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Weekly Wellbeing: Pets!

Weekly Wellbeing: Pets are life!


Pets bring so much love and joy into our lives! This week's activity is all about pets and the benefits being around animals has for wellbeing Smiley Happy



Activity time!

1. Do you have a pet? If so, share a photo here! (remember to make sure the photo still maintains your anonymity and the anonymity of others 🙂 )

2. If you don't have a pet but want one, what is your dream pet?

3. Find a gif that represents your relationship with your pet!

4. Tell us why your pet is important to you!


Jess1-ROPosted 26-03-2020 09:32 AM


magicstrawberrykittyPosted 29-01-2025 02:08 AM

33533E99-EF34-45DE-BD3C-E55757CFAB20.jpegThis is my cat Trixie. She’s either really calm or really hyper, and there’s this one spot in our backyard where she always goes nuts doing somersaults and attacking her back leg for cat reasons. (Also don’t mind that I posted at 1am, I needed distractions for stuff)

Gracieee00Posted 21-05-2024 12:02 AM


Meet Dulcie (Dol-see), the only grey border collie pup in her litter. Her favourite activities include: attacking your shoes while you walk, playing tug of war with the clothes you’re wearing, playing tug of war with the clothes on the clothes line (and usually winning), and warming the hearts of her family. I love my Dulcie very much and I hope you do too :D.

Blueberry_KuduPosted 21-05-2024 01:42 PM

Hi @Gracieee00

Your puppy is so cute, my puppy does the same thing he attacks your shoes when you walk and I honestly thought he was the only dog that does that haha he also loves socks 

ggc123Posted 17-05-2023 05:47 PM


This is my dog Boo when he was a little pup! Boo makes me smile every day and some days would be a struggle if I didn't have him. Pets are so important because they teach you the true meaning of unconditional love, they are always so happy and excited to see you. 

Owning pets, especially dogs (from personal experience) have always kept me busy and occupied. If I'm having a rough day and don't feel like doing anything, I never have a choice whether I can take my dog for a walk - so he always gets me out of the house and usually the exercise or being in the outdoors makes me feel a whole lot better.


Gif that represents my relationship with Boo :')

DeadRatPosted 14-05-2023 09:18 PM

this cat looks like my cat, sirius

AkinnaPosted 10-03-2023 09:55 PM


BusterBusterBuster and CodyBuster and CodyCodyCody


These are my doggies! (I've also had a budgie, but that's not the same)

Buddy is the first one, he sadly died in 2020. He was a beaglier 😞

But now we have Cody and Buster! Cody is almost 3 years old, and Buster is around 10 months. Cody is a beaglier, and Buster is a beaglier crossed with a cavoodle. They are half brothers.


My dogs are very good for my mental health. They make me smile and laugh. They are soothing to pat (when they sit still lol) and feel nice when they lie on my lap or let me full-on hug them. They actually make my heart melt when I just look at them. They're my babies 🥰

angrylozengerPosted 08-03-2023 08:44 PM



Minty - had her for a  year when she came to our front door one day and we fed her milk, and has stayed with us since

Bre-ROPosted 09-03-2023 02:30 PM

Minty has stunning eyes @angrylozenger😍 what a precious girl. 

Portia_ROPosted 22-06-2022 07:18 PM

Kicking things off for tonight, here's a bit about my pets!


1. Do you have a pet?

I currently have 6 fish - 2 shubunkins (which are kind of like koi fish) named Lizzo and Phyllis, 1 black moor (the googly eyed ones) named Dougal, 1 regular goldfish named Neil, and 1 sucker fish named Wendell. I've had them all for about 2-3 years now, which is really cool because I thought that goldfish couldn't live for very long but it turns out they can get as old as 25! 


