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What are you proud of?

I don't think we've got a 'What are you proud of?' thread on this forum yet so I'd thought I'd start one. This was one of my favourite threads on the old forum 😄


I'm proud that I stayed at uni all day today and didn't skip any classes.


Over to you guys: What are you proud of? 🙂

delicatedreamerPosted 17-08-2012 09:24 PM

Comments (106 pages)

N1ghtW1ngPosted 23-05-2018 03:14 PM
Good luck for the surgery @j95 🙂
j95Posted 23-05-2018 04:47 PM

Thank you @N1ghtW1ng

BirdeyePosted 22-05-2018 03:51 AM
I'm proud of the evaluations I just did, because of the amount of information I provided on each of them. It's the second time I've evaluated other people's work like this and I'm much happier with the way it presented this time.
BirdeyePosted 22-05-2018 04:47 PM
I'm proud of how my driving lesson went 🙂 The guy said that he was happy with my skill level. It all left me feeling very very positive
delicatedreamerPosted 16-12-2013 10:24 PM
I'm proud that I have signed up for a few shifts at work this week.
BeePosted 16-12-2013 11:48 PM
I'm proud of myself for driving out late at night tonight to get cat food for the kittens! :3
delicatedreamerPosted 17-12-2013 08:57 PM
I'm proud of how I managed at work today.
BeePosted 17-12-2013 11:27 PM
I'm proud of myself for managing to safely escape a bout of self-harm thoughts 🙂

I'm proud of myself for logging into KHL and then talking to an unfamiliar counsellor when not feeling so great! 🙂
cupcakeloverPosted 04-12-2013 11:08 AM

I'm proud that I have ALMOST finished my 14 week university student placement... 7 working days to go!

I'm also proud of my adorable 11-month-old nephew who is currently learning to walk

Finally, I'm proud of my organisation skills and that I did my christmas shopping early this year as I lost my job due to store closure so would be struggling immensely had I not already brought everyones pressies

delicatedreamerPosted 05-12-2013 09:13 PM
I'm proud that I'm being kind to myself this week. Being open to experiences, but not putting too much pressure on myself to get things done or behave in a certain way.
ShadowPosted 06-12-2013 02:56 PM

Proud of challenging myself by catchng the bus to Tafe to get my student card and not freaking out when I got lost on the way back to the bus!!! 😄

BeePosted 09-12-2013 11:09 PM
Proud of myself for being able to walk through the shopping complex and Target without feeling insecure about myself, or like people were staring at me! I seem to be gaining just a small bit of confidence again, which is awesome! GO mee! 😄 😄

I'm proud of myself for not letting some of the thoughts that cropped up today determine how I felt. Each time I made an excuse to ignore them, I pushed them asside and told them I'd deal with them later.
BeePosted 12-12-2013 10:51 PM
Proud of myself for fighting through the extreme negative thoughts this evening.
BluesugarPosted 30-05-2013 10:25 PM
I'm proud of who i'm today,
the lives i've changed, the people i've affected positively, the GRACE of GOD that brought ME this far
BeePosted 04-06-2013 06:58 PM
Proud of my effort with Yesterdays annotation of the poem & today with writting the essay 🙂

Proud of my effort and focus in drama today, I smashed it 🙂

Proud of myself for taking care of myself and surrounding myself with people who I feel comfortable with 😄
gailPosted 06-06-2013 05:42 PM

I'm proud of myself for recognising that things aren't going well, and for reaching out for more support and looking after myself.

delicatedreamerPosted 06-06-2013 08:13 PM

I'm proud that I have got through this week at prac. I've fought back against my anxiety and done so many things that I didn't think I was capable of at the start of this week, which is pretty awesome 🙂

lokifishPosted 07-06-2013 04:32 PM

I'm proud that I got through five exams this week without completely freaking out like last time! 🙂

j95Posted 30-07-2016 07:33 PM
@khaleesi_18 yeah she's pretty cute! I'm very lucky
j95Posted 07-09-2016 03:17 PM

Today I went to work, and I plan on attending my headspace appointment later this afternoon then some stuff for mentoring 

j95Posted 08-09-2016 01:19 PM
I'm pretty proud that I have been going to work lately
lokifishPosted 09-09-2016 01:25 PM

I'm proud of myself for making it through another week 🙂

j95Posted 02-09-2016 08:38 AM

Was up early for a bike ride this morning 

lokifishPosted 03-09-2016 06:53 PM

I'm proud of myself for keeping myself safe yesterday when I was feeling suicidal

I'm proud of myself for trying to get back on track today, crossing a heap of things off my to-do list

DruidChildPosted 03-09-2016 09:47 PM

@lokifish Well done keeping yourself safe the other day! That's amazing and I'm really glad you did 🙂 

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