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Take a study break with us!
So this is the second part of the 'Let's study together thread'
Need a break from studying? Just not feeling it? Come and 'sit down' and have a chat 😛
(So the idea here is to just chat about random stuff or just to say look I'm taking a study break- If you like you can tell us what you'll be doing on your break, or link some funny videos, etc)
Breaks are really important so that's why I'm including this in our 'library'
This is such a good thread @Lost_Space_Explorer5 and I'm reviving it because I know there are lots of people preparing for year 12 exams at the moment!
Taking breaks is so important. For some people, it even increases productivity. I was actually reading about it this morning, a great summary here if anyone is interested to understand the link.
Hope everyone is enjoying regular and relaxing breaks!!
@Lost_Space_Explorer5 YAY well done for finishing your research, what is your topic on?
@MB95 sometimes you honestly just need the night off to be more productive, I can't wait for my night off tomorrow when I submit this assignment!
I'm taking a break from a statistics assignment I have to write another 1500 words by this time tomorrow eeeee. Think I'm going to have a lil dance party in my room (cause I'm home alone so why would not take advantage of being able to blast my music ) then think I might watch a short little YouTube video by one of my favourite youtubers right now Julia Crist I love her productivity videos they really motivate me to be productive too. Does anyone know any other youtubers that do productivity vids??
Hope everyone has a productive day today and I know exams and assignments can be really mentally exhausting but you can do this only a little bit left to go you got this!
Ewwww statistics @celestialdreamer 🤣 YOU CAN DO IT!! Especially after a dance party, that should get ya blood pumping - great idea! I'm not too sure about any productivity vids sorry.. but if you feel like sharing one of yours I'd be keen to check it out!
What's your favourite type of music to jam it out too?
Thanks for the support @Lost_Space_Explorer5 @MB95 I ended up staying all night to get it done lol but fact is we submitted it on time so yayay! My sister actually just showed me heaps of productivity vids on YouTube so I’m super keen to check them out she said type into YouTube productive day in my life or study with me and there will be heaps, so if you’re interested go check it out! I can literally listen to anything for a good jam hahaha right now my main jams are Christmas songs (of course), birdy’s new album, little mix’s new album and this song better today than yesterday. Haha also unsure what that is, I did a semester of Latin a few years ago but have almost forgotten everything I learnt. What is ovid’s metamorphoses? And to upload I usually go onto giphy.com and copy and paste it into the reply box
So proud of you for getting it done @celestialdreamer ! Sorry you had to stay up all night, that really sucks 😞 It's basically a mash up of epic, love poetry, tragedy, and mythological stories. There are so many dark themes in it though haha. Can you actually straight up paste a link in the reply box?? I must try that now
edit: ohh you have to go into the reply thing not quick reply
@Lost_Space_Explorer5 yeah sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do, you would lose 5% if you submitted it late so I really just pushed to get it in before then. Ooh that sounds super fascinating!! Also I usually copy and paste the gif not the link and then paste it in the reply box yes but looks like you got it!
Ohh haha you can even copy and paste I've been saving gifs all this time
I'm on a 'study break' tonight even though I should be studying because I'm not feeling mentally up to it
And it's an essay for latin on ovid's metamorphoses
Ew stats is nasty good luck @celestialdreamer
Okay I'm gonna pretend like I know what that is @Lost_Space_Explorer5 ... 🤣
Also.. how do you upload GIFS? *Yeah go on.. have a laugh at me and how useless I am with technology lol*
Look out guys. I know how to upload GIFS now. RO is in for a wild ride!! 🤣🤣🤣
oh no HAHA
I change my gif.. I just realised what scene the other one was from HAHAHA
Awesome work!! Are you doing the sloth colouring?! @Lost_Space_Explorer5
So it's coffee for you @Lost_Space_Explorer5 and tea for me!
Fun fact: I don't like coffee..
And to answer your question I'm strangely not feeling anything about this exam atm. Still in that whole 'I don't feel anything' phase so yeah there's that. Tomorrow might be a different story cause I got really nervous last week on the day but not feeling anything atm. I'm gonna watch some Parks and Rec though - my psych suggested it to me ages ago and I thought it was a bit weird but now I'm kinda hooked so have started watching it again when I need something to just chill with. So that's my night!
Have you got anything planned for your study breaks tonight? Don't go too wild!!
Oh shit!!! I almost forgot!! You CANNOT have tea and coffee without cake!!! That would just be a crime. Now I want cake. I think tomorrow I might buy myself a cake in celebration of making it through the year. OMG a marble cake from the Cheesecake Shop! Holey shit. Okay now my mouth is watering!!! And I just realised I'm type thinking so will shut up now. But CAKEEEEEE 😍 One of my all time favourite foods. Holey wowza!