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mental health apps

So usually when I feel distressed or panicky, especially when im out of the house I turn to my mental health apps on my phone. I find them really helpful and I thought it may be beneficial to you guys as well:)Heart I'm going to share all my mental health apps on my phone, from anxiety to safety planning !


just a heads up, some things may be a bit distressing or triggering (just a few words) for you throughout this postHeart if you are at risk please contact Lifeline 13 11 14 or Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800 🙂


1. Moodpath - Free and available on IOS and AndroidHeart description on it 🙂 

Each day it'll ask you 3 times, morning, lunch and night how you are feeling and you can write any notes on how you are feeling. Over a 2 week period it collects data on your daily moods and will give you a general result and even a doctors referral explaining your current situation with depression and anxiety. Here is an example of mine from a few months ago 😉 They also offer some emotional health resources such as mindfulness 🙂IMG_6414.PNG


















2. Clear Fear - Free and available on IOS and Android, here's a description on it

This app is focused on anxiety and to help reduce the physical symptoms when anxiety is at its worst 😉 you have a security code to get in so nobody can access your data and you can also make a safety net (safety plan) within the app !IMG_6415.PNG



















3. Calm Harm - Free and available on IOS and Android, heres a description

personally this is one of my favourites !! I honestly love this app and find it so helpful 🙂 It really helps while feeling distressed ! you have a password to enter the app, so no one can access your data 🙂 you can choose your little mascots hehe and the colour themeSmiley LOL "The urge to self-harm is like a wave, It feels the most powerful when you start wanting to do it." The options you can use to beat the urge are so realistic and simple 🙂 This app has won many awards !!IMG_6416.PNG



















4. Calm - Free (MANY in-app purchases) and available on IOS and Android description

The app offers meditation techniques for sleep and stress reduction 🙂 It's a really peaceful app !! I personally don't like the app too much especially since most things you need to pay for and im

broke !IMG_6420.PNG


















5. BeyondNow Suicide Safety Plan - Free and available on IOS and Android description

Personally this is a great app for me especially and anyone at risk. Big thanks to @Jess1-RO telling me this app exists !! It's so helpful having my plan on me anywhere I am and being able to access it when needed 🙂 I am able to keep my crisis team, emergency services and any crisis lines numbers which is really important 🙂 I really recommend it !! You can also always update it and share it with anyone 😉IMG_6421.PNG



















6. #SelfCare - Free and available on IOS and Android, a beautiful description

Definitely one of my favourite apps and I know @Bee you would love this !! It's such a peaceful and relaxing app, I feel like im in another world and I get sucked into being all chill hehe Smiley Very Happy its a really beautiful and cool app, everyone MUST have this app !!!!IMG_6422.PNG



















7. Headspace - Free (MANY in-app purchases) and available on IOS and Android, a description

I haven't used this app since I only just recently downloaded the app but I've heard very good things ! It's a meditation to reduce stress and anxiety 🙂IMG_6423.PNG



















8. Be Safe - Free and available on IOS and maybe Android, I can't find any websites on it so yeah ! It's just another safety plan that is slightly different to BeyondNow, so im currently testing it out 🙂 so far it's good though !!IMG_6424.PNG



















9. Calm in the Storm - Free and available on IOS, NOT android 😞 description

This is app is to help reduce the stresses in your life 🙂 I personally love the quotes they include on the home page and how you can include a safety plan !IMG_6425.jpg



















I hope some of you guys find some apps that are helpful !! My top 3 are #SelfCare, Calm Harm and either my BeyondNow Suicide Safety Plan or Moodpath ! Feel free to reply back with any other mental health apps you use or any questionsSmiley Very Happy 


(really annoyed by the format ergh !!)

litgymPosted 12-01-2019 05:28 PM


WilliamBloomPosted 31-05-2021 06:16 PM
Hey @litgym,
thanks for such a nice roundup! You can also take a look at such apps as 'MoodTools', 'Twenty-Four Hours a Day', and even 'What's Up?'.
 All of these apps provide extensive functionality helping to deal with different mental health issues, and the range may vary from anxiety to various addictions. I've recently started my career in IT, and I'm glad to be a part of a company that develops such apps. You can see a detailed analysis of mental health apps development in my recent guide. I hope many people will find it useful.
A_FriendPosted 22-08-2020 12:19 PM

@litgym and @lokifish the apps you have recommended look great and this is an awesome threat 

BeePosted 26-01-2019 08:22 PM

Impressive list @litgym 🙂

(Sorry it's taken me a while to look through it, soo much info!)

I have used some of these apps before!

