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Hey! So @j95 and I came up with a cool idea to have the longest list of coping mechanisms EVER.


Use this list when you're feeling down as a way to get through the day or night!


Help us add to it by giving us ONE SUGGESTION PER POST 🙂


My first coping mechanism suggestion is:


  • SNUGGLING YOUR DOGS FOR 5 MINUTES. (Cos dogs are the best)
lanejanePosted 13-07-2015 09:26 PM

Comments (13 pages)

ElleBellePosted 13-07-2015 09:36 PM

So much love for this idea!


  • Hit the gym and get some feel-good endorphins flowing.
scared01Posted 02-03-2020 08:29 PM

@Anonymous  you might find this thread helpful

Not applicable

Super frequent scribe

squigglyPosted 08-05-2020 10:35 PM

I've recently moved to a different room in my house, and a lot of it is really refreshing for me! With barely going out of the house these days, this is a really big (and welcome) change of scenery for me, especially since it's within my control. It's getting me to do lots of little therapeutic things as well, like making my bed and decorating my room, and organising my things. Maybe I'll start doing those little things more often 🙂

PeachTeaPosted 08-06-2020 10:14 PM

I recommend playing colour by number games, very relaxing can be started and stopped at your leisure. Special shout out to Happy Colour my favourite app for this Smiley Very Happy 

j95Posted 13-07-2015 09:56 PM
Lay down with a heat pack on the part of your body you feel stressed (like your chest)
lanejanePosted 13-07-2015 10:02 PM

Running! (on the beach is my favourite... or near the beach because sand in your shoes is seriously annoying and you would need a whole new coping mechanism for that!)



FootyFan26Posted 13-07-2015 10:03 PM
Run in bare feet @lanejane!
lanejanePosted 13-07-2015 10:07 PM

Gets inbetween my toes 😛


What aboutttttttt:


12. Sitting under a pier? I can do that in bare feet!


That always makes me feel better if i'm down... of if I know i'm starting to get stressed that's where I go before it hits!



j95Posted 13-07-2015 10:06 PM

that is so much harder than it sounds @FootyFan26
Lets number them so we know how many we have, yeah?

10. Print and colour a mandala

stonepixiePosted 24-09-2015 10:13 PM
When feeling like you want to do something harmful, tell yourself to wait 10 minutes.
FootyFan26Posted 13-07-2015 10:07 PM

It's still fun!

13. Watch your cat be clumsy and fall over all the time


My cat is SO uncoordinated it's not funny.  But then when he's active enough he does backflips.

N1ghtW1ngPosted 14-07-2015 07:13 PM

14. Writing. A story, your thoughts, anything. Just getting stuff from your mind and onto paper.


P.S- This is an awesome idea! Love it @lanejane and @j95

ElleBellePosted 13-07-2015 10:05 PM
  • Scribble on a piece of paper
lanejanePosted 13-07-2015 09:56 PM

Distraction: Pizzzzzzzza!

Hahaha 😛



FootyFan26Posted 13-07-2015 09:49 PM
Play a musical instrument.

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