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High School Student Support Squad!

I'm a little jealous of the uni student support squad, so I thought we should probably start one for people in high school like me.


Here's a place for all things high school - tests, exams, staying organised, picking subjects, hating trigonometry, and all that fun stuff 🙂


roseisnotaplantPosted 05-08-2017 09:02 PM


JardinPosted 24-05-2018 06:20 PM

Hey @hmm789, that's so cool how your mum's friend went back to do a course. It just shows that you can always go to back to uni, if you really want to. 

I heard somewhere that people these days are changing careers/jobs around 5 times in their lifetime. I don't know if it is actually true, but it seems reasonable because I have heard/known of many people who have switched jobs.

Anyways, sorry for the late reply- I have been bombarded with heaps of schoolwork lately- just trying to stay afloat.

JardinPosted 24-07-2018 07:34 PM

School has just started again and I feel the huge pressure of it all again. I try to come home and do work, but I find I am always so tired. I don't know why, but on school days I'm just so exhausted and don't feel like I have the energy to do anything.
And I hate this, because I really need to work hard in the afternoons, so I feel so disappointed when I don't.

I want to go to Uni and I want to get a good job, but sometimes I just get so scared... I don't want to be working all the time. I want to be able to have a few days break, and do stuff I enjoy.
Sometimes it feels like my whole life will be like this- endless amounts of work.



letitgoPosted 24-07-2018 07:50 PM

Hey @Jardin, sounds like you're feeling pretty drained at the moment, am I right?

I think school can be exhausting for a variety of reasons (e.g. I'm an introvert, and I find the constant social interaction depletes my energy a fair bit). No matter the reason, we'll try to support you as much as we can.

I get the sense that you're super motivated about school, because you want to go to uni and get a job, but the prospect of all work and no play isn't exactly a nice one...

You definitely deserve a few days' break, and to get to do stuff that you enjoy.

For the moment, do you think it could be about making time to do those things? If so, how do you think you could do that?

e.g. I enjoy writing, and sometimes I'll get up a bit earlier or stay up a bit later to get some writing done 

JardinPosted 24-07-2018 08:33 PM

Thanks @annabethxchase and @letitgo for your replies Heart

Guess I'm feeling really overwhelmed at the moment and have a lot of exams coming up- it sounds like you do too @annabethxchase

And yeah @letitgo, I am feeling really drained at the moment- which is bad because I have a lot of important exams/deadlines coming up. I just don't think I can make the time to do stuff I enjoy... and I think I would feel way to guilty if I did.
I just can't seem to find a healthy balance between work and play.

BeePosted 24-07-2018 08:53 PM
@Jardin Sounds like the pressure of school is weighing on you right now. I can understand wanting to do well and feeling guilty for taking time out for yourself to do something you enjoy. One thing that helped me was always giving myself some time once I had completed something important, so if I got the assessment completed I would give myself some time doing something I loved 🙂
I also found breaking it up helped, so I would spend some time studying, take a break, and then more study.
One technique I found helpful in high school was the Pomerado technique, which is basically where you spend 20minutes study and 5 of relaxing/break time
JardinPosted 29-07-2018 09:56 AM

Thanks @Bee for your tips. You are absolutely right when you mentioned feeling guilty for taking time off- I often do. But, luckily I'm getting a bit better and have (sorta) come to terms that I can't study all the time and that breaks are indeed important. 

The last few days have been a lot better and Im slowly getting the hang of it.
I think a big thing for me is accepting that I am human and that I will make mistakes. I have always been a bit of a perfectionist- but Im starting to realise that 'perfect' doesn't exist and that sometimes being 'good enough' is just enough.

BeePosted 29-07-2018 05:38 PM

@Jardin I am so glad to hear that you recognise you can't study 100% of the time! And that perfection doesn't exist. I have the biggest smile on my face reading this! 😄




N1ghtW1ngPosted 07-10-2018 07:17 PM

To everyone who has done, is doing or has yet to do any end of year exams and/or assignments....



You've got this! 😄 😄

lokifishPosted 17-10-2018 11:31 AM

Bumping up this thread in anticipation of our chat about Year 12 exams next Monday!



N1ghtW1ngPosted 29-07-2018 11:03 AM
Hey @Jardin yay for settling in! 😄 Breaks are definitely important to our mental health and sometimes they can really help our studying too.
I hope this next week keeps improving for you 🙂
lokifishPosted 26-07-2018 07:04 PM
How's everyone going with school this week? Settling back into the new term okay? Heart
JardinPosted 29-07-2018 10:02 AM

Thanks for asking @lokifish,
It was a bit tricky going back at first, but I have found that Im adjusting more to school as the week goes by.
I hope that everyone else is settling in fine too.

annabethxchasePosted 24-07-2018 07:47 PM

OMG! I completely get that. You don't want to fail and become one of those cashiers at McDonalds but the ever-mounting pressure that surrounds you by teachers, friends and parents is overwhelming. You just loose all energy to want to do anything

letitgoPosted 24-07-2018 07:51 PM

That's a really empathic response @annabethxchase. How are you finding high school lately?

annabethxchasePosted 24-07-2018 07:54 PM

@letitgo I have just started the term and already we have to start to prepare for exams! It was kind of like a giant whack in the face after a relaxing break - "Hey! here's a ton of work to do! Have fun!" But all in all its great to see my friends again.

Welcome back!

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