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Self care suggestions?

Hi guys! 


As uni has started back sometimes I find myself stressed or overwhelmed. I have some self care strategies I use. I was hoping people might share theirs 🙂 If any one has small things that they do to help with stress or anxious feelings?


thank you 🙂

SpiderGirl18Posted 07-08-2017 07:52 PM


KarinaskiiPosted 11-08-2017 11:30 AM

Take regular breaks. I think sometimes when we are studying we forget to take breaks. But our brains need a rest. So get up out of your study zone and do anything but think of study. Sometimes I put on a song and just do a bit of crazy dance and then make a tea before I get back into it. Smiley Tongue

Jrt14Posted 08-08-2017 05:42 PM

Hey! What works for me is music, happy music always makes me feel less stressed. Especially when its an upbeat song that I know all the lyrics to and I can either belt it out in my car or in my room when no one is around. If I have the opportunity to have a boogie, I will always take it up no matter how much work I have to do because I know I will be more affective if I am calm. 

LadyMacbeth00Posted 08-08-2017 06:26 PM
If I get really stressed out, I like to talk to someone about anything, go for a walk and on an embarrasing note, I write love letters to my future husband whoever that may be hehehe... :$
scared01Posted 08-08-2017 06:42 PM

go for a walk

have a nice warm drink

read your favourite book

watch an episode of your favourite tc show

have a nice bubble bath

do some drawing/colouring in


hope these help 🙂

SpiderGirl18Posted 08-08-2017 08:09 PM

Thank you everyone!


these responses are all so helpful! 🙂

basketofmonkeysPosted 08-08-2017 07:45 AM
- long baths
- taking time out of study to read
- connecting with friends and family
- going on a long walk 🙂

Hope this helps!!
letitgoPosted 08-08-2017 08:11 AM

I use colouring in

Or listening to a calming playlist of music for a few minutes

Or painting my nails

Or writing down what I'm feeling, keeping a journal, even if it's only a few lines


Hope this helps! 

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