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CassiePosted 19-07-2012 06:20 PM

Comments (339 pages)

j95Posted 27-08-2015 08:17 AM
Jays daily weather commentary: it's freezing and I don't like it. Pants were a much better option than shorts today oops
redheadPosted 27-08-2015 08:01 AM
@moonwalk I'm safe. Spent nearly 8 hours in DEM last night waiting to see mental health team and eventually get admitted.
redheadPosted 26-08-2015 09:57 PM
Sometimes I wonder why I bother to get help...I'm over this.
j95Posted 27-08-2015 09:49 PM
Struggling tonight but I know I can do this. I'm comitted to my safety plan. Things will be ok.
moonwalkPosted 26-08-2015 10:23 PM

Hey @redhead, sounds like you're having a tough night. Is everything ok? I just want to make sure you're safe too.


I know it's hard to see things in a positive light during the rough times, but try to remember how far you've come and everything you've accomplished just in the last few months alone. You've shown so much, courage and strength and have inspired other people with your resilience too.

j95Posted 25-08-2015 08:16 PM
ran into my dads friend at the supermarket tonight... made me feel super unsafe and uncomfortable when he got up in my face. But I've sort of learnt how to deal with those types of people now, doesn't make it any less scary though.
j95Posted 25-08-2015 08:09 PM
Exactly @stonepixie apparently they left me a message no messages here... Oh well.
ElleBellePosted 25-08-2015 07:57 PM

@stonepixie if you have any dreams about lotto numbers, make sure you let me know 😄

stonepixiePosted 25-08-2015 08:16 PM
Doesn't work like that @ElleBelle Hahaha. These things usually happen when I am awake.
j95Posted 25-08-2015 04:18 PM
Little brother just rocked up to house with stray kittens, oh my goodness, cute but seriously?!
Bay52VUPosted 25-08-2015 06:35 PM

@j95 that's crazy about the kittens. Wish I could take one off your hands lol.

j95Posted 25-08-2015 06:51 PM
I felt awful but I told him no we're not keeping them here, so he went home to his carers, I'm yet to receive an angry phone call so I'm assuming they now have temporary home with them?
stonepixiePosted 25-08-2015 06:24 PM
So this freakish thing happened where before I went to bed last night, I randomly thought that my psych was sick and then this morning, I got a phone call before the centre even opened saying my psych wasn't in.
j95Posted 25-08-2015 06:28 PM
see they either forgot to call me or I didn't receive the message they apparently left me... but same thing happened to me!
stonepixiePosted 25-08-2015 07:10 PM
That sucks J!

If I was you and didn't know who to put my complaint into, I would just bring it up with my psych during my next appt.

If you want to put in a complaint and being direct is not your thing, you can always put it in the suggestion/feedback box.
j95Posted 25-08-2015 07:15 PM
I will bring it up especially because I have to go out of my way my way for the appointment each week and today especially was a real hurry, with my brother and the whole kitten thing. I totally get that people are sick and stuff but why wasn't I made aware 😕
stonepixiePosted 25-08-2015 08:00 PM
I totally get you. However there should have been some sort of system in place to make sure you were informed.
j95Posted 25-08-2015 12:44 PM
I feel like such an outsider right now 😕
redheadPosted 25-08-2015 11:26 AM
@j95 the weather is good here to.

Redhead: why does therapy have to be so hard.
j95Posted 25-08-2015 07:29 AM
Another beautiful day 😎
redheadPosted 24-08-2015 04:23 PM
Procrastination my best study skill.
I want to do my assessment but they are hard and I can't be bothered. So I've come on RO..
ElleBellePosted 24-08-2015 08:18 PM

@redhead if procrastination was a uni course, I would be the freaking lecturer. Except I would probs put off teaching the class and spend the time watching cat videos...

redheadPosted 22-08-2015 10:52 PM
@Kit I promised myself and the mental health team that I'd take the day off tomorrow and go to church and chill out.

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