to put some headphones in, use the RO breathe app and try and get some more sleep. Goodnight
N1ghtW1ngPosted 01-09-2015 04:36 AM
@j95 sounds like a plan. Good night!
j95Posted 01-09-2015 04:26 AM
@N1ghtW1ng I was having so much fun!! Sometimes I dream that I'm getting ready for work and then I wake up and I'm still in bed and running late.
N1ghtW1ngPosted 01-09-2015 04:31 AM
@j95 that is the absolute worst! I strongly dislike dreams of your day, to when you wake up and have to do it all over again. Unless you add dragons, it's not fun.
j95Posted 01-09-2015 09:16 PM
@redhead yeah didn't go as I expected:/
j95Posted 01-09-2015 04:19 AM
@N1ghtW1ng not off the top of my head no
j95Posted 01-09-2015 04:15 AM
So funny, I was having a dream that I was cutting shapes at the local bowls club before I woke up, totally felt real.
N1ghtW1ngPosted 01-09-2015 04:22 AM
@j95 I both love and hate dreams like that. The worst ones that I ever got were when I dreamed that I was getting up and going to the toilet, but before I do, I wake up in my bed with a desperate need to pee.
Another, my least favourite, is when I go to school except I'm not wearing shoes (sometimes it's a skirt/skort I'm missing) but no one seems to think it's weird. And my dream is basically me trying to get to the bathroom and put on my skirt/skort or shoes without anyone seeing (by walking in plain sight). Very unpleasant.
Another one that I dislike is that I wake up in the morning feeling like I've already gone to school and such but the day hasn't even started.
j95Posted 01-09-2015 04:13 AM
Maybe I will try and get back to sleep cause its stopped, for now...
N1ghtW1ngPosted 01-09-2015 04:14 AM
@j95 a little sleep will help. Do you know any tricks for falling asleep?
j95Posted 01-09-2015 04:10 AM
@N1ghW1ng this is not a wind sort of noise 😕 I'm just fully under the covers, just about suffocating but I feel pretty safe under here haha
j95Posted 01-09-2015 04:05 AM
@N1ghtW1ng I have hardly slept. Im lying in bed right now absolutely terrified, I can hear noises outside my house, can't stop shaking.
N1ghtW1ngPosted 01-09-2015 04:08 AM
@j95 do you have any plants near you? I don't know what the weather is like for you but perhaps it's the wind?
Do you think you could turn the light on? Maybe get something to eat or drink?
RichardmanPosted 30-08-2015 10:43 PM

Bit of a long day, bit tired now. It was good though 🙂

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