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Turning Negatives Into Positives

At the suggestion of Lightuptheworld, I thought I'd start another 'Turning Negatives into Positives' thread like there is on the old forum. Below is a quote from Antria who started the thread on the previous forum which I think explains the idea of the thread quite well.


"Sometimes it can be helpful to turn our thinking around and begin to challenge the way we look at things. Turning negatives into positives is a way of doing this! Basically, think of something that happened today, this week, this month or at some other time that felt negative and see if you can find a positive in it (or that came out of it)."


I find posting in this thread really helps me to look at things in a different way or see positives that I might not have noticed if I'm in a negative headspace. I'll start the ball rolling:


Negative: My friend didn't turn up to class this morning and I was worried I would be alone because I don't really know anyone else in the class.

Positive: It gave me a chance to sit with new people and get to know them better 🙂


Over to you!

delicatedreamerPosted 08-08-2012 03:02 PM

Comments (192 pages)

lokifishPosted 16-05-2013 07:37 PM

Negative: Haven't done any homework today and didn't do any yesterday either

Positive: I have a free during period 4 tomorrow - I can use that to do homework as well as study for my Chemistry test


Negative: Have done literally no revision for the test tomorrow, and I was away when we covered the important theory, so I'm stressed out that I might not perform so well.

Positive: I might surprise myself and perform better than I expect. Plus it's only a test, not a SAC. It's not the end of the world; even if I fail it, it won't matter at all in the long run.

delicatedreamerPosted 16-05-2013 08:36 PM

Negative: Didn't go to class today.

Positive: I still pushed myself to go to the uni, and stayed I stayed there for the required time and did some exposure to (hopefully!) help decrease my anxiety.

Negative: My sister wasn't happy that I didn't go to class and didn't really understand, which upset me.

Positive: It's not about her, it's about me, and I did the best I could at the time which I am proud of.

lokifishPosted 17-05-2013 05:43 PM

Negative: I didn't know how to do a couple of the questions on the test.

Positive: I wrote as much could for all of them. I still did really well, especially considering how underprepared I was.


Negative: My cousin's having his 4th birthday party and I don't want to go, partly because of anxiety, and partly because I need to catch up on study.

Positive: I'm gonna see how I go tomorrow and make a decision then. In the meantime I'm not going to worry about it.


Negative: Not sure what's happening about a movie night with friends that was planned.

Positive: It looks like we're still going to do something; we just haven't figured out what. Whatever we end up deciding, I'm sure it'll be awesome 🙂

lokifishPosted 18-05-2013 08:28 PM

Negative: I did amazingly well today, but how long can I keep it up for? Surely it won't last...
Positive: I have a rough study timetable that's realistic and I've come up with ways to help me stick to it, so that the motivation does last.


Negative: I didn't end up going to my cousin's party

Positive: I managed to get an hour of study for Chemistry done, as well as watch BTG on TV. 🙂


Negative: I'm so tired and it's only 8:30...

Positive: An early night it is!

BeePosted 19-05-2013 08:21 PM
Negative: Started to fall off my high perk on the mountain earlier this arvo. Now I've fallen completely off and heading towards another valley.
Positive: I had 3 really good days! 3 days were I was extremely calm, motivated and relaxed. I was feeling good. Nothing much worried me

Negative: The good feeling is gone 😕
Positive: I'm fighting hard to not let hte negative take over. I haven't hit bottom yet!

Negative: My wrist started to ache just now... after trying to continue using it after my shower...
Positive: I forced myself to put the brace back on, and splint it. It did well to get through my shower and washing my face, especially with the mud mask!

Negative: I'm sitting here remembering that I told B I would have my creative writting finished for her to read tomorrow. And I haven't done any extra on it 😕 I just haven't done it yet.. and it was due ages ago regaurdless 😕
Positive: I have a double free, I can do it then. I can work on it tonight aswell!

