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I just really don't understand the point of life

I know none of us know why we are here and all. But legit I don't see the point to anything. We are born and work a lot and if you are lucky enough to have friends you see them.  And to hen you're dead. And I think all the little activities and movies and catch-ups and family gatherings and relationships and hobbies are just distractions and add 'meaning' to our life but for what. My psychologist said these things are good to get out of your head and live out of your head which really resonates with me but I just don't understand the point of living when the environment is suffering and I don't really enjoy a lot. I also struggle with chronic illness so often life is not that enjoyable anyway. And I try really hard to get out the house and make friends and go to yoga but it's more hard than it is fun.  Sorry I'm rambling. 

SmemPosted 18-07-2021 11:29 PM


MB95Posted 25-07-2021 05:51 PM

Thanks for sharing Smem 💙 

I feel very much the same and often find myself stuck wondering what the point is and why I should even bother trying to do things when there really is no point and we just die anyway. It doesn't make much sense so I totally feel you! I certainly don't have any answers for you, but just thought I'd let you know you're not alone. Do you find there is anything you enjoy? Like I know for me, my family is often what's keeping me alive. Idk. They drive me mad and it's not always great but they are quite often my motivator to stick around? 


I think it's awesome that you're trying to get out and go to yoga! Do you usually go with someone or on your own? Defs get what you mean about it being more hard than fun, but it's awesome you're still trying to go! 


Also, never apologise for rambling. I feel like that's a perquisite for RO 😂 

OnionPosted 25-07-2021 05:51 PM

Hi @Smem , 


Sounds like you're going through a tough time right now. From time to time I also ruminate on the future to the point where I just feel lethargic and unmotivated. Am I right in thinking that you feel a bit lost right now? 


This might get a bit philosophical but what I find that helps me is to remind myself that even though life is meaningless, it is this lack of meaning that gives us the freedom to create meaning (I know this is very cliched). Perhaps, if you feel comfortable enough to do so, it might help to list (physically/ mentally) things that you are grateful for? (I do this from time to time)


With the constant barrage of bad news almost everyday and the current lockdown, I understand that it's quite hard to keep a hopeful outlook of the future. Personally, I find it good to allow myself a break from the news and distract myself with simpler things like a walk around the block. Do you have any hobbies that you've picked up on/ enjoy doing currently? 


I think most important of all though, is to take life one day at a time!! 


Wishing you a better year ahead!

GioDesPosted 25-07-2021 03:19 PM

Hi @Smem


Thankyou for posting! 

Am I right in understanding that you're feeling a bit hopeless at the moment and a bit apathetic towards life in general? That sounds like a lot to be thinking and feeling at the moment ❤️ I just wanted to jump in and say I really resonate with what you're saying - I used to feel a lot like I was living on autopilot and would have this feeling of being trapped in a glass box - I could see and hear things happening around me, but it was almost like I couldn't feel anything, I didn't see the point of day-to-day life. My psyche at the time helped me to realize that this was actually a form a disassociation due to trauma - and I am wondering if this is something that resonates with you at all? If so, is this something you would feel comfortable raising with your psyche?

Sending good vibes your way today! ❤️ 

AkinnaPosted 19-07-2021 07:32 PM

I relate @Smem . I've thought about this A LOT and it's very depressing.

I've found comfort and answers to my q's on . Ik everyone has their own religious beliefs, but I just wanted to share what's saved my life. If I didn't have these beliefs I probs would have killed myself by now.

I'm still struggling a lot with depression and suicidal thoughts though (I'm safe) and everything feels very pointless. But I guess once my treatment actually starts working I might actually want to live. But for now I don't enjoy anything and don't really like having to be alive. So I just try and tell myself to wait for my treatment to work.

Wishing you well, hang in there

MaryROPosted 19-07-2021 08:27 PM

Hey @Akinna, it's great that you have found beliefs that have helped you. It sounds like these beliefs have been your saviour and it's wonderful that even in your own darkness you are able to see some light at the end of the tunnel. Having depression, a sense of hopelessness and suicidal thoughts are all heavy challenges to work through. You are so brave for being vulnerable about your story and thank you for letting us know that you are safe. Finding our place in life can take some time. I know it took me many years and a long journey to figure this out. Have you been given an estimate time as to when your treatment will start to work for you? Where would you like to see improvements in your life? If you could choose. 

AkinnaPosted 19-07-2021 08:49 PM

No, haven't been given a time estimate.

While these beliefs have def helped me, unfortunately they haven't stopped me from being suicidal. Idk how to explain this. Without them, I would have attempted. But even with them, I'm really depressed and suicidal (I'm safe). I actually just posted about this.

I think being vulnerable, open and sharing is so important. Healing out loud help others. Ik I appreciate people like Jazz Thornton who have shared their stories.

Honestly, all areas of my life could improve. I mean, I am pretty high functioning. But it would be nice to actually enjoy life, not worry about relationships, and to safely feel emotions. It's so much hard work though, and giving up often seems like an easier option. I'm just stuck waiting atm unfortunately

MaryROPosted 19-07-2021 09:07 PM

Yes I saw you other post @Akinna. It was a very powerful share. I agree with you, I think being open and sharing is very important and it helps others. I can understand how it would be hard to enjoy life while worrying about relationship, not feeling safe with your emotions, also finding it hard to just feel the love for life itself. I can understand the heaviness and what it encumbers. It can really suck and it just keeps sucking. 

AkinnaPosted 19-07-2021 09:35 PM

Ohhh I really like that line, 'It really sucks and just keeps sucking.' Thanks, I'm going to use that at my psychologist and psychiatrist appointments!

Portia_ROPosted 19-07-2021 12:58 PM

Hey @Smem , welcome to the forums! We are so glad that you've reached out.


I can completely understand where you are coming from, it can be really hard to find meaning sometimes, particularly when 'fun' things like making friends feel challenging. 


You mentioned that you don't understand the point of living when the environment is suffering. Watching things like climate change and covid unfold can be really distressing sometimes, it makes me feel really uncertain about what the future might hold. I just wanted to check in and see how this is sitting with you today and if you feel safe?


I'm glad to hear that your psychologist's advice to try and live out of your head resonates with you. What other things help you cope when things feel a bit pointless?

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