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Re: TW- what’s holding me back from suicide?

@Maddy-RO I need help
Bananatime04Posted 29-05-2019 09:27 PM

Comments (50 pages)

xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 21-07-2019 08:23 PM

My Pizza! These are the made up names of my siblings.My Pizza! These are the made up names of my siblings.

xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 21-07-2019 08:21 PM
Oh no @Bananatime04!
You didn’t hurt me. I was just thinking of how sad it is that some people do that.
I was also sexually abused, but it was verbal. Idk if that counts, but it was to do with all this sexual stuff.

I’ve been making pizzas for school lunches tomorrow, so I’m feeling hungry... 🙂
Bananatime04Posted 21-07-2019 08:19 PM
Heyyyy @queenP are you still on? 😆
Bananatime04Posted 21-07-2019 08:18 PM
I’m sorry for hurting you @xXLexi_Lou122Xx

I was going ok.. wbu
Bananatime04Posted 21-07-2019 08:17 PM
@WheresMySquishy hey! I’m actually feeling pretty ok 🙂

@WheresMySquishy and @Tiny_leaf I went driving! My dads been teaching me and I got to reverse for the first time.. that could’ve ended badly because there was a tree but I did it!! What have you been up to?
Bananatime04Posted 21-07-2019 08:15 PM
Hey 🙂
Thanks @Andrea-RO
I don’t usually do self care because I feel like I should be in pain which makes me be really hard on myself..
but on the occasion that I do use self care I would have a bath with bath bombs, do a face mask, take Eddie for a walk, go for a run, listen to music, talk to my friends, watch YouTube or Netflix and coming here! 🙂
They do make me feel good but I usually don’t think I deserve to feel good so I have to force myself to do one of them then I just can’t stop!
xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 21-07-2019 08:12 PM
I’m sorry @Bananatime04.
That really hurts...

Rehearsal was okay...
How are you this evening?
Bananatime04Posted 21-07-2019 08:10 PM
No @xXLexi_Lou122Xx I was sexually abused 😔
Most siblings are like that with each other.. my brother always hurt me but now that he’s older he doesn’t do it anymore which is usually what happens
Hope you had fun at your musical rehearsal! Sorry it took me so long to reply.. the fan always helps 🙂
WheresMySquishyPosted 21-07-2019 06:04 PM

Hi @Bananatime04! Just checking in. How are you feeling today? Heart

Andrea-ROPosted 20-07-2019 09:36 AM

Hey @Bananatime04

I just wanted to echo the great support that a couple of the other users were giving you last night. I think it was incredibly brave of you to share what must have been a very difficult experience with your counsellor, and I am so proud of you for taking what must have been a hard step. Sometimes it can feel very uncomfortable to seek out the help and support we need, but in the long run reaching out to someone can often change things for the better Heart

I also really wanted to congratulate you for doing really well last night in respecting your own boundaries, and using self-care to make you feel better when you were feeling a little low. You really set an amazing example of how to be kind to yourself for anyone who visits the forum :smileyface: 

Did you want to share any more self-care strategies with the forum that you use to make you feel better when you're feeling down?

xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 20-07-2019 07:01 AM
Hey @Bananatime04.
I'm so sorry that you were assaulted. That isn't fun, and my siblings do it all the time. Only playfully, but I know if they keep doing it in the future, they can get arrested... 😕

I'm so sorry I wasn't on. Turns out the thing that I needed sorting out did not get sorted out.
I'm at musical rehearsal today until 1 PM, but when I get back, I'll try to be on for you.

How are you this morning? Did the fan help you?
WheresMySquishyPosted 19-07-2019 11:45 PM

@Bananatime04  I love hearing relaxing sounds before I sleep! I wish it played more kinds of sounds other than just a heartbeat though.

Goodnight! Sweet dreams! Smiley Happy

Tiny_leafPosted 19-07-2019 11:42 PM

Goodnight @Bananatime04 I hope you sleep well. Smiley Happy

Bananatime04Posted 19-07-2019 11:41 PM
Thanks @Tiny_leaf
Haha that’s so cute! Uh I want a cat so bad!!!!

I’m going to sleep now 🙂
I’ll Talk tomorrow, goodnight x
Bananatime04Posted 19-07-2019 11:40 PM
@WheresMySquishy that sounds so cool! I want one 😝
I’m gonna try get some sleep now.. I’ll be back tomorrow sometime 🙂
Goodnight x
Tiny_leafPosted 19-07-2019 11:37 PM

@Bananatime04 I'm so glad that you were able to talk to her, and you did really well to tell her about that.


Also I found this random cat gif, it made me smile and I thought you might like it:

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WheresMySquishyPosted 19-07-2019 11:36 PM

That's okay @Bananatime04. Heart

That fan sounds so relaxing! Smiley Happy I wish I had one like that.

I ordered something online years ago which was a pink bunny plush. It had a little speaker in it that played a heartbeat noise that was supposed to help you sleep. I remember taking it on holiday a few times. I should find it.

Bananatime04Posted 19-07-2019 11:31 PM
Thanks.. it was really hard to talk about and I don’t really wanna talk about it right now sorry

I have a fan that calms me down and helps me sleep.. just the sound tho. I have to face it to the ground when it’s on because it’s cold
WheresMySquishyPosted 19-07-2019 11:29 PM

@Bananatime04  I'm sorry that you were assaulted. I can't imagine how you feel about it. Smiley Sad I think it's great that you could tell people about it. That's so courageous Heart

I hope you can get a good night's sleep. Smiley Happy Is there anything that helps you feel calmer?

Bananatime04Posted 19-07-2019 11:24 PM
Thanks @WheresMySquishy 🙂
It was to do with me being assaulted last year.. I hadn’t told anyone till tonight
I kinda just wanna sleep after I calm down a bit more..
WheresMySquishyPosted 19-07-2019 11:21 PM

@Bananatime04  I'm so glad you got to talk to your counsellor and she was supportive! I think it's really brave of you to confide in her. Well done for getting through your anxiety attack! Smiley Happy

Are you able to do any self care for the rest of tonight?

Bananatime04Posted 19-07-2019 11:14 PM
I’m so sorry I took so long to reply..
I finally got to talk to my counsellor! I’m so happy. I also told her something that I’ve never told anyone before which was scary but she was really supportive about it. I did have an anxiety attack after it tho.. I’m fine now 🙂
WheresMySquishyPosted 19-07-2019 11:01 PM

@Bananatime04  Even if it was just today, that's still a great thing! Well done! You could write something like, 'I had a safe day today'. Smiley Happy

Tiny_leafPosted 19-07-2019 10:35 PM

@Bananatime04 I'm back now if you still need to talk.

Bananatime04Posted 19-07-2019 09:24 PM
I am very bored right now..
@Tiny_leaf can you talk right now?

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