Negative: Feeling like curling up into a ball and crying 😞
Positive: I'm strong enough to get through! I'm going to spent time on the forums then try and do work, otherwise I'll just head to bed. 🙂
BeePosted 20-05-2013 11:37 PM
Negative: Went off at a (distant?) friend today... Oddly, as bad as it sounds, I felt good about myself. But hated that it turned out like that.
Positive: Maybe she needed to hear it? I voiced my opinion!

Negative: She came and found me and T sitting in the senior quad... wasn't impressed. Felt like I was just kicked to the side like rubbish. Then it wasn't taken well when I went to ask a teacher something because she was in the area.
Positve: I did my best to ignore the convo. I didn't want to be apart of it. One person noticed. I went with pride when I went to ask the teacher what I needed to. It got my away from the 'talk' that was going on...

Negative: Feeling like a part of me going offf at her was out of character and unjust. So Confused. I want to remain friends, but hate that I get pushed asside when it's more than just the two of us. I dislike the topic choices and feel neglected when they talk about that when they know what my belief and values are 😕
Positive: It's high school! It wont last forever. I've only got a few months left here. I can wait it out.

Negative: I'm runinating of too many negaitve things right now.
Positive: I'm exhausted. I'm going to bed to let my body sleep.

Negative: It's 11.30 already! ANd I have an early class tomorrow...
Positive: I'll make it there, I always do! I'm going to bed now, and be warm under my many blankets 🙂
BeePosted 21-05-2013 08:18 PM
Negative: woke late today
Positive: Made it to school ontime for my early class. Had a laugh in my early class 😄

Negative: Had another blue with this girl again today 😕
Positive: I walked away to prevent myself from feeling bad and falling downhill, and to prevent further arguements

Negative: I logged into khl, but technical issues ran away with the screen before I was finished talking 😞 then when I tried to rejoin the queue, it told me khl was closed :S
Positive: I got through and talked to my reg khl cousnellor for about 1/2 hour and worked through some stuff 🙂
BeePosted 22-05-2013 07:43 PM

Negative: Some how I managed to post the same message twice!

Positive: I'm able to edit this one to take out all the same Neg into positives! 😄

Positive: I'm a funny girl 😄

BeePosted 22-05-2013 10:31 PM
Negative: Starting to stress with these drama reflections. Argh! I only realised today that I hadn't been doing them. THe feeling of stuffing everythng up and not doing things properly starting to take over right now 😕
Positive: I think to save me the stress, I'm going to write one massive long reflection and include everything in it. I'm going to state that until now I'd forgotten my reflections and make sure that I do them after each lesson from now on! 🙂

Negative: I should have been doing them from day one, it's not as if I didn't know...
Positive: THings happen. I'm only human. I forget these things. I guess the main thing is just doing some reflections and being honest, that way it's legit no matter what, trying to fake it wont help me any.
delicatedreamerPosted 24-05-2013 12:35 PM

Negative: Relatives can't have me stay with them on placement anymore.

Positive: Maybe not staying with them will work out better?

Negative: Yeah but now I have to stay with some random that I don't even know and she's not as close to the hospital.

Positive: Better than having no where to stay or mum and dad/ me having to fork out for somewhere for me to stay on my own.

Negative: What if I have an anxiety crisis? I don't know her/anyone in Brisbane!

Positive: That is not true (catastrophising!). My best friend lives in a nearby suburb and I can call the other relatives if I'm desperate I suppose.

Negative: I don't want to do this. Too stressful.

Positive: It's only for 4 weeks, I have strategies I can use, and it will help me get closer to finishing my degree.

BeePosted 24-05-2013 05:04 PM

Negative: Felt a bit blergh today

Positive: It's Friday. I only had 1 official class!


Negative: By English, I was ready to just curl up into a ball and be alone... all my motivation and positivity I've been wrking on seemed to have abandoned me 😞

Positive: I fought through the lesson, doing my best. My teacher asked if I was ok, which shows she cares and the tension that was there the other week is well entruly forgotten about.


Negative: I had a brillint idea for my drama major, though I have no idea how I'm going to implement it or if it's even going to work 😕 so confused by it all, wanting to just burn it!

Positive: I will get through this. CLassic case of writters block. I'll talk to my teacher Monday! I have all these ideas, I just need help to work through them and this blockage.