I also have 1 fighting fish who lives in his own tank for obvious safety reasons...😂


Here's a picture of my fighting fish, Leo, on the day that I got him about 6 months ago. He was the last fighting fish at the pet shop. One of the ladies that worked in the store told me he had been there for months and that no one wanted to take him because he looked ugly and kind of sick, so naturally, I took him home that day. The first few months were tough - he needed antibiotics every day for 3 weeks, and was floating on his side unable to swim for a while. BUT, with some TLC, a good tank and lots of handfed treats, he eventually got better. Now, he's as fit as a fiddle and swims around happily all day! I'm very proud to have saved the little guy from a lonely life at the pet shop, he really is a fighter!



Screen Shot 2022-06-22 at 7.05.29 pm.png


4. Tell us why your pet is important to you!


A lot of people laugh at me when I tell them how much effort I put into looking after my fish, but these little guys are the only pets I am allowed to have in my apartment, so I treat them like family. Their tanks are on either side of my bed, so it's so nice to roll over and see them swimming about when I wake up in the morning, and to say goodnight to them at the end of the day. When things were tough during lockdown, it always gave me a sense of meaning and purpose to clean their tank and know that I was making their lives a little bit better. Even though I can't pat them like a cat or a dog, they still know who I am and get excited when I come near the tank to feed them in the morning, and after watching them for years now, I feel like each one of them has their own little personality. It feels great to look after another living thing and to give them the best life possible, and when I've had a stressful day, watching them swim around can be pretty soothing. 

AnzelmoPosted 26-06-2022 07:50 PM

Wow, I personally think that Leo looks amazing and that he has such a nice pink color!


I've never owned any furry pets because my parents were always worried we weren't mature enough to take care of them. But we always did have some pet fish, the most memorable being our Koi fishes that we kept in our backyard. 


Now that we are moving to a bigger house, im hoping I can convince them for a dog! 

BeePosted 14-04-2020 08:55 PM

I'm a bit late to this party, but I'm here now 😛


1. Do you have a pet? If so, share a photo here! (remember to make sure the photo still maintains your anonymity and the anonymity of others 🙂 )

Socks asleep on my bed - Lucky girl!Socks asleep on my bed - Lucky girl!Tip in his scratching bowl - such a nice place to snooze!Tip in his scratching bowl - such a nice place to snooze!

3. Find a gif that represents your relationship with your pet!

Socks: If she's not playing with a toy she is either sleeping next to or on it. Although her toys don't move or include big lizards like this gif


and this is the perfect meme for Tip! Smiley LOL if it's not what he wants then that's is it's not happening.



4. Tell us why your pet is important to you!

I would find it incredibly hard to not have these two in my life. They provide me with love, entertainment and affection in their own special ways. They help me remember that the world is bigger than myself; they remind me that simple things can be fulfilling, like a walk outside and a cuddle. And playing with them provides some hilarious entertainment too! 😛

Tiny_leafPosted 15-04-2020 02:44 AM

@Bee this is why we need anonymity.. because otherwise I'd totally steal them..  Smiley Tongue

Are they siblings? I love them. 

Janine-ROPosted 15-04-2020 09:27 AM

@Bee  thanks so much for sharing your fur babies! They are so gorgeous- the top one looks just like the cat my family had when I was a teenager, she was the best. She ended up going to live with my auntie in rural Victoria, and she had the best 'retirement' ever. She lived until she was 20!! 


Agree with @Tiny_leaf , I would totally steal them too lol


My cats are obsessed with tiny lizards, as indoor cats the only time they get to 'hunt' is when little lizards make their way inside. It sends them absolutely crazy, thankfully they've never successfully caught one. They are pretty crap hunters now they live a life of leisure, thankfully.


The less bright one still chases her tail occasionally, funniest thing ever.  


cat chasing GIF


How old are your kitties? 

BeePosted 18-04-2020 08:33 PM
@Tiny_leaf @Janine-RO my kitties, no touchy 😛 haha
They are from the same mother, but different litters.

Janine, I've actually seen a few look-alikes of both my cats. Before we moved, one house around the corner also had 2 cats very similar, the black one was much smaller and less white, and the white one had different black splotches, but every time we thought they were ours until a closer look, that and they wouldn't let us get as close haha.

