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how's life been

HEYYY so I know times were really rough and everything was really hard and stressful. I know things are still really hard so let this thread is a place to share how everything is going now. If you want answer these questions below as a general check in place. And if you feel comfortable to respond to other and gives some helpful tips as well. 


- during this tough time did you find enough support on

- During this time did you wish you did something differently to make the situation better?

- what new skill did you pick up during this time?

- did you catch up on things you wanted to do for a while


let me know so we can have a catch up!!!

Bella2Posted 14-11-2020 11:02 AM


AnzelmoPosted 20-11-2020 08:57 PM

Hi @Bella2 !


I really love this post as it gives people a way to connect and share their experiences the past few weeks/months especially with COVID.


- during this tough time did you find enough support on

  • Yes, I love this community and I always feel like I can post something If I ever feel the need to.

- During this time did you wish you did something differently to make the situation better?

  • I don't like to look back as much and be really hard on myself and make myself feel regretful. Instead, I try to focus on the things that I did do right and learn to accept and improve on my mistakes in the future.

- what new skill did you pick up during this time?

  • Self-care, knowing when to take a break, and accepting what has already happened.

- did you catch up on things you wanted to do for a while

  • yes I have, I finally got around to cleaning my room, and running errands that I has been on my mind for so long.

Thanks for making this thread Bella, and how have you been friend? 🙂 

A_FriendPosted 19-11-2020 03:22 PM

@Bella2 this is such a great thread.

during this tough time did you find enough support on

I found so much support on and Facebook groups

- During this time did you wish you did something differently to make the situation better?

I wish I had reached out to friends more often and called more often as well. In addition, I wish spent more time in the present moment. @sunnygirl606 and @GioDes I can empathise with what you wished you had differently during this time for sure.

- what new skill did you pick up during this time?

During this time I have improved on taking time for myself, to laugh and to rest.

- did you catch up on things you wanted to do for a while

Yes, I caught up on taking time to chill and time with my dad/family


sunnygirl606Posted 18-11-2020 05:14 PM

- during this tough time did you find enough support on

I found that so many people were supportive of me when I was going through an upsetting family situation and I felt heard and appreciated. 


- During this time did you wish you did something differently to make the situation better?

I wish I gave myself more breaks during university times and made more time to talk to my friends.


- what new skill did you pick up during this time?

I picked up active listening skills as i became a builder and responded to peoples posts.


- did you catch up on things you wanted to do for a while

I caught up on a lot of TV shows which was super nice and relaxing

GioDesPosted 18-11-2020 04:52 PM

Hi @Bella2 , thankyou so much for starting this conversation! 


- during this tough time did you find enough support on


I'm in a similar boat to @Sunnybear@Tay100 and @November13 but ReachOut has been an amazing way to connect with people, come together and support one another during a really tough time! 


- During this time did you wish you did something differently to make the situation better?


I wish I was more present in each moment and was able to appreciate the downtime and practice a bit more self-acceptance and compassion during lockdown! I wouldn't usually make the time to be truly introspective and reflect on the important things in life. 


- what new skill did you pick up during this time?


I actually did a total career swap! I was working in film and TV and am now studying my Masters in Counselling and working in mental health, so this has been a big change! 


- did you catch up on things you wanted to do for a while


I was doing lots of yoga and walking and focused a bit more on my music project. However, I also tried to let myself be unmotivated and binge Netflix too! 

November13Posted 17-11-2020 10:13 PM

Heyyy @Bella2 this is a great thread! How are things going for you?


- during this tough time did you find enough support on 

Like @Sunnybear and @Tay100 I have my own resources but I'm sure RO would have been a great source of support as well!


- During this time did you wish you did something differently to make the situation better?

I'm grateful to say no Smiley Happy I have been doing things I love and reaching out to people, which makes things a lot easier


- what new skill did you pick up during this time?

Arts and crafts! But I would love to learn another language as well!


- did you catch up on things you wanted to do for a while

I have done lots of things to make my resume look better! I have been meaning to do that but couldn't find the time to. And I have binge-watched about a million Netflix series Smiley LOL

SunnybearPosted 17-11-2020 09:00 AM

@Bella2  thank you for starting this conversation!! 


- during this tough time did you find enough support on

Like @Tay100  I also have my own help resources that I fall back on but discovering made me feel more connected to others in times where I felt like I was going through it alone


- During this time did you wish you did something differently to make the situation better?

I wish that I practiced self-compassion more! I kept holding myself to the same standards as if it was a normal year when it definitely was not! 


- what new skill did you pick up during this time?

 I'm starting to getting the hang of mindfulness 


- did you catch up on things you wanted to do for a while

Reading and journaling are the main things that I rediscovered during lockdown Smiley LOL

Tay100Posted 15-11-2020 01:18 PM

@Bella2 thanks for starting this catch up thread- they are always so handy!


My answers to your questions are here; feel free to answer them too, I'd love to hear what you have to say!


- during this tough time did you find enough support on

I have my own help resources but reach out has been a great source of positive distraction, a great place to discover new things, make connections and help others

- During this time did you wish you did something differently to make the situation better?

I should have been kinder to myself much sooner and do whatever I needed to make lockdown easier! Gotta practise what I preach a little more hahaa

- what new skill did you pick up during this time?

I'm slowlyyyy learning AUSLAN

- did you catch up on things you wanted to do for a while
Yes- namely books! I have been reading for pleasure again!


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