Negative: I'm sitting on the floor in the family room, infront of my grandma because I don't want to seem rude by leaving her in the room by herself! Especially since she's travveled all hte way up here from Victoria.

Positive: I'm being polite 🙂


Negative: I can't concentrate. I feel as though it's not worth me doing anything 😕 falling again

Positive: I'm on RO taking a break. I can send a message to KHL and then follow through with a chat or whatever afterwards.


Negative:Just as I thought I was starting to get the hang of essay writting, our teacher turns araound and says we're still not doing them right and need to do this in order to write this way. Blergh. Over it. What's the use in even trying?

Positive: I've come a long way with my essay writting, I know how to write essays with the current topic, there is nothing that says I can't implement the same strategies to my other modules.


Negative: WHile I've spent all this time on Engish catching up and trying to work through everything, I feel as though I've still not done enough. My drama has been neglected and I just don't understand anymore. So over it all. Ready to just curl into a ball and cry.

Positive: I've made progress, my teacher keeps commenting that I have, so it must be true! I will fiht through this!


Negative: Starting to regret the groups for our performance. Felt really uncomfortable in our scheduled extra meeting time today. Almost like I was a third wheel 😕 I see our teacher in a totally different light and I feel bad when I agree with what they say about him... He's not as bad as what the make out, actually he's pretty helpful and has great ideas...

Positive: They have their opinion and I have mine. We're each our own self, I shouldn't have to agree with them all the time.


Negative: Feeling rather negative today. Not at all in a good mood.

Positive: I'm going to stop this and combatt it. I'm going to pack up and grab my scrapbook and do some scrapbooking 🙂 Hopefully that will inspire me a little bit and make me feel good.

lokifishPosted 24-05-2013 05:20 PM

Negative: I'm feeling anxious about whether my application was good enough

Positive: I overcame those negative thoughts and applied anyway! That's a huge achievement 🙂

Negative: Didn't do any study last night and haven't done any so far this afternoon

Positive: It's still early, maybe I can do some after this? If I at least write down what I need to do then even if I don't start it until tomorrow, at least I'll know what needs to be done.


Negative: Feeling pretty run down at the moment.

Positive: I've been taking really good care of myself and am going to take it easy 🙂

BeePosted 26-05-2013 03:59 PM
Negative: After writting down everything that I can rememebr that I have to do, I'm feeling overwhelmed by it all. I don't seem to have any energy left anymore 😞
Positive: I have a list of thigns I need to do. I'm pretty wure I've got evreything down that I need to do...

Negative: I don't know what happened. I was fine and now this 😕 ergh.
Positive: I did so well this morning with the red shiled appeal, and even though one person went off at me, I didn't bite back, telling her to have a nice day 🙂

Negative: My group didn't show, typical 😕
Positive: I joined in with a teachers group 😛

Negative: I have a meeting with my drama teacher tomorrow and I haven't done anymore work since I alst saw him 😕 I'm unsure about what I'm supposed to say or anything.I can't not show.... uho
Positive: I'll be honest, maybe he can help me figure out where I'm going..?

Negative:I feel like curling up into a ball and crying 😕
Positive: I'm okay. I'm going to be fine
BeePosted 28-05-2013 09:15 PM
Negative: Haven't felt so great again today 😞
Positive: I fought through the entire day!

Negative: I was again bombarded by [extrememly] unhelpful thoughts this afternoon... I was scarred of following their command...
Positive: Despite the intenisy I fought through them and tried my hardest to focus on something other than the bad

Negative: I felt extrememly overwhelmed and confused today during second period (my first class), I just wanted to scream and run away 😞
Positive: As hard as it was, I fought through it. I can get help when I'm in a batter mind set.

