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Hey guys! This week being in lockdown for me has been QUITE TOUGH 😫, but during one of my online lessons, my teacher recommended we should practise affirmation for our wellbeing. Now, what is that 🤔? Affirmation refers to the practice of positive thinking and self-empowerment, "a positive mental attitude supported by affirmations will achieve success in anything." For this week it would be great if we could all try and practise this way of thinking. 


So I'm asking you guys what one thing you are grateful for? This small question ties back to affirmative thinking and can help you see a wider perspective. 


I'll start. I am so grateful to have the technology and resources to be able to go to school and grateful to have this platform to try and make a difference in the world. During these tough times, having my support network (particularly my dogs 😂) has been a major aspect of my life I am grateful for. 


Write down what you guys are grateful for and engage in your own gift of affirmation!😊








24KathalPosted 06-08-2021 08:13 PM


happyandhealthyPosted 11-08-2021 01:27 PM

Hi everyone!!

Sorry I have been M.I.A. for a while 😢 I have been super busy with uni (my thesis is consuming my life atm 😅) and dealing with some things in my personal life.


I love this thread idea @24Kathal 😍 I think affirmations and displaying gratitude daily is so important! Especially with the news of Melbourne's lockdown being extended 😪
I am extremely grateful to have a house to live in, food to eat and the ability to go for walks along the beach during lockdowns (don't worry guys the beach is within my 5km exercise limit lol).

I think that displaying gratitude for these 'simple' things is something that many of us often overlook in our day to day lives. But standing back and appreciating these things helps me put things into perspective and realise how lucky I am, even when stuck in this lockdown!


Emily-ROPosted 11-08-2021 01:45 PM

Hi @happyandhealthy ! Welcome back! 😄 How is your thesis going? I'm glad you've taken some time for yourself.


Oh my gosh the beach is in your 5kms! That's so amazing! 💙


I'm with you that tiny bits of gratitude definitely make a difference. Appreciating the small things can help so much! 

happyandhealthyPosted 16-08-2021 08:48 PM

Thank you! @Emily-RO😄


It's getting there!! It's a lot of work but I think I'm on top of everything... 

I'm so happy to hear that you also appreciate the smaller things in life. I also love the motto in the gif that you posted 🙌

Emily-ROPosted 18-08-2021 10:45 AM

You got this @happyandhealthy ! 😊

Take time for breaks and go at your own pace~


It's the small things throughout the day that make things a little brighter, especially during lockdown! 💙

Emily-ROPosted 11-08-2021 11:16 AM

This is such a great idea @24Kathal😄 


I'm definitely grateful for music! Some music reminds me of people, places, or times in my life. It's like a time travelling device when I just turn up the music and turn off the world!

AnzelmoPosted 08-08-2021 09:13 AM



Little reminders to think about being grateful always puts me in a good mood!


One thing I am grateful for is my dad. When I wake up in the morning, I sometimes find some breakfast or coffee left out for me even though I know that he is really busy with work. I don't get to spend that much time with him since he is working and I'm always caught up in Uni work, so little things like this make me happy. 

Emily-ROPosted 11-08-2021 11:14 AM

This is so lovely! It's the little things that really make a difference hey 😊

My parents would do something similar! I used to joke with them that their love language was cups of tea or coffee!

24KathalPosted 08-08-2021 02:19 PM

That sounds so nice! Our parents are definitely something to be grateful for, especially when we see them less as we grow up. Hope this thought gave a little smile to carry you through the day 🙂

Welcome back!

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