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Turning Negatives Into Positives

At the suggestion of Lightuptheworld, I thought I'd start another 'Turning Negatives into Positives' thread like there is on the old forum. Below is a quote from Antria who started the thread on the previous forum which I think explains the idea of the thread quite well.


"Sometimes it can be helpful to turn our thinking around and begin to challenge the way we look at things. Turning negatives into positives is a way of doing this! Basically, think of something that happened today, this week, this month or at some other time that felt negative and see if you can find a positive in it (or that came out of it)."


I find posting in this thread really helps me to look at things in a different way or see positives that I might not have noticed if I'm in a negative headspace. I'll start the ball rolling:


Negative: My friend didn't turn up to class this morning and I was worried I would be alone because I don't really know anyone else in the class.

Positive: It gave me a chance to sit with new people and get to know them better 🙂


Over to you!

delicatedreamerPosted 08-08-2012 03:02 PM

Comments (192 pages)

BeePosted 11-05-2013 11:04 PM

Negative: Didn't have a very good sleep last night, spent hours laying awake in pain, if it wasn't my wrist it was my stomach and ribs. Then when I had an apple in the early morning the back of my teeth were sore Smiley Frustrated

Positive: I did eventually get comfortable and find sleep again


Negative: when I woke latter in the morning I felt really dizzy, ringing ears and unwell, so I went back to bed. It really screwed me up today

Positive: I've done well considering. I took care of myself by lying down to help my body restore natural blood flow.


Negative: Feeling as though I've wasted the whole day working on this English essay which I fear my teacher will say it's not good enough. I'm doubting that it is my best, and doubting her response when I hand it to her Monday Morning...

Positive: She said I could hand it in no latter than Monday. It's an essay, if it's bad it will show her up about how much I actually know and what Ican actually do!


Negative: When talking to mum earlier this afternoon about my Engiish teacher I felt as though she was going to side with my English teacher. I felt as though mum was agreeing with her that I hadn't bothered to do the work. I was hurting and eventually didn't reply then walked out.

Positive: Mum followed me and explained what she meant and why she thought that...


Negative: I think the sickness I'm feeling is an adverse reaction to the anti-inflamatory's the Doctor gave me Wednesday.

Positive: I haven't taken them today so hopefully I feel better within the next few days.

Negative: He gave them to me for my wrist, so I hope my wrist doesn't get any worse because I've stopped taking them for now.

Positive: He did say to stop taking them for a day or two if such and such happened (which I can't remember now) If I'm worried I can pop into the chemist I bought them from and ask the pharmasist there.


Negative: I've barely eaten anything today and mum was surprised when I didn't put an apple pie on for myself for desert. I told her I didn't feel like it and that I might have one latter.

Positive: I listened to my body and went and focused on English to take my mind off the pain in my stomach, which is masking the pain of my wrist.


Negative: I'm over thinking things, "what if I'm still feeling this way Monday morning?" 'what if...."

Positive: I know that I'm over thinking and worrying about this for a few different reasons. I can combat this by doing a meditation track before I go to sleep to try and subside my mind 🙂

lokifishPosted 12-05-2013 03:31 PM

Negative: I'm really agitated and I don't know why

Positive: I've been doing things to try and help me settle down (going for a walk, listening to relaxing music, coming on here)


Negative: I feel like I haven't done anything today

Positive: I've done the aforementioned. Plus I don't have to be super busy every single day! It's okay to bludge once in a while.


Negative: I'm stressed about school tomorrow, and exams

Positive: There's nothing to worry about regarding tomorrow, and as for exams, it's very unlikely I'll fail any of them even if I don't do any study at all. I'll be fine.


Negative: I can't stop overthinking everything

Positive: I was able to calm my mind before when I was lying down.


Negative: The weather's so crap and it matches my mood

Positive: I am okay. Whatever happens, I'll deal with it. I'm going to be mindful of my thoughts without analyzing them.

lokifishPosted 13-05-2013 06:56 PM
Negative: Worst f*cking day I've had in ages. And to think things were starting to go well again...
Positive: It's over. It's in the past now. Tomorrow is a new day, a new chance. This won't matter in five years time.

Negative: I can't get the bit when she said "punishment" out of my head. It's haunting me.
Positive: I can talk to mum about it.

Negative: I was angry at my mum but it turns out it might not be her fault - I'm starting to suspect the coordinator was lying
Positive: If it turns out to be this way, I'm sure mum will understand. And then the attention won't be on me anyway - it'll be on the coordinator

Negative: F*CKING B*TCH.
Positive: ??? I guess that I'll never see her again soon (as in, a bit over a year...)