Negative: My science teacher noticed that I wasn't too happy at the end of class, and when I didn't smile after he told me to he questioned whether I was okay and what was wrong... I didn't want to talk...
Positive: His questions show that he cares and that he is aware of his students'. After he asked if I was having a shit day I nodded, he wished it got better for me

Negative: I wasn't in the mood for the drama exercise we did today. (5 things)
Positive: One of my 5 thigns made the whole class laugh and broke some tension 🙂
(it was 5 things to do in a gymnasium. dance... jump on your head, run araound in a circle... amazement at the idea of jumping on your own head...)

Negative: After grandma finally leaving I'm not feeling as happy as what I thought I would be.
Positive: The tension has gone, and I dont have a wierd old lady in my dinning room no more 😛

Negative: I've had a coupld really bad days, which at a few points question the point of life and such...
Positive: I didn't act upon the questions or thoughts. I fought through them

Negative: I have an early morning tomorrow, and my teacher is runnning an after school class for our trials 😕
Positive: I miss the afterschool class for a doctrs appt with my wrist. I finally find out what is going on... well what the tests showed more to the point...

Negative: tired but I have so much work to do... not looking forward to what my mentor will say tomorrow 😕
Positive: It will go fine. My mentor isn't an angry person, she's quite gentle and reassuring. I just need to be HONEST!!!
delicatedreamerPosted 29-05-2013 07:43 PM
Negative: My psychologist gave me the impression that she's frustrated with me for relapsing today.
Positive: At least she is still trying to help me (even if I think I need more help than she's giving)
BeePosted 29-05-2013 08:23 PM
Negative: Didn't end up having my meeting with my mentor today 😕 she was busy with other stuff...
Positive: She told me when she saw me at the end of recess. And organised a time to meet up again! 🙂

Negative: really could have done with the meeting today...
Positive: It's only a couple more days that I have to stretch it out until I see her again

Negative: Apparently I'm the bad guy with everything with this girl I've been friends with for a few years. One status said enough... 😕
Positive: I don't know for certain it's about me. (but her attitdue says enough)

Negative: I've found it really hard to concentrate or even remember things recently. I just don't know what's causing it or anything. my mind is just blank. I'm so confused.
Positive: I'm trying my best to work with it until I can log in and get through to KHL and talk to someone.

Negative: My drama teacher again asked me if I was okay during class 😕 Beginning to think he thinks there is something wrong with me....
Positive: He's asked when I've been staring off into space and not paying attention. His questions show that he's paying attention to his students, and that he cares!

Negative: I feel so unsure of myself and everything around me. Somethings just seem so surreal and unreal.
Positive: I'll be fine. I just need to pout my mind to work on something, to at least try and get something done.

Negative: I'm falling way behind again. I can't afford to do this right now. I need to catch up and study, and I just don't see the point or importance of it, even though I need to do it. I only stress when everyone around me is reminding me o.O
Positive: I'm not stressing majorly about it?
BeePosted 01-06-2013 02:49 PM

Negative: Overwhelmed by hte idea of having just two weeks to find related texts for my English modules. blergh. Struggling to find anything I can relate to the texts 😞

Positive: I can ask my teacher. Or I can use the one I know that sort of relates in a very basic way.


Negative: I've spent a few hours today going around in circles with finding related texts. I just can't find anything! And BOS isn't helping any 😞

Positive: I'll live. I can ask my teacher and peers.


Negative: I'm stressing out majorly on this because of how my mentor put things, and how I interperated her words...

Positive: I can talk to her about it.


Negative: As hard as I try to put more energy and focus into English and Drama, I never manage to. I find them the hardest and I just don't know how to get through them 😞

Positive: I can ask my teachers for help!


Negative: After a week of feeling so low and not having any motivation, I'm starting to get sick again. My throat aches...

Positive:  I still have the second batch of antibiotics I can take from the other month I had tonsillitis.


Negative: I ended up feeling really low last night and self-harmed 😞

Positive: I did manage to delay the action for a while.


Negative: Everything seems to be going downhill again. And I don't know how to fight through it anymore...

Positive: ???


Negative: Feeling ....

Positive: I'm RO to try and help myself feel better!!

LexPosted 01-06-2013 08:10 PM

Bee wrote:

Negative: I ended up feeling really low last night and self-harmed 😞

Positive: I did manage to delay the action for a while.


