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Tough time need somewhere to talk...

I dont know where to start. I am bisexual. I have been attracted to guys and girls since I was 12 years old. I am very passive and shy during my teenage years. I hid the fact from everyone and pursued girls.  I thought it was abnormal for me to be attracted to guys, so i keep it to myself all these years I am 53 now.... I never had any guy friends over the years. I did get married divorced and remarried.  I have been remarried for 6 years. I have been going to this mental health group since 2011. I made a guy friend there almost a  year ago... I will call him D.  .


It was great to have a guy friend, and to get out of the house and hangout with. I practically went over to his house everyday for many months he and his became pretty good friends until a old friend of his resurfaced.  The old friend was a homosexual... HIm and D grew up on the same street according to D.  WEll 3 was a crowd for me I backed off from D and he and his other friend started hanging around D more.


Our friendship started really struggled. I feel like I had lost him as a friend, and we had words and did not speak for 3 or 4 days. I broke the silence. I cried my eyes out for many days over the ending of this friendship. we have talked maybe a handful of times since then.   On occasion He would tell me he thought I was hiding something....I never told him I was bisexual. until several days ago. I told him over the phone. we didn't talk for several days then he calls me up asking if I had feelings for him.  I told him I was happy where I was at in my life for the most part that is true. BUt I think I like D a little more than I should...He told me he was happy where he is at. Everything is a mess. I love that guy. Im not in love with him but I miss spending time with him. A part of me wants to have a relationship with  a guy and its not a sex thing, even though I feel like I could be more affectionate with a guy in my life that was more than just a friend. I dont know where my friendship stands iwth D.  I stay at home most days occupied wth the computer.


Thanks for listening or reading this crap. maybe someone can shed some light on all this ctrazyness!!  i am very emotional and crying alot



rtodd5011Posted 05-05-2017 03:22 AM


N1ghtW1ngPosted 06-05-2017 10:37 AM

Hi @rtodd5011 and welcome to ReachOut 🙂


As @scared01 mentioned, ReachOut is mainly for 14-25 year olds, however there are a lot of great services out there. This post here has links to some other services including Beyond Blue, The Men's Shed and Sane Australia. 

scared01Posted 05-05-2017 06:10 PM

hi @rtodd5011


im pretty sure this is for up to 25yrolds....

correct me if im wrong @Bree-RO@Ben-RO@Sophie-RO@Mona-RO @TOM-RO


i can suggest posting this onto Beyonf Blue though, that site has online forums just like this and is for all ages and there are older people on there too that may have more experience in this as well..


but i can definently tell you that your not alone, im a female and i ahve discovered i am bisexual in recent years as well but im ok with it. i dont advertise it and havent fully disclosed this yet but i know what i am 🙂

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