YESSS, although my cats will chase anything that moves, even flies!

Both kitties were born in 2016, socks (the black one) about March I think and the white on, Tip, on Christmas day! Heart
Jess1-ROPosted 27-08-2020 12:22 PM

Hey there community 🙂 So we can all stay updated on the pets of ReachOut, we have made a Mega Pet Chat here! You can share updated on your pets and their adventures with the community. Thought I'd pop the link here for anyone interested in joining in

Tay100Posted 28-03-2020 12:02 PM

@Jess1-RO such a great activity, especially since we are all spending more time than ever with our fur babies and other pet friends!


1. Do you have a pet? If so, share a photo here! (remember to make sure the photo still maintains your anonymity and the anonymity of othersSmiley Happy)
My golden retriever x Poodle cross Poppy

2. If you don't have a pet but want one, what is your dream pet?
I have a pet. Poppy exceeds all my dreams

3. Find a gif that represents your relationship with your pet!
soft and gentle and close, she is honestly the most placid thing!

4. Tell us why your pet is important to you!
She is a genuinely good dog who cares about you and for you in her own unique way, she looks out for all of us!


xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 28-03-2020 01:32 PM
@Tay100 no, she's not a be able. But she is wonderful, and we're giving her her first bath today!

Nala is a Golden Retriever x English Staffy. I absolutely adore her! And so does the rest of my family, but I have a special bond with her that involves sitting with her before bed and all that. My sister does the rest of the doggy duties, but I do love the exercise and loving I get to do!
Tay100Posted 29-03-2020 12:55 PM

@xXLexi_Lou122Xx  Omg I was way off with beagle then lol! Well, she's beautiful!


JazzInMayPosted 27-03-2020 04:28 PM

I am loving seeing everyone's gorgeous pets!


These are my dogs:




They are always good for hugs! Charlie is 13 and so has been a big part of my life growing up and we rescued Mac just over a year ago, and it's like we've never not had him. They're so sleepy and always ready for cuddles. I used to be afraid of dogs from a bad experience, and Charlie helped me get over my fear!

Tay100Posted 28-03-2020 12:18 PM

@JazzInMay I'm so glad Charlie helped you overcome your fear, my dog Poppy helped me become familiar with dogs and bond with them properly too 🙂


drpenguinPosted 27-03-2020 06:42 PM

Everyone has such adorablee pets! Sadly I don't have any pets of my own but I definitely would want to raise one once I start living on my own! I'd probably want to get a dog suitable for newbie owners living in an apartment although I'm still not sure on what kind of dog I'd want to get! I would love any recommendations you guys have! 😄

Tay100Posted 28-03-2020 12:20 PM

@drpenguin I'm in the same position and mindset as you actually. I should probably try and get confident at looking after plants and fish by myself confidently before getting a dog on my own, hmmm....


Tiny_leafPosted 27-03-2020 08:34 PM

@drpenguin rescue!

Especially if you can handle a big dog, but there are still smaller ones.

Bananatime04Posted 26-03-2020 05:09 PM


As just about all of you know, this is my baby boy, EDDIEEEE!



I think there are so many ways to describe my relationship with Eddie! But one of them would have to be noodle buddies! Smiley Tongue We always eat noodles together! he loves them 🙂 


Eddie is a Maltese shih tzu (he can be a little shit sometimes) and he’s 10 years old! I absolutely love him 🙂 he’s my emotional support, pet, purpose to life and my best friend Heart he’s so special to me because he offers so much love and comfort through my good and bad days (Currently writing this with him in my arms at the kitchen table). I’ve grown up with this ball of fluff since I barely even had hair (I was bald until I was 4, that’s embarrassing) and my love for him continues to grow. The thing about having a dog as your best friend is they don’t judge you, say stuff behind your back or anything like that! They genuinely love you and that’s what makes Eddie so special to me Heart without Eddie who know where I’d be, if I’d even still be here at all.. 

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