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1000 positives of scared01

@scared01 we used to have these threads, I'm bringing them back and I just want you to know that I think you're really brave and resilient and I love how open you are and willing to share your experiences to help others 

redheadPosted 06-09-2017 08:16 PM


scared01Posted 14-02-2018 10:49 PM

you are most welcome @mrmusic anytime you need anything im only a tag away 

mrmusicPosted 19-02-2018 11:31 PM

@scared01you are so strong and I really admire the way you are taking care of yourself. Good on you! 🙂

scared01Posted 20-02-2018 09:31 PM

your really too kind @mrmusic

mrmusicPosted 25-02-2018 08:08 PM

@scared01 I have to comment again here because the amount of support you have given me over the past couple of weeks is really appreciated. I know you’re going through a rough time at the moment so that makes your efforts even more special. Your selflessness and generosity is truly inspiring! 🙂

scared01Posted 26-02-2018 02:51 PM

aww @mrmusic that really means alot to me esp if you see the other thread i commented on and vented abit. i would prefer to give than to take. it helps me more than anything else Heart 

mrmusicPosted 27-02-2018 12:19 PM

We all need to vent a bit sometimes @scared01. That doesn’t make you any less special. Heart

mrmusicPosted 09-03-2018 10:09 PM

@scared01  I want to comment on how inspired I am by your dedication to looking after yourself and self care. You have had a lot of challenges with professionals, however you have refused to give up and I have found you an asset to RO. Keep it up! 🙂

BeePosted 10-03-2018 08:51 PM
@scared01 I want to reiterate, that you are courageous and strong!

You give such thought out responses, and are always willing to help others 🙂 x
scared01Posted 10-03-2018 09:01 PM

thanks @Bee@mrmusic Heart

safari93Posted 11-03-2018 01:23 PM

@scared01 it's probably already been said a ton of times already heheh, but I just wanted to say that even after everything you've been through you've stayed so strong, and you've also provided so much support for other people on the forums! Keep being the awesome strong person that you are!!!

scared01Posted 11-03-2018 05:05 PM

aw thank you @safari93

mrmusicPosted 31-03-2018 10:58 PM

The amount of support you have for others is so amazing @scared01, and I'm so impressed by how you take care of yourself when you're struggling. You're really special, and I hope you don't ever think otherwise. Heart

scared01Posted 01-04-2018 11:12 AM

Aww thank you @mrmusic

mrmusicPosted 21-04-2018 09:53 PM

@scared01  As @redhead posted in the very first post to this thread, you are so resilient - the last few weeks have really demonstrated this. You have so much to be proud of, and you are so strong. This is in addition to the empathy and care you consistently show others on the forum. Heart Heart

scared01Posted 23-04-2018 08:08 PM

thanks @mrmusic Heart

letitgoPosted 24-04-2018 03:33 PM

@scared01 reminder that you're amazing! 🙂

scared01Posted 24-04-2018 08:00 PM

thanks  @letitgo so are you Heart

BirdeyePosted 11-05-2018 12:04 AM
- You are so welcoming and open to others. Like you immediately want the best for people and hope for the best from them. It's a really nice quality to have.
- Are you aware of how much you do? I'm sure you are, because sometimes you list it and talk about it and every time I read them I am in awe at how much you manage to do in a day. How much you manage to get through and stay strong with. You are one tough being. I wish I had your stamina.
scared01Posted 12-05-2018 03:22 PM

hi @Birdeye that was not the post i was expecting to read! thank you very much. and yes i know i do alot but i often dont see that as a positive. 

BirdeyePosted 13-05-2018 02:15 PM
@scared01, to me it's that you're able to do so much that's the positive. Like I said at the end, the stamina you have to keep going, to get up each day and get everything done.

That sort of ability could end up serving you really well in life.
scared01Posted 13-05-2018 05:46 PM

thanks @Birdeye much appreciated 

BeePosted 14-06-2018 03:02 AM
How have I not responded to this thread!?
@scared01 I admire your strength and determination! I admire how even when your not feeling so great and are struggling you are still reaponding to other users and helping them! True team player! ❤
I also really admire that you're thinking about study and making a thread about it 🙂
scared01Posted 14-06-2018 03:58 PM

Aw thank you @Bee âťŁ

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