I been very stressed about becoming a counsellor one day worried that I can't been stressed for a while now and need tips to deal with stress, your kind comments will be appreciated and support!
Taking care of myself
✨Hello, OC,✨
I found a great acronym recently for distractions. Sometimes when I feel strong emotions, such as anxiety, I need a distraction to get through the next few minutes or hours. I also may not be in the headspace to face difficult emotions just yet.
Engage in activities t... read more
Hello people of RO
I wanted to make a thread where we could all keep track of our self care and encourage each other to take care of ourselves.
Today I practiced self care by taking a break from my assignment for some fresh air. How did you practice self care today?
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Hey guys,
I was just thinking about younger me and what I would like to tell them. I found that it’s a good way to reflect on the past but also think about what I need to focus on for the future. It’s really easy to get distracted due to life and forget to recognise how far you’ve come. Sometimes,... read more
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Hey everyone!
I’m curious to know if there are any therians or furries in this community. What has your journey been like? How do you express your identity?
Feel free to share your experiences, artwork, or any resources that have helped you along the way. Let’s create a supportive space for discussion... read more
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Hey everyone,
Thanks for all the lovely messages on the previous post.
I finally have my sleep schedule on track. I've also begun implementing some cardio in my daily life, reduced my screen time, and increased the time I spend doing productive things like cleaning the house, reading my textbook, an... read more
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Here's a list of common resources for when life takes unexpected turns 💜🖤
(Feel free to add to the list!)
- ReachOut PeerChat
Chat for free with a trained peer worker for people aged 16-25 (one-on-one, text-based service)
- Lifeline
24/7 crisis support and suicide prevention services (via call, web c... read more
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I always find myself overwhelmed with life. We have so many roles, responsibilities, and relationships calling for our attention. To look after myself in a busy life I try to slow down the pace 💖. It is important to relax, listen to music, watch a movies, do a facemark or your favourite hobby.
Can... read more
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Hey everyone,
I've been going through a rough patch throughout the past few weeks and it's made it very difficult for me to do productive things, or things that in the long run would be beneficial for me. Like exercising, reading, learning and generally just going outside more often. This is partial... read more
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Hey everyone! 😊
I would love to share a topic with you all that I am really passionate about: the power of positive affirmations. Affirmations are simple, empowering statements that we say to ourselves, which help us rewire negative thought patterns and build a sense of confidence and self-worth. I... read more
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Hi lovely community 😊
I just wanted to share some gentle reminders and thoughts I've had recently about change and struggling with change!
Both big and small changes, like moving house, moving school or simply a change in your normal routine, can be so tricky to manage physically and mentally. But..... read more
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Hey everyone,
I just wanted to share that recently there have been a lot of changes happening in my life. With everything happening all at once, it has certainly been a little overwhelming, to say the least.
But through this process, I’ve realised how important it is to appreciate ourselves and pri... read more
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Hello again,
I just wanted to follow up on a few responses I've had from my last post. I fo discuss my mental health with my mum and sometimes its hard because she's very much an "inspiring" speaker. Like earlier today I was talking about my hatred towards rejection and she replied with "I never tau... read more
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Hi OC,
I saw this picture (below) online recently and it made me think of an activity we used to do in primary school. We used to take our hand, trace it, and write a person that we could reach out to for support on each finger. While this hand exercise may be a little childish now for some, I think... read more
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Hi community 😊
What is one thing that you love about yourself? Could be a physical attribute, personality trait, etc...
I'll go first - I love my initiative to get stuff done & I love my tattoo's.
What about you? 💛
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I'm quite sick and as a result, my mental health has been a little downer than usual, but that is okay!
Despite my illness, I left bed relatively early (8:00 AM) and took a warm shower.
The act of planning a decision, taking the steps to follow through with that decision, and being relieved of the r... read more
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If your reading this I hope your having an amazing day! And if your not thats okay! It will get better, your doing amazing keep going. Its okay to spend all day doing nothing and to take breaks. Were all proud of you
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how does everyone go about making new year resolutions & what are some ideas for some? xx
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One of the biggest struggles I faced during my years battling depression and PTSD was getting myself up, dressed, and out of the house. I’d neglect my self-care so much that I’d end up sitting in front of my laptop, working all day in my pyjamas, or rushing to get to uni without taking a moment for... read more
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I can’t believe it’s New Year's Eve already! New Years can sometimes be assumed as a joyous time of celebration but it's okay if mixed emotions have been coming up. You may be feeling relieved for making it through the year, but also feel sad for the challenges and loss the year has brought. You ma... read more
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had to deal with the bullies at school but i'm okay and home life is hell but what ever you are going thrue i beleve in you ,you are stronger than you think keep going ❤️
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Hey all,
I was just curious if anyone else has had experiences with volunteering within their local communities? I generally enjoy volunteering at various organizations when I can, ranging from like hospitality to like social assistance etc. I find that the act of volunteering itself has really help... read more
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Hello everyone! 🤗✨
I took the time to make this in hopes that it may help some or all of you, particularly with how stressful and busy life has been for us all as of late.
Feel free to download this for yourself, or even write down some more kind/supportive things below; perhaps you may even want... read more
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Hi everyone,
I just wanted to take the time this morning to check in with you all. Christmas is a time where there is so much pressure for no reason; It might feel like pressure to be happy, pressure to have a perfect day, or simply pressure to ‘show up’ and be present with others. Sometimes these p... read more
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I like to practice self care by spending time with my family. This helps me stay connected and keep me grounded.