Negative: Everything seems to be going downhill again. And I don't know how to fight through it anymore...

Positive: ???


Negative: Feeling ....

Positive: I'm RO to try and help myself feel better!!

Hi @Bee


You may be having trouble identifying that you still do have fight in you. I mean, here you are, reaching out and sharing how you're feeling.

The Positive is that you have people you can share it with, you have an outlet for how you feel and you know you're never alone in this. 🙂

BeePosted 05-06-2013 09:02 PM

@Lex wrote:

@Bee wrote:

Negative: I ended up feeling really low last night and self-harmed 😞

Positive: I did manage to delay the action for a while.


Negative: Everything seems to be going downhill again. And I don't know how to fight through it anymore...

Positive: ???


Negative: Feeling ....

Positive: I'm RO to try and help myself feel better!!

@Hi @Bee


You may be having trouble identifying that you still do have fight in you. I mean, here you are, reaching out and sharing how you're feeling.

The Positive is that you have people you can share it with, you have an outlet for how you feel and you know you're never alone in this. 🙂


@Lex: Thanks.  You're right, I am here reaching our, sharing I'm feeling! Though that's all I'm really doing.... I don't really have an outlet for this, I let thoughts ruminate around my mind....

BeePosted 05-06-2013 09:16 PM
Negative: Haven't had hte best of days, Extreme negative thoughts ran through my mind again today and I just wonder why they are so intense. I dislike them!
Positive: I tried my best to ignore them. I tried to distract my mind

Negative: After having a shower, I collapsed to the floor in tears. I was feeling stable, then bam reduced to tears on the floor 😕 ugh. and it wasn't even a decent cry! SO there will be a worse ep soon to come... *yay*
Positive: I've got to let my body run through emotions. I can't try to ignore them all!

Negative: I felt so hopeless today and rejected. I just dont know where life is going sometimes. Some thoughts just wont disappear! >:/
Positive: I did my best. I'm doing my best. I can talk to KHL about these nagging thoughts.

Negative: I sat outside in period 2, instead of going to the study or another room, I went and sat outside, to be alone. SItting in the cold wasn't good for me, telling myself I didn't care if I got worse, that I'd probably deserved it anyway. My science teacher made a point of me sitting outside then about me being sick...
Positive: I did what I knew what was best for me mentally. I know my science teacher asked out of concern and curiosity. He managed to put a smile on my face by time he left 🙂

Negative: Still sick and feel like I'm only getting worse.
Positive: I'm on antibiotics, and making sure I keep warm as possible to give my body a chance!
BeePosted 07-06-2013 06:07 PM
Neg: Not feeling so great right now. I've fallen in a heap after trying to understand these drama essay questions 😐
Pos: I have the questions for my trial exams. Takes a bit of that stress away.

Neg: I just can't be bothered to even look at any school stuff anymore. Everything is beginning to feel useless. I mean... (never mind.)
Pos: I'm doing my best I just need to keep reminding myself that.

Neg: I was doing fine until I start to revise for my upcomming exams. Cool, calm collected presence gone! 😞 WHY!?
Pos: There is so much going through my mind right now. SO much cluttering my mind. I just need to take a break and digest all that other stuff before I try to study...

Neg: I feel like if I can't get through this year, how amd I supposed to cope with further study? 😕
Pos: ??? I can't see anything right now.

Neg: My mind keeps thinking about he future and making me feel like crap becaus of certain things. I just don't know how to ignore it, or stop it.
Pos: I'm overwhelmed, and know it's only a repercussin from looking through the uni info guides on their courses.

Neg: Sometimes I regret dropping PDHPE... Maybe I was stupid for doing so...?
Pos: I dropped it because ultimately it was affecting me rather baddly, I just couldn't do 6 subjects. It made me more relaxed.

Neg: I can barely cope with 5 subjects now, how did I cope in previous years with MORE subjects!?
Pos: There wasn't the huge emphasis or push to go extrememly well in those subjects like there is now!
ShadowPosted 05-06-2013 12:28 PM
Neg: How is it possible that I could reverse the spiral before, but not now? I'm doing the same things that I did before, all of which were helpful! 😞 What else is there to change? 😞
Pos: I'm doing the best I can.....