- Calm

- Beyond blue

- Headspace

- Smiling mind

- wysa 


I have a few of those my phone currently, but I haven't been using them recently (I know bad habits) I used to have a really good app for meditation which was free but I lost it and haven't found it again, so if I find it I'll post it here because it was free!



litgymPosted 26-01-2019 08:25 PM

great to hear ! @dog_lover94


@Bee sometimes it is hard to make the effort to use apps ! i really recommend #SelfCare, I personally think you’ll love it 🙂

BeePosted 26-01-2019 08:53 PM
@litgym it is, I know for me I play lots of puzzle apps on my phone, I have uhm 9 puzzle apps, 4 word type games, a chance game Smiley LOL
I will have a look later and I'll let you know how I go 🙂
BunnyWalksPosted 19-01-2019 11:41 PM

Smiling mind is a tops as . 


Does anyone here used this?

annabethxchasePosted 20-01-2019 08:03 AM
I have @BunnyWalks , very good for relaxation!
BunnyWalksPosted 20-01-2019 04:47 PM
Yas boii
dog_lover94Posted 15-01-2019 07:03 PM

This is so great @litgym. So helpful! I am going to download some of these now!

litgymPosted 16-01-2019 10:52 AM

you like any of them ? @dog_lover94

dog_lover94Posted 20-01-2019 06:57 PM

@litgym I have been using the moodpath app for the last few days and I really like how you can keep track of how you are feeling across the day/week!

SmileyKatePosted 15-01-2019 08:08 PM

Mental health apps are a big saver, this helps people like us to be cautious about our health not only mentally but also physically. With the help of modern technology people that have a hard time scheduling some appointment over a doctor can monitor their health with the health of these apps. But never always rely on your phone because it is much better to see an expert that know more about your health rather than a mobile device.


jaswindersinghPosted 14-01-2019 06:59 PM

Thank you for sharing an informative post. 

WonderlahxxPosted 14-01-2019 01:00 PM

These are so good! I’ve recently found a pretty cool mediation app that was completely free and has some tech detox sessions as I find it hard to wind down/stay away from my phone and watching my fav tv show (parks and rec at the moment ;))) that I’m loving at the moment if anyone else is interested! It’s called smiling mind definitely look at it guys! 

unwindPosted 12-01-2019 08:03 PM

Oh my god, @litgym, you're a legend. I'm having a bit of an anxious moment right now and just took a breath when I saw this thread. I always get overwhelmed when I look for mental health apps, so THANK YOU!! I have only read the first two paragraphs, but I just had to say how much better this made me feel straight away Heart Heart

litgymPosted 12-01-2019 08:05 PM

awww that’s so sweet, you are very welcome ! Heart @unwind

lokifishPosted 12-01-2019 05:59 PM

I LOVE THIS THREAD SO MUCH!!! I'm working on a fair few things regarding technology and mental health at the moment, so I am totally on board with this!


The BeyondNow app is so great and one that I use a lot. I do quite a bit of advisory stuff with BeyondBlue so have helped developed the app in different ways, and the way it's turned out is fantastic. Would absolutely recommend to anyone else who struggles with staying safe sometimes.


Another one that's really good and hasn't been mentioned yet is MoodMission (free on iOS and Android). You basically tell it how you're feeling and then it gives you different CBT-based strategies to try. You can also unlock badges and achievements as you use the app which is pretty cool 🙂 I know the team who developed it in another capacity and they're awesome researchers who are really passionate about mental health.


Image result for mood mission


Then there's also Smiling Mind (free on iOS and Android), which a lot of people will be familiar with. It's a meditation-based app but without all the hippy dippy bullshit. I'm not a big mindfulness meditation person, but I can deal with their ones 😛 They have meditations for specific age groups, too, so you can tailor it to suit your needs 🙂


Image result for smiling mind


There are so many more apps out there, too! What does everyone else like to use? 🙂

h0pefulPosted 21-08-2020 05:20 PM

I LOVE Smiling Mind. It's an awesome app and really helped me out when I need it most, especially the SOS module Smiley Very Happy

Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 21-08-2020 05:51 PM
Ooh I found a simple app called "worrydolls" which I've found helpful. Basically you just write down your worries and give them to a doll to worry for you 🙂
A_FriendPosted 22-08-2020 12:16 PM

@Lost_Space_Explorer5 this sounds like a great app

annabethxchasePosted 12-01-2019 07:53 PM

AH the thread has surfaced @litgym in all of it's glory! 

This would've taken sooo much time and effort! Took me a good 10 minutes to read 🙂 I am DEFINITELY gonna download most of these! I haven't done much looking around mental health apps but I'm so happy and relieved that they are out there for everyone to access 🙂

litgymPosted 12-01-2019 07:56 PM

hahahha i knew you would like it and most of these will be super beneficial for you atm Heart @annabethxchase

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