Negative: I never want anything to do with her again, but she said she'll speak to me tomorrow about what's happened regarding absences and medical certificates going astray.
Positive: At least that'll clear things up? I know I really hate her, but I guess it's experience in dealing with difficult people?
BeePosted 11-05-2013 10:43 PM

@Birdeye wrote:

Negative: Test very early this week which I haven't prepared in the slightest bit for. Not even near 1% prepared for it.

Positive: I have no idea on this one. I still have time to try and prepare a little? I don't know...


Positive: If you know what it's on you can trust in the knowledge you already have. You can prepare up until the moment you sit the test. You can accapt that this time you're underprepared and work to be more prepared next time. Trust your instincts 🙂

ShadowPosted 10-05-2013 03:22 PM

Neg: Ran into the psych outside the year advisors office

Pos: We nodded at each other and that was it


Neg: Just as I was able to explain things slowly enough so the site manager understood what I wanted, the head of the art dept butts in and I got flustered! 😞

Pos: He understood once I drew a diagram! 🙂


Neg: The woman kept butting in! 

Pos: We eventually worked out a plan of action 🙂


Neg: I can't explain stuff properly, even when I write it down! 😞 😞 😞  ðŸ˜ž 😞 😞  

Pos: I've got his number now! 🙂


Neg: What am I going to do with the pieces if I don't put them back together, yet still maintain my concept??? 

Pos: I'll figure it out! 🙂 





BeePosted 10-05-2013 09:35 PM

Negative: Got a rude remark from one of my teachers today and was not impressed by it, or her behaviour! I never expected that from her! 😞

Positive: I know she's only human. But her action was uncalled for, especially since I told her the other week I was struggling. I stood up for myself. I told her I did spent all of period 2 trying to figure it out. And when she didn't believe me I chose to be the bigger (wo)man and not bite back.


Negative: I felt really crappy after that incident and didn't have a good time until I left school

Positive: I managed to put her actions behind me and try my best to focus on my work, even though I coppied a lot of Be in English.


Negative: Mum sensed something was up, and I didn't want to talk about it

Positive: I told her, and she agreed with me


Negative: The past few hours my wrist has been extremely sore and I haven't been able to do concentrate on anything! It's reached the worst pain I think I've ever experienced 😞 Not even pain relief could mask the pain and that was about 3 hours ago 😞

Positive: I'm doing my best to rest my wrist and keep it supported. I'm doing my best to not think about it


Negative: I felt incredibly tired and sore late this afternoon. My whole body was aching and I wanted to just sleep. It was terrible 😕

Positive: I rested but didn't sleep, because I knew then it would make sleep tonight impossible and that would only be worse for me. I decided to try and keep my mind entertained with simple easy activities which wouldn't require that much concentration 🙂

mischiefmanagedPosted 08-08-2012 06:08 PM

Neg: I've been really nervous all day today.

Pos: I got through my job interview. 🙂

Jones3849Posted 29-10-2018 10:15 PM
Negative: I can only do it.
Positive: I must do it.
BeePosted 29-10-2018 10:46 PM
Neg: Things turned into my brother complaining about me and saying hurtful things about me because I accidentally knocked the dustpan with the long handle over while sweeping the floor. I tried to pick it up with my right foot (which I'm still not walking on!) but it hurt and I dropped it again 😞 SO I asked for someone to help. Which lead my brother down the path to openly have a go at me 😞 And my dwindling mood sunk even further. I hate it
Pos: I'm trying to ignore his BS and listening to my self-confidence/self-love playlist. I've been focusing on light hearted stuff tonight. I know that he has no idea what this injury is like for me. He hasn't lived it. He doesn't know what he's talking about. I know that I am doing my best and doing what is best for my body to heal from this operation and move on with life. I'm going to go and do some colouring now to distract my mind from the hurt
litgymPosted 30-10-2018 02:38 PM

neg: i found something out really horrible this morning which turned into me bawling my eyes. im still really upset by this 😞

pos: my favourite teacher was supervising us in our study period so she spoke me, asking if i was okay.


neg: i couldn’t really talk to my fav teacher since she’s not allowed to leave the classroom so i couldn’t tell her the exact reason and then she never spoke to me again when she said she will.

pos: maybe she was just busy and stressed and genuinely forgot to ask me if i was okay now.

litgymPosted 31-10-2018 08:42 PM

neg: feeling pretty horrible today

pos: i told my friend to keep an eye on me and we came out with code words if things got dangerous. ive also managed to stay safe so far and i know being hospitalised will be for my best. i hope i can be in the next weekish just need to work out how to tell my mum 😕


neg: completely fucked my 1 hour and HALF french exam which i fucked so badly im definitely getting below 50% tbh i probably got zero for everything in it 😕

pos: i told my french teacher after the exam how i felt about it and i was sorry etc and she was really kind about it.

