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Gender and Sexuality

Biologically I'm a female. I was born female

For about three quarters of last year I thought I was a genderfluid pansexual but about 2 months ago I talked to someone who knew about LGBT+ terms better than me they found that I might be a demiboy.

I was happy about that.

I told some friends at school.

I said that I might be a demiboy and that my pronouns were they/them.

One of my other friends (I'll call them A), was happy cause they're also a demiboy.

However since then my correct pronouns have been used twice (I'm also still going by my birthname but I will change it when I come out to all my friends and family).

Now on to my sexuality.

I used to think I just an ally, then I thought I was pansexual (mentioned at the top) and now I'm just questioning.

I get so confused with myself sometimes.

Anyway, thanks for reading this all!

Have a good day/night!

KamrynPosted 01-06-2018 04:24 PM


N1ghtW1ngPosted 05-06-2018 01:00 PM
Hey @Kamryn,

Sexuality and gender can be so confusing, can't they? It is always okay for you to change your mind on what your gender and sexuality is. How are things going?
BeePosted 01-06-2018 04:54 PM
Hi There @Kamryn Welcome to RO! 🙂
I have moved your post to Everyday life as it's a more appropriate place and will be seen more 🙂

I'll tag some other users who might be able to help a bit more than me 🙂

@redhead @scared01 @ErinsAntics @N1ghtW1ng @lokifish @mrmusic @Birdeye
scared01Posted 03-06-2018 03:57 PM

Hi @Kamryn and welcome to RO

I think everyones given some good advice and @Erin-RO has kindly linked in some sites  that  may be helpful for you. 


I just wanted to say thank you for sharing apart of yourself with us and opening up as you have. Its not an easy thing to do so well done. 

When something is new to someone it can take them a little while to adjust too. So they still might call you she/he instead of they/them but overtime  im sure they will adjust. As @redhead has suggested- could you just give them gentle reminders until they learn to.


Hoping today has been a good day for you. 

redheadPosted 01-06-2018 09:31 PM
Hey @Kamryn 🙂
It can be pretty normal to question your gender and sexuality. I did some searching myself before I came to terms with my own identity.
I identify as FtM trans and aromantic.
I also totally get no one using your pronouns, it sucks. Are you comfortable enough to remind people of your pronouns when they use the wrong ones, it can take some getting used for people but if they're constantly reminded they'll change quicker. I still have to remind people of my pronouns and I've been out over a year and half as trans.

Also what do you find the most confusing, we are happy to talk through it with you if you want
Erin-ROPosted 01-06-2018 11:07 PM

@redhead has given you some awesome advice below @Kamryn... I just wanted to say thank you for sharing your experience, as you can see you are not alone in having questions about your gender and sexuality. Some resources that may help you to start exploring are Q-Life, which has a helpline and website and Minus18 Heart

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