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the point of seeing a psych

So some of you know that I'm seeing a psych now. I've seen them twice now (well, really just once. The first time was something else...) But yeah. And see, the problem is me. I have been really struggling this last month (that month being March, not April). I've been struggling with a lot. The problem with my psych, is it's for social things... cause of reasons that for some reason I can't say (I really want to say, but something's holding me back :() Just a quick list of problems:

  • Social anxiety
  • Headaches
  • Mood swings (feeling really angry, then getting really upset)
  • Wanting to cry for no reason
  • Distant thumping noises, oh and that revving I keep hearing at night even though there's nothing.
  • Background music driving me nuts, pretty much all sound that's interfering with another sound drives me crazy.
  • Overwhelmed at uni
  • Laziness
  • Sore all the time (as in the headaches, general muscle soreness, the tight chest)
  • Dumb feelings about being dumb and stupid and selfish and so on.

And underlined is what I talk to my psych about (it's only been once, but basically) How do you bring up all that other stuff, when the focus is on uni and anxiety? How? I'm afraid to because I don't know, I don't see how anyone can help me. I just don't know the point of seeing her anymore. 


I don't know how to bring anything up. Now, I also swear not to edit this post, because I could really use some advice on this.

N1ghtW1ngPosted 08-04-2017 02:32 PM


mspaceKPosted 11-05-2017 02:04 PM

Hi @N1ghtW1ng,


It is really common not to be able to talk about the issues you're dealing with. 


But I find that the reason you may be not wanting to open up about some things is because you may be scared to admit how you are feeling, and saying it aloud makes it real and then you have to face the problem. But the psych is there for that. 


You could start by saying:

"There are things I want to talk about but I don't know how to."

"There are things I haven't told you and I am scared to tell you and I don't know why."

"I want to tell you about something but I feel like I can't bring myself to say it." 



Your psych should be able to guide you to open up, but you have to want to in order to have the courage to actually do it. Maybe write it down? 


Good luck. 

accuracy101Posted 10-05-2017 03:43 AM
@N1ghtW1ng Hey, i am new here but I hope I can help. I have been seeing counsellors and psychologists since 2013. Since last year, I have been seeing this psychologist who has been finally the one that is helpful compared to the others I have seen. I work with him on my PTSD, extreme anxiety around Uni work, paranoia, mild dissociation, depression, suicidal thoughts, and existential/spirituality stuff. At the beginning I found it hard to open up, so I wrote down the things I want to say in session and brought the paper into the session so that I can look at it and not forget what I wanted to say.

There's no right or wrong. Just be you. Psychologists have seen so many people that they can handle just about any information or story you tell.

Best of luck
scared01Posted 09-04-2017 05:30 PM
Your not stupid not a chance @n1ghtw1ing
Your overthinking it abit though.
Just start by writing and giving her the list and say i need some help with these things too please but i dont know where to start She will then lead you herself . That's whats shes there for to help you
Nat8Posted 09-04-2017 06:02 PM
@N1ghtW1ng I think the list idea is good. Let the psych work out how to move forward with it in an acceptable way. don't overthink it too much and start with things that you are comfortable saying about it rather than just saying everything. you do have time. Use it. It's a marathon not a sprint 🙂
jesseka_gracePosted 08-04-2017 11:52 PM

Hi there, 


When I first started seeing my psych I had a lot of things going on at the one time. Similar to you I had lots of things I wanted to say but could cover them all, which would leave me frustrated and also anxious cause I wasn't dealing with them. 

So I wrote what I wanted to talk to her about down on paper and took it with me, this way I could just let her know what I was experiencing and then we eventually were able to work through them. 


This will help you for starters get it all off your chest but also let her know what you are experiencing in turn allowing your psych be able to better guide you through your recovery. 



Nat8Posted 08-04-2017 06:50 PM



I used to bring up things in the last ten seconds if at all knowing that I wouldn't then talk about it because my psych was strict with time. Eventually, she knew it would come up and so she knew to follow it up with the next session, so I understand what you mean. I would suggest rather then talking about what you struggle with in your list, talk about what makes you struggle with talking about it. - Is it bc people don't view it as valid for example? 


I found things like this easier because then when I finally did bring it up and what the experience was that triggered me off, my psych had a good idea of why it took me weeks to finally talk if I was afraid of ramifications as this is a big trigger for me.