BeePosted 02-11-2018 09:07 PM
Neg: Dad keeps bagging out a show I like, yet he continues to watch it and bag it out and compare it to another show. This makes me annoyed and feel sad
Pos: Everyone has different likes and dislikes, and I know it's not everyone's taste. I can ignore his comments and watch it anyway 🙂
mrmusicPosted 02-11-2018 10:35 PM

Neg: I was extremely triggered at uni a couple of days ago by something I saw... to the point where I began to have some really unhelpful thoughts and urges.

Pos: I walked out, took some time for myself, and the urges went away after a while.


Neg: Since that time, I have had some periodical thoughts and some bad memories have cropped up.

Pos: I've been able to remind myself that these are just thoughts, and that I'm much stronger than I have been in those dark times.

litgymPosted 02-11-2018 11:51 PM

neg: ive had a horrible day and feeling pretty suicidal atm.

pos: i am safe i guess i wish i wasn’t but i am. 

litgymPosted 03-11-2018 05:42 PM

neg: mum isn’t keen on me hanging out with some friends tomorrow because she won’t trust me !! like honestly im not gonna do anything stupid. ill be with 2 friends and one of their mums. erghhh.

pos: i know she is worried and trying to keep me safe.

litgymPosted 04-11-2018 05:37 PM

neg: im held captive i swear to god man !! i can’t do anything

pos: i know it’s to keep me safe

BeautifullybrokenPosted 10-11-2018 10:50 AM
neg: feeling really exhausted and a bit achy
pos: I have more time to focus on self-care now that I am done with uni assessments.
BeePosted 12-11-2018 04:52 PM

Neg: I felt defeated after using the crutches to partially weight bear walk into a shop to grab a couple items. I keep thinking I'm ready and can do it, but I usually come out feeling down and defeated 😞

Pos: I DID walk into the shop on crutches! I managed it! Sure I was kinda sore and my left foot fatigued due to poor choice of shoe, but I DID IT!!!! I'm slowly training frankenfoot to be good 😛


Neg: I'm noticing my mood is going up and down quite often during the day, and I'm getting little periods where everything just explodes inside my head and I can't deal.

Pos: I've realised this and I can bring it up with my supports when I see them 🙂

litgymPosted 12-11-2018 09:23 PM

neg: tried to end my life a few times and i had to go to hospital. a very stressful day.

pos: out of this horrible day ive found quite a few positives 🙂

- my ex-fav teacher said to me ‘i love you’ which really warmed my heart Heart

- my music teacher was really sweet about everything and was fighting with my ex-fav teacher who loves me more hehe

- i got the most wonderful hugs from my music and ex-fav teacher which made me feel safe 🙂

ShadowPosted 16-11-2018 04:09 PM

Neg: trying to make the appointment for the scan was stressful. I kept repeating the wrong body part. I feel so stupid! 

pos: I was caught off guard because the scan isn't in a place I'm familiar with and there were several options of available times to choose from. The receptionist was very understanding and I have all the info I need. As awkward as it may have been, I'm likely to need more of these scans and since it's done at _____, I'll have more accurate info about where things are which is a good thing! 


Neg: Why do I feel so tired and sore? It was just a phone call! 

Pos: Calls are getting easier and I can relax knowing I've done what I needed to do

litgymPosted 21-11-2018 06:57 PM

neg: i feel completely awful !!!!!! all i want is to be dead. i don’t even know how i am still here 😕

pos: maybe everything will dial down tmrw ?

Taylor-ROPosted 21-11-2018 10:14 PM

Heya @litgym, addressed this in your main thread Smiley Happy

redheadPosted 28-11-2018 10:24 PM

Neg: I'm freaking out. The aliens have got under my skin and tearing it apart. I can hear them laughing at me.
Pos: maybe I can tear them out..

Lan-ROPosted 28-11-2018 10:45 PM

Hi @redhead just wanted to check if you're okay? It sounds like a scary experience you're having right now. Are you able to contact a helpline for some support tonight? We're here for you Heart

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