Neg: Am I really? Shouldn't I have more to show for it?
Pos: I'm not responsible for every stuff up in regards to the project or the theory and I've taken responsibility for the times when it was my fault

Neg: I can't concentrate... Again! I don't have time for this!!
Pos: lack of sleep's the problem. I know that.

Neg: that's all very well, but she won't keep helping me if I've got nothing to show for it! 😞 😞 😞 😞
Pos: it'll work out in the end.....

Neg: lack of sleep is reducing me to tears.... So much to do- not that I'm accomplishing anything....
Pos: I'm aware of it. Even answering half the question is better than nothing.....

Neg: mum freaked out yesterday and I didn't deal with it very well
Pos: I know she's not the enemy. She wants what's best for me and sometimes that involves a kick up the ----- because sometimes I need it! Come on, admit it. You know you did! 😛
delicatedreamerPosted 26-05-2013 10:23 PM
Negative: Did less study today, which is not good when my exam is in 2 days.
Positive: I did some study. The content is fairly self-explanatory, and I really did need a break. It's important to balance my time so I don't become too stressed.
BeePosted 22-05-2013 07:42 PM

Negative: Woke late again today

Positive: Wasn't late for school!


Negative: I decided to write out my essay to see how my wrist would go, it hurt baddly after writting the intro 😞 after an hour I barely got half way through my essay....

Positive: I got my essay finished! While my hand hurt, I had time to let it recover before my next class 🙂


Negative: Went to the doc again about my wrist and he didn't really seem to care 😕 I told him about my exams and to get support for extra time i needed a drs certificate. He said I didn't need it and that it'd be fine. I can barely write 😕

Positive: He wants me to get an x-ray and ultrasound on my wrist... hopefully that will give some answers as to why my wrist has been sore for 4 weeks now!


Negative: From his reactions and his overall sense of self, I thought that he thought I was making a big deal out of nothing! 😞

Positive: When it hurts after writting two lines that isn't normal. I have enough knowledge to say that I know it's not nothing, and while it could be a very bad sprain wiht the symptoms, I haven't done anything to damage my wrist in that way :s


Negative:Realised today in drama that I haven't been reflecting upon lessons after them! Opps. And I have an assessment comming up!

Positive: It's only a few I can't recall specific details. The most recent ones will be really detailed, just the ealier ones, I'm sure I can make it work and sound not superficial 🙂 This mind of mine can kraft some pretty awesome things sometimes 🙂

BirdeyePosted 11-05-2013 06:13 PM

Negative: Things are all happening too soon. It shouldn't be almost the middle of the year yet!!

Positive: At least I'm enjoying them! It's good things that are happenning, good memories, good things to look forward too.


Negative: I'm not returning to that weight again yet!!

Positive: I will. There are just little changes that I can make, and I'll be there again. I will get there. I have a couple of months to get back to something that only took a couple of weeks to get out of. I will.


Negative: Tongue is hurting me.

Positive: Not as much as it was the other day. It's still healing, and it shall be good again soon. Won't be stopping me from anything this week like it did last week.


Negative: Test very early this week which I haven't prepared in the slightest bit for. Not even near 1% prepared for it.

Positive: I have no idea on this one. I still have time to try and prepare a little? I don't know...


Negative: SAT deadline is looming, I'm so far from finishing! The people I need to co-operate with to get it done aren't cooperating.

Positive: I just need to speak with the family, get some things arranged and do it. It's far enough away that I will get it done. All I have to do is pass anyway, it doesn't have to be amazing.


Negative: I really thought I'd be closer to people by now.

Positive: There are people I've met this year so far who I see as being friends for a loooong time, possibly life. That is good! Quality over quantity. I genuinely like a lot fo the people I am getting close to. 


Negative: I feel like I've been neglecting my dog.

Positive: I can make it up to him. I'm aware that I'm not happy with our current level/amount of interaction. 

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