On a side note, are you comfortable with this particular psych or do they make you uncomfortable? Maybe consider a change if this is the case....

scared01Posted 08-04-2017 02:48 PM

oh @N1ghtW1ng


everything inter relates- your socail anxiety well you go to uni so theres heaps of people so probably sets off your social anxiety. so its worthwhile talking about.

just remember that these are your sessions, you dont just have to talk about uni, you can talk about anything you like , thats what they are there 🙂

you can express yourself freely on here @N1ghtW1ng just let it out what you would like to say

N1ghtW1ngPosted 08-04-2017 02:56 PM
But how do you say it @scared01? As easily as I might be able to talk about this stuff, I'm also really bad at actually talking about it. I can never seem to actually get it out.

I'm, I'm also scared about what might happen. I'm scared about telling her and I'm scared about not telling her because I am not coping. I've past census so there's no backing out of uni now.

I just don't know how to talk about all the other stuff. The anxiety and uni relate. But everything else? I did mention my chest tightening to her, but that's it.

I don't know where to even start.
scared01Posted 08-04-2017 03:37 PM

thats extremely common @N1ghtW1ng

have you considered writing it even in dot points jsut as you have here and just handing it to her ?


they get it all the time so its not uncommon to be given a piece of paper to read instead of just letting it out, then she can address you and help you work through it that way?


would you like to talk about the other things that are bothering you?

scared01Posted 08-04-2017 03:40 PM

also @N1ghtW1ng

mood swings headaches, being sore, being overwhlemed , being emotional, being the overall soreness and self doubt is associated with anxiety and depression and is also quite common for people including myself who are dealing with it, thats why i think its important to bring it up with your psych as she can get a clearer idea that your not just dealing with uni and stress and then she can help you work through those as well


N1ghtW1ngPosted 08-04-2017 03:49 PM
You think writing the list and handing it to her is okay?
My pysch appointment is in two and a bit weeks, so I have time to try and organise my thoughts. But for now, I'm going to go to the movies 🙂
roseisnotaplantPosted 08-04-2017 04:56 PM

Maybe you could say something like, 'I'm also experiencing *all the non-underlined stuff*, do you think that might be related to anxiety, or something else entirely?' That seems like a kind of natural way of bringing it up. Do you think that might work @N1ghtW1ng? The list idea seems good though 🙂

scared01Posted 08-04-2017 05:25 PM

see @N1ghtW1ng not silly at all 🙂

May_Posted 08-04-2017 04:48 PM
@N1ghtW1ng I was actually going to suggest the writing it down and handing it to them - I have done that in the past. Do you think you would feel comfortable doing that?

Have fun at the movies 🙂
N1ghtW1ngPosted 09-04-2017 05:26 PM

@May_@roseisnotaplant @Nat8 @jesseka_grace @scared01 

Thank you all for replying. 🙂 


I am comfortable with this psych. The reason I feel uncomfortable with/don't want to expressing all the other stuff is because I first saw her about A(it's the first letter) and that was basically the main thing and these others things are just B through F or whatever. So I feel hesitant to bring up B through F when she's mainly helping me with A. 


I think, my best bet is to hand her a list, I don't think I would be able to verbally bring things up. But then what? Should I expand on things in the list (like social anxiety: groups, uni classes blah blah blah) or just leave it at the dot points (as in social anxiety. so on and so forth)?  I would have to verbally explain it to her then, but on the other hand I'd feel kind of stupid...


I still have two and a bit weeks to get everything together, thankfully 😛

jesseka_gracePosted 09-04-2017 10:58 PM

Don't feel stupid, nothing that you are feeling is stupid or invalid always remember that! 


I think once you say hey I am also struggling with this, she will then figure out where to take it. Some things she might want to expand on straight away, others she may leave about to talk about later as there is only so much she can cover in one session but at least she knows. 


I think if you just say what else is going on your psych will then determine what she wants to talk about or ask about what is the most pressing issue for you right now. 


I struggled so much, in the beginning, of my sessions to verbalise what I was going through/feeling as it is not a normal thing we do in day to day life. 


JanaGPosted 10-04-2017 02:20 PM

Hey @N1ghtW1ng ðŸ™‚ I agree that the list is a good idea. She won't think you're stupid, and you're not. The sessions are supposed to be guided around you and what you want to focus on, so you aren't wrong to inform her about what's going on for you.

May_Posted 09-04-2017 07:54 PM
@N1ghtW1ng I guarantee that she won't think you're stupid! 🙂 Good that you have some time to think about the things you want to bring up. I usually have lists going in the notes on my phone so I can add to them anytime a thought comes into my mind
scared01Posted 08-04-2017 03:51 PM

yes of course @N1ghtW1ng


i woudlnt try and organise your thoughts i would just write it as it came to you and even set it out in dot points as you have done here

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