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what is everyone's favourite movie and movie genre?

My favourite genre is romantic comedy and my favourite movie is most likely grease im a sucker for the 50s/60s style!

ami-leePosted 29-12-2017 12:47 PM


Jesssister2001Posted 04-07-2018 10:46 PM

My favourite movie is the greatest showman and my favourite movie genre is musicals 

ZeldasmilePosted 03-06-2018 08:54 PM
My favourite movie...I quite like 'I Am Legend' so yeah maybe that. My favourite genre would definitely be action sci-fi.
Lisa2000Posted 07-05-2018 10:34 PM

I prefer watching fantastic movies and fantasy, also, I love different TV- shows. Recently found a good list of movies, actually, it was kind of article, well, it was interesting because of the heading, drugs in the films, check it out

"If there’s one thing the fictional worlds of film and our own very own real one have in common, it’s drugs." FunCat Happy

ErinsAnticsPosted 12-01-2018 11:23 PM

Depends on my mood! I refuse to do horror, I'm not a fan of westerns and I rarely do sci-fi.

I love romcoms, comedy, a bit of romance and/or drama here and there and give me all the teen movies! Disney Channel Original Movies are a huge weakness of mine (I have the soundtracks downloaded to prove it) as are made for tv movies. 

My all time favourite movie is A Cinderella Story - Hilary Duff + the love notes + THE DRESS = the perfect movie. Is it bad when I get married I want to wear a replica of the dress ::)



dominictriestobeanonymousPosted 06-01-2018 06:42 PM

my favourite genre is coming of age! and my favourite movies are: the breakfast club, ferris bueller's day off, short term twelve, pulp fiction

ms_xtPosted 12-01-2018 07:04 PM

My favourite genre is any kind of psychological thriller. Like Gone Girl, Side Effects, Psycho, The Shining etc. Classics and new stuff!

ElleBellePosted 05-01-2018 05:09 PM

Good questions @ami-lee! I am a sucker for teen movies. Anything from 80s Brat Pack stuff to The DUFF. I love seeing the girl get the guy and everyone end up happy. However my favourite movie of all time is Ghostbusters 🙂

BirdeyePosted 08-05-2018 01:44 PM
@ElleBelle did you watch the remake of Ghostbusters? If so, what did you think of it? How did it compare in your opinion?
lokifishPosted 30-05-2018 07:33 PM

@Essie saw in your intro post that you love movies, so I thought you might be interested in this thread 😄

redheadPosted 05-01-2018 09:07 PM
I'm a massive fan of sci-fi and super hero movies.
My favourite movie is Star Wars: a new hope
RevzZPosted 01-01-2018 07:42 PM
Sounds like an awesome topic @ami-lee! Favourite movie is possibly Inception. It's tough picking a favourite genre though, that's a good question! If I had to pick one, I guess I'd go with old classics like you (for now at least :P)

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