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Weekly Wellbeing: Gratitude Wall
Hey guys! Time for another Weekly Wellbeing activity! 😄
This one's a little more hands on (kinda) and hopefully should be both fun and a really nice opportunity to reflect on good things!
One of the (imo) best threads we have on RO is the Today I'm grateful for... thread, where we all take time to reflect on things we're thankful for 🙂 and late last year we had a WW activity on finding three things we're grateful for
I thought it could be nice to extend these activities into making a Gratitude wall(/mirror/bedpost/any-flat-surface-you-like-really)
I you're keen, for this one it could be cool to write something that you're grateful for and slap it up somewhere that you'll see it often, then keep doing that for a week and see the difference it makes to how present you are in the moment and your perspective on things.
I know it's only something tiny, but activities like this give you an opportunity to focus on something positive. Even if for the rest of the day you're in a negative headspace it gives you a break from that for a moment
What might also be really good to do is to try find positives about things that are also stressing you out, so that you've got something amongst all that to hold onto
Here's mine for day one:
And I'll post my mirror again when the week is up! 😄
I would love to see anyone else's if they feel up to sharing, whether in progress or complete (you can continue for more than a week if you like!). Just remember to make sure there's nothing in the photo that can be used to identify you (i really regretted choosing my mirror haha that was a hard photo to take! :P)
This idea will help me a lot, I think.
// Nothing is impossible. The word itself says "I'm Possible" //
@Esperanza67 such an awesome collection of things to be grateful for! it'd be so cool to see it keep growing!
@Tiny_leaf a wall of good things actually sounds like such a good idea! A really personalised and meaningful mental wellbeing toolkit 😄
@letitgo a portable gratitude list would be really handy, you could add to it whenever and wherever you wanted, which I feel like would be good for capturing the little things that brighten your day that you might not remember otherwise! 😄
@xXLexi_Lou122Xx can't wait to see it! I'm glad it sounds helpful to you
I'll post a picture of my 'wall' tomorrow to show you guys! The lighting''s not letting me take a nice pic so i'll wait until there's more light
Here it is!! 😄
As we can see fluro highlighters might not have been the best choice!
For those struggling to read them, the post-its say:
Was able to hang out w lovely peeps xx
I get to study something i love 🙂
I get to meet awesome people!
I'm a part of so many different and great teams!!!
My thesis is going on track 🙂
Doctor wasn't judgemental!
The collection is growing!!! 😄
@Tiny_leaf hmmmmm.....
time for a career change do you think? 😉 world-domination via positivity? sign me up! 😛
who would be surprised, honestly?
Ta-da @ecla34! Here is my gratitude wall - a bit tiny but I'm still liking it. Maybe I should wait and let it grow over the next coming weeks to see how it all goes and then I can retake a picture of it and share it here? What you do think?
@ecla34 oooh, I love that idea!!
When I get my bedroom sorted out I'm definitely going to make a space for that at my desk.
It also sounds like a really good place to put self care ideas and the numbers/ web addresses of helplines, mixed in with the other sticky notes.