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Join an event. Happening today.

I smiled because...

It only takes 17 muscles to smile but 43 to frown


Smiling is infectious,
You can catch it like the flu.
Someone smiled at me today,
And I started smiling too.

Did you smile today? Tell us why



I'll start

Today I smiled because I was talking with my mum about past memories 🙂

BeePosted 11-08-2012 02:00 PM

Comments (38 pages)

Bree-ROPosted 02-07-2017 09:25 PM

Bikram? Smiley Indifferent @j95

j95Posted 02-07-2017 09:03 PM
They aren't cheap but I thought I might as well buy a good one and know it will last @Bree-RO
Yeah it does and where I go helps too because I'm with people I can connect with
Bree-ROPosted 02-07-2017 09:06 PM

Nice! Sounds like it's becoming a bit of a craft for you 🙂 @j95 Have you heard of Vinyasa yoga? Sounds intense. Smiley Indifferent

j95Posted 02-07-2017 08:34 PM
Mukti Mats @Bree-RO do you do yoga?
Bree-ROPosted 02-07-2017 08:59 PM

Ooooo I have not heard of these mats! *begins googling*


I am very amateur but yep! @j95 Does your body feel better as well as mind?

j95Posted 27-06-2017 07:45 PM
I smiled because my old carers forward a photo onto me of their new grandchild, who I met like a month ago, seems small to some but feels nice to be included
JakobPosted 28-06-2017 02:34 PM

I smiled today because I got a message from an old friend, who I had been dying to catch to

RevzZPosted 30-06-2017 09:31 PM
That sounds awesome @Jakob. Did you meet up with them?
Chessca_HPosted 02-07-2017 03:33 PM

I smiled because I love seeing and being a part of awesome, positive online communities (especially, but not limited to, RO 🙂 )

SpiderGirl18Posted 24-06-2017 06:45 PM
I smiled because I found my favourite lollies in a shop today 🙂
basketofmonkeysPosted 25-06-2017 07:25 PM

I smiled when I saw my family after my huge work shift today 🙂

safari93Posted 24-06-2017 04:21 PM

I smiled because I saw a cat with a snaggletooth and permanent blep (when a cat's tongue sticks out a little bit)

elly123Posted 22-06-2017 02:47 PM

I am catching up with a good friend who I haven't seen for a long time!

SpiderGirl18Posted 21-06-2017 04:17 PM
I smiled because a stranger complimented my footy jumper 🙂
KarinaskiiPosted 21-06-2017 03:28 PM

I smiled because when i came home my dog sprinted up to me and gave me lots of cuddles, and kisses... 🙂 

SpiderGirl18Posted 18-06-2017 07:16 PM
I smiled because a stranger gave me a compliment 🙂
j95Posted 20-06-2017 11:46 AM
I smiled because my old carers invited me to family lunch at their house again, on Sunday
N1ghtW1ngPosted 18-06-2017 07:11 PM
That is so cute @j95 🙂

Today I smiled because I went on a lovely drive today. Mountains are so pretty! 😄
j95Posted 21-05-2017 08:23 PM
Hahaha I love that gif @Bree-RO it was a nice day 🙂
N1ghtW1ngPosted 21-05-2017 09:07 PM
I smiled because I saw a student at work today. It was nice to see her 🙂
lokifishPosted 22-05-2017 04:14 PM

I smiled because the weather today has been absolutely beautiful 🙂 blue skies and sunshine Heart

j95Posted 21-06-2017 10:02 PM
Because my housemate only caught on tonight that I've been using the bath/shower to rinse my wetsuit and thinks it's disgusting, when I've actually been doing it for months he he he
lokifishPosted 28-05-2017 09:09 AM

Yesterday I gave Millie my empty McDonald's cup when I'd finished drinking it, and she was parading it around the house like it was the awesomest new toy ever hahaha 😄 it always amazes me how dogs get so happy by the smallest little things Heart


(Cleaning up the mess after she tore the cup apart was not so fun though :P)

j95Posted 16-06-2017 07:09 PM

Had access with my siblings today and did this drawing with my little brother. As you can see I can't draw parrots but he insisted hahaha how cute are the people he drew though and the dogs name is my girlfriends name he did that on purpose I don't know why hahaha omg IMG_3787.JPG

j95Posted 02-07-2017 05:32 PM
Got a new yoga mat and anther pair of trackies

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