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I smiled because...
It only takes 17 muscles to smile but 43 to frown
Smiling is infectious,
You can catch it like the flu.
Someone smiled at me today,
And I started smiling too.
Did you smile today? Tell us why
I'll start
Today I smiled because I was talking with my mum about past memories 🙂
I smiled today because I got a message from an old friend, who I had been dying to catch to
I smiled because I love seeing and being a part of awesome, positive online communities (especially, but not limited to, RO 🙂 )
I smiled when I saw my family after my huge work shift today 🙂
I smiled because I saw a cat with a snaggletooth and permanent blep (when a cat's tongue sticks out a little bit)
I am catching up with a good friend who I haven't seen for a long time!
I smiled because when i came home my dog sprinted up to me and gave me lots of cuddles, and kisses... 🙂
I smiled because the weather today has been absolutely beautiful 🙂 blue skies and sunshine
Yesterday I gave Millie my empty McDonald's cup when I'd finished drinking it, and she was parading it around the house like it was the awesomest new toy ever hahaha 😄 it always amazes me how dogs get so happy by the smallest little things
(Cleaning up the mess after she tore the cup apart was not so fun though :P)
Had access with my siblings today and did this drawing with my little brother. As you can see I can't draw parrots but he insisted hahaha how cute are the people he drew though and the dogs name is my girlfriends name he did that on purpose I don't know